(EsPCEx - 2016) O desenho abaixo representa um circuito eltrico composto por resistores hmicos, um gerador ideal e um receptor ideal. A potncia eltrica dissipada no resistor de 4 do circuito :
(Espcex - 2016) Os deslocamentos de populao conhecidos como migraes podem ser gerados por necessidades internas dos prprios grupos populacionais ou por fatores externos a eles. Geralmente esto vinculados a um contexto socioeconmico global ou a um contexto nacional ou regional, ou podem estar ligados a causas econmicas, razes polticas, tnicas ou religiosas [...]. Terra, Lygia; Arajo, Regina; Guimares, Raul.Conexes: estudos de Geografia Geral e do Brasil, 2015, p. 90. Sobre os deslocamentos internacionais de populao, pode-se afirmar que I. diversos fatores podem motivar as migraes, mas, atualmente, so os conflitos religiosos os maiores responsveis pelos movimentos migratrios no mundo. II. pases como Catar e Kuait, no Oriente Mdio, desde a dcada de 1970, transformaram-se numa zona de forte atrao migratria, principalmente de imigrantes de outros pases asiticos, para trabalharem nos campos de petrleo e em reas como a construo civil, comrcio e transportes. III. as baixas taxas de fecundidade, abaixo do nvel necessrio para reposio populacional, e a necessidade de mo de obra no qualificada nos pases europeus tm posto fim s polticas migratrias restritivas nesse continente. IV. os EUA so o pas com o maior nmero de imigrantes internacionais, atrados pelas possibilidades de emprego; por outro lado, dos pases asiticos a maior parte dos emigrantes que deixa seus pases em busca de melhores condies de vida. V. uma das vantagens dos imigrantes em situao irregular que conseguem desfrutar dos servios de sade e educao do pas de destino, como qualquer cidado. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas.
(EsPCEx - 2016) No ano de 2014, os alunos da EsPCEx realizaram um experimento de eletrlise durante uma aula prtica no Laboratrio de Qumica. Nesse experimento, foi montado um banho eletroltico, cujo objetivo era o depsito de cobre metlico sobre um clipe de papel, usando no banho eletroltico uma soluo aquosade sulfato de cobre II. Nesse sistema de eletrlise, por meio de uma fonte externa, foi aplicada uma corrente constante de 100 mA, durante 5 minutos. Aps esse tempo, a massa aproximada de cobre depositada sobre a superfcie do clipe foi de: Dados: massa molar Cu = 64 g/mol; 1Faraday = 96.500 C.
(EsPCEx - 2016) Leia o texto a seguir e responda s questes 48, 49 e 50. How Brazil Crowdsourced a Pioneering Law The passage of the Marco Civil da Internet, an Internet bill of rights commonly referred to in English as the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, demonstrates how the Internet can be used to rejuvenate democratic governance in the digital age. The law is important not only for its content, but for the innovative and participatory way it was written, bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making to go directly to the countrys citizens. At a moment when governments of all kinds are viewed as increasingly distant from ordinary people, Brazils example makes an argument that democracy offers a way forward. The pioneering law was signed in 2014 and has three components. First, it safeguards privacy by restricting the ability of private corporations and the government to store Internet users browsing histories. Second, it mandates a judicial review of requests to remove potentially offensive or illegal material, including content that infringes copyrights. And third, it prohibits Internet service providers from manipulating data transfer speeds for commercial purposes. The bill was acclaimed by activists as an example the rest of the world should follow. What makes this law even more interesting is that it became one of the largest-ever experiments in crowdsourcing legislation. The laws original text was written through a website that allowed individual citizens and organizations including NGOs, businesses, and political parties to interact with one another and publicly debate the laws content. This process was markedly different from the traditional method of writing bills behind closed doors in the halls of Congress, a process that favored well-connected families and large corporations. Policymakers in other countries have tried to capture citizen input using social media before, but never on this scale, in a country of roughly 200 million people. Whether it would succeed was far from certain. During the websites public launch, in 2009, one of the government lawyers summed up the organizers high hopes: This experience could transform the way we discuss not just legislation about the Internet, but also the way we discuss other bills in Brazil, and, in so doing, reconfigure our democracy. Adapted from http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/01/19/how-brazil-crowdsourced-a-landmark-law/ Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes the word bypassing in the sentence ... bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making ... (paragraph 1).
