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Questões - MACKENZIE 2002 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(MACKENZIE - 2002) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence. If she had gone to the movies, ___________.


(Mackenzie - 2002) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentences. A - _______ to the movies alone? B - Yes, but I wish you _______ with me.


(MACKENZIE - 2002) RELIGION AND THE BRAIN In the new field of Neurotheology, scientists seek the biological basis of spirituality, is God our heads? BY SHARON BEGLEY One Sunday morning in March, 19 years ago, as Dr. James Austin waited for a train in London, he ___(I)____away from the tracks toward the river Thames. The American neurologist - ___(II)____was spending a sabbatical year in England -saw nothing out of the ordinary: the grimy Underground station, a few dingy buildings, some pale gray sky. He ___(III)____, a bit absent-mindedly, about the Zen Buddhist retreat he was headed toward. And then, Austin suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment unlike anything he had ever experienced. His sense of individual existence, of separateness from the physical world around him, evaporated like morning mist in a bright dawn.Time was not present, he says. I had a sense of eternity. My old yearnings, loathings, fear of death and insinuations of selfhood vanished. Rather than interpret his instant of grace as proof of a reality beyond the comprehension of our senses,Austin took it as proof of the existence of the brain.As a neurologist, he accepts that all we see, hear, feel and think is mediated or created by the brain. Austins moment in the Underground therefore inspired him to explore the neurological underpinnings of spiritual and mystical experience. In order to feel that time, fear and self-consciousness ___(IV)____, he reasoned, certain brain circuits must be interrupted. Which ones? Activity in the amygdala, ___(V)____monitors the environment for threats and registers fear, must be damped. Parietal-lobe circuits, which orient you in space and mark the sharp distinction between self and world, must go quiet. Frontal and temporal-lobe circuits, ___(VI)____mark time and generate self-awareness, must disengage. More and more scientists ___(VII)____ to neurotheology, the study of the neurobiology of religion and spirituality.What all the new research shares is a passion for uncovering the neurological underpinnings of spiritual and mystical experiences--for discovering, in short, what happens in our brains ___(VIII)____ we sense that we ___(IX)____a reality different from--and, in some crucial sense, higher than - the reality of every - day experience, as psychologist David Wulff of Wheaton College in Massachusetts puts it. In neurotheology, psychologists and neurologists try to pinpoint which regions turn on, and which turn off, during experiences that seem to ex- ist outside time and space.Spiritual experiences are so consistent across cultures, across time and across faiths, says Wulff, that it suggestsa common core that is likely a reflection of structures and processes in the human brain. In Why God Wont Go Away, published in April, Dr. Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania and his late collaborator, Eugene dAquili, use brain-imaging technology to identify what seems to be the brains spirituality circuit. (Adapted fromNewsweek) As lacunas I, III e VII devem ser preenchidas respectiva e corretamente por:


(MACKENZIE2002) São substâncias usadas preferencialmente como fonte de energia:


(Mackenzie - 2002) Indicate the alternative that best completes the following sentence. Julia isnt going to London. __________ you going ________?


(Mackenzie - 2002) Vino a la excursin a REGAADIENTES. O significado correto da palavra em destaque :


(MACKENZIE 2002) Os termos criptógama e fanerógama são utilizados,respectivamente, para indicar plantas que não têm flores e as que têm flores; avascular evascular designam, respectivamente, plantas que não têm e que têm vasos condutores deseiva. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta exemplo de planta criptógama vascular.


(MACKENZIE - 2002) Creo que me ___________ un rato ms. A expresso verbal que preenche corretamente a lacuna :


Fin de semana   Por fin viernes. Había tenido una semana difícil en el trabajo. Su jefe, que ...(I)... con la moral baja por no sé qué líos, llevaba quince días ...(II)... pegar un ojo; un cliente alemán se puso intransigente con el plazo de entrega de un informe y con que si la formalidad es la formalidad y, para ...(III)..., su secretaria tuvo que faltar dos días, porque el mocoso de su hijo no se le había ocurrido otra cosa que coger las paperas. Condenado a jornadas de 11 horas, logró finalmente sobrevivir. Ahora ya era viernes y, ante la ventana de su recién estrenado despacho en la flamante Torre Picasso [...] se extendía una vista maravillosa: una inmensa hilera de coches cargados con papás y niños ...(IV)... silenciosamente la terrorífica ciudad en busca del fin de semana perfecto.   Texto de Alberto Anaut. (Adaptado de El País)     (MACKENZIE/2002)  A preposição que preenche corretamente a lacuna (II) é:


(Mackenzie - 2002) O socialismo a etapa de desenvolvimento social que comea com o triunfo da revoluo proletria. Trata-se de uma etapa que surge diretamente do capitalismo e durante a qual se ajustam e se transformam os elementos herdados do passado. Durante essa etapa, vo desaparecendo os elementos negativos e vo-se fortalecendo os elementos que conduzem ao comunismo. Marta Harmecker O conceito de socialismo, a que se refere a autora do fragmento acima, NO pressupe:


(MACKENZIE 2002) As flores da planta maravilha podem ser vermelhas, brancas ou rosas. As flores vermelhas e brancas so homozigotas, enquanto as rosas so heterozigotas. Para se obter 50% de flores brancas, necessrio cruzar:


(Mackenzie 2002)  Após a reação de K2O com água, o cátion presente em solução tem 20 nêutrons e distribuição eletrônica 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6. O número de prótons desse íon é:

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