(ITA - 2014 - 1ª FASE) (2ª questão sobre o texto)
A questão abaixo se refere ao seguinte texto.
Assinale a opção em que a retirada do termo sublinhado compromete o sentido da oração.
“For boys, especially, learning to drive became an essential part of growing up.” (linha 2)
“... to restrict new car registrations and invest heavily in public transport.” (linha 13)
“... they were much more likely to answer “yes” than older consumers.” (linhas 19 e 20)
“The cost of adding a young driver to the family’s car-insurance policy too has risen sharply…” (linhas 23 e 24)
“... cars are advertised as being for the young but are bought mainly by the middle-aged …” (linha 32)