(EsPCEx - 2016) Marque a alternativa correta quanto funo sinttica do termo grifado na frase abaixo. Em Mariana, a igreja, cujo sino de ouro, foi levada pelas guas.
(EsPCEx- 2016) A Primeira Guerra Mundial inicia-se em 1914. Coerentes com seu tradicional isolacionismo, os Estados Unidos da Amrica adotam, a princpio, uma posio de neutralidade. Com relao a esses fatos, correto afirmar que
(EsPCEx - 2016) Embora a maioria dos brasileiros viva na cidade em que nasceu, o volume de migrantes internos enorme, especialmente entre a populao economicamente ativa (PEA). Sobre as migraes internas brasileiras, pode-se afirmar que I. a maior dinmica industrial da Regio Sudeste, em relao s demais, provocou, segundo os ltimos censos demogrficos, o aumento das migraes inter-regionais e uma significativa reduo dos movimentos intrarregionais. II. na dcada de 2000, as chamadas cidades mdias, com at 500 mil habitantes, especialmente as da Regio Centro-Oeste, apresentaram crescimento populacional muito mais vigoroso do que as grandes cidades, tornando-se grande polo de atrao populacional. III. a partir da dcada de 1990, a Regio Metropolitana de So Paulo registrou xodo migratrio por conta das chamadas migraes de retorno, contudo o Estado de So Paulo ainda apresenta saldo migratrio positivo. IV. a expanso da fronteira agrcola e do agronegcio na Regio Sul faz desta a regio com o maior percentual de residentes no nascidos em seu interior. V. as migraes pendulares dirias nas metrpoles ocorrem entre o ncleo urbano central e os ncleos situados no seu entorno, fisicamente integrados entre si, o que no possvel ocorrer entre ncleos que esto apenas funcionalmente integrados. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas.
(EsPCEx - 2016) Um cubo de massa 4 kgest inicialmente em repouso sobre um plano horizontal sem atrito. Durante 3 s, aplica-se sobre o cubo uma fora constante F,horizontal e perpendicular no centro de uma de suas faces, fazendo com que ele sofra um deslocamento retilneo de 9 m,nesse intervalo de tempo, conforme representado no desenho abaixo. No final do intervalo de tempo de 3 s, osmdulos do impulso da fora F e da quantidade de movimento do cubo so respectivamente:
(EsPCEx- 2016) Assinale a alternativa em que as palavras so antnimas.
(EsPCEx - 2016) O nmero N de bactrias de uma cultura dado em funo do tempo t (em minutos), pela frmula. Considere, o tempo (em minutos) necessrio para que a cultura tenhabactrias
(EsPCEx - 2016) Um mineral muito famoso, pertencente ao grupo dos carbonatos, eque d origem a uma pedra semipreciosa a malaquita, cuja a frmula : Cu2(OH)2CO3 (ou CuCO3 Cu(OH)2). Experimentalmente pode-se obter malaquita pela reao de precipitao que ocorre entresolues aquosas de sulfato de cobre II e carbonato de sdio, formando um carbonato bsicode cobre II hidratado, conforme a equao da reao: 2 CuSO4(aq) + 2 Na2CO3(aq)+H2O(l) CuCO3 Cu(OH)2(s) +2 Na2SO4(aq)+ CO2(g) Na reao de sntese da malaquita, partindo-se de 1.060 g de carbonato de sdio econsiderando-se um rendimento de reao de 90%, o volume de CO2 (a 25 C e 1 atm) e amassa de malaquita obtida sero, respectivamente, de Dados: - massas atmicas Cu =64 u; S =32 u; O =16 u; Na =23 u; C =12 u; H =1u. - volume molar 24,5 L mol, no estado padro.
(EsPCEx - 2016) How Brazil Crowdsourced a Pioneering Law The passage of the Marco Civil da Internet, an Internet bill of rights commonly referred to in English as the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet, demonstrates how the Internet can be used to rejuvenate democratic governance in the digital age. The law is important not only for its content, but for the innovative and participatory way it was written, bypassing traditional modes of legislation-making to go directly to the countrys citizens. At a moment when governments of all kinds are viewed as increasingly distant from ordinary people, Brazils example makes an argument that democracy offers a way forward. The pioneering law was signed in 2014 and has three components. First, it safeguards privacy by restricting the ability of private corporations and the government to store Internet users browsing histories. Second, it mandates a judicial review of requests to remove potentially offensive or illegal material, including content that infringes copyrights. And third, it prohibits Internet service providers from manipulating data transfer speeds for commercial purposes. The bill was acclaimed by activists as an example the rest of the world should follow. What makes this law even more interesting is that it became one of the largest-ever experiments in crowdsourcing legislation. The laws original text was written through a website that allowed individual citizens and organizations including NGOs, businesses, and political parties to interact with one another and publicly debate the laws content. This process was markedly different from the traditional method of writing bills behind closed doors in the halls of Congress, a process that favored well-connected families and large corporations. Policymakers in other countries have tried to capture citizen input using social media before, but never on this scale, in a country of roughly 200 million people. Whether it would succeed was far from certain. During the websites public launch, in 2009, one of the government lawyers summed up the organizers high hopes: This experience could transform the way we discuss not just legislation about the Internet, but also the way we discuss other bills in Brazil, and, in so doing, reconfigure our democracy. Adapted from http://foreignpolicy.com/2016/01/19/how-brazil-crowdsourced-a-landmark-law/ According to the text, choose the correct statement.
(EsPCEx - 2016) Marque a alternativa correta quanto ao emprego da vrgula, de acordo com as normas gramaticais.
(EsPCEx - 2016) Operation Desert Storm Was Not Won By Smart Weaponry Alone Technology has long been a deciding factor on the battlefield, from powerful artillery to new weaponry to innovations in the seas and the skies. Twenty-five years ago, it was no different, as the United States and its allies proved overwhelmingly successful in the Persian Gulf War. A coalition of U.S. Army Apache attack helicopters, cruise missiles from naval vessels, and Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighters soundly broke through Saddam Husseins army defenses in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm, which became known as the 100-hour war. But for all the possibilities that this Computer War offered, Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry, alone. Despite the science fiction-like technology deployed, 90 percent of the pieces of ammunition used in Desert Storm were actually dumb weapons. The bombs, which werent guided by lasers or satellites, were lucky to get within half a kilometer of their targets after they were dumped from planes. While dumb bombs might not have been exciting enough to make the headlines during the attack, they were cheaper to produce and could be counted on to work. But frequency of use doesnt change why history will remember Desert Storm for its smart weapons, rather than its dumb ones. Adapted from http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/operation-desert-storm-was-not-won-smart-weaponry-alone-180957879/ Choose the alternative that has the sentence Operation Desert Storm was not won by smart weaponry (paragraph 2) correctly changed into active voice.
(EsPCEx- 2016) Leia as afirmaes abaixo referentes Revoluo Francesa. I. Sua principal funo social era defender a nao. II. Fase da Revoluo Francesa que durou de 1794 at 1799. III. Revoltas camponesas comuns na Frana na dcada de 1780. IV. Defendiam um governo central forte, o voto universal e a participao popular na direo do processo revolucionrio. Os fragmentos I, II, III e IV referem-se, respectivamente, ao/(s)