(Uece 2008) TEXT It is impossible to define the now primary sense of literature precisely or to set rigid limits on its use. Literary treatment of a subject requires creative use of the imagination: something is constructed which is related to real experience, but is not of the same order. What has been created in language is known only through language, and the text does not give access to a reality other than itself. As a consequence, the texts that make up English literature are a part and a product of the English language and cannot be separated from it. Among the various ways of defining literature are to see it as an imitation of life, through assessing its effect on a reader, and by 1ANALYZING its form. The imitation of life. Since at least the 4th century BC, when Aristotle described poetry as mimesis (imitation), literature has been widely regarded as an imitation of life. The mimetic theory was dominant for centuries, only falling into disfavor in the late 18th century with the rise of Romanticism, which took poetry to be essentially an expression of personal feeling. In the 20th century, however, the idea of mimesis was revived. Effect on the reader. 2READING literature is widely believed to develop 3UNDERSTANDING and 4FEELING, by complementing the primary experiences of life with a range of secondary encounters. Although the experience of literature is not the same as real experience, it can have an influence that extends beyond the period of 5READING. The response is inward and does not necessarily lead to physical movement or social action, although texts written as scripture or propaganda may have such results. In the 5-4th centuries BC, Plato acknowledged the power of poetry, but distrusted its rhetorical effect and mythic quality. In the Phaedrus, he attacked the cultivation of persuasion rather than the investigation of truth and in the Republic argued that, in an ideal state, poets would have no educational role. Aristotle, however, thought that the catharsis or purgation experienced in witnessing a tragic drama was beneficial. Generally, like Aristotle, critics have attached importance to the ethical purpose of literature and the morally 6UPLIFTING value of the best literature. Analyzing form. A reader is unlikely to respond with interest to the discovery that a textbook is written in continuous prose, with paragraphs and chapters. This is simply the accepted mode of referential writing. However, confrontation with a sonnet or the structure of a novel raises questions about the authors choice of form, a choice often related to contemporary fashion as well as individual intention. The literary writer imposes on language a more careful ordering than the choice of words and syntax that accompanies general communication. Traditionally, literary texts have been easy to identify: an ode or a play is literary, but a menu or a telephone directory is not. There is, however, an indeterminate area of essays, biographies, memoirs, history, philosophy, travel books, and other texts which may or may not be deemed literary. [...] Many texts appear therefore to have literary aspects combined with other qualities and purposes, and ultimately individual or consensual choice must decide which has priority. The word literature tends to be used with approval of works perceived as having artistic merit, the evaluation of which may depend on social and linguistic as well as aesthetic factors. If the criteria of quality become exacting, a canon may emerge, limited in its inclusions and exclusions, and the members of a society or group may be required (with various degrees of pressure and success) to accept that canon and no other. Literature is an exceptional area of language use, which many people have regarded as the highest service to which language can be put and the surest touchstone of good usage. Its creation is dependent on the resources available to the author in any period, but those resources may be enriched and increased by a literary tradition in which quotations from and allusions to the classics abound and many words have literary nuances. In the 20th century, much attention has been given to the language of literature and the question of whether there is in fact distinctively literary language. Many features thought of as literary appear in common usage. Meter and formal rhythm derive from everyday speech, words often rhyme without conscious contrivance, multiple meaning and word associations are part of daily communication, and tropes and figures of speech are used in ordinary language. However, literary language shows a greater concentration of such features, deliberately arranged and controlled. Literary language makes us pause to consider, reread, and assess in a way that would destroy the flow of other modes of communication. (From: McARTHUR, Tom (ed.). The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.) The sentence: Since at least the 4th century BC, when Aristotle described poetry as mimesis (imitation), literature has been widely regarded as an imitation of life contains a /an:
(Uece 2008) TEXT It is impossible to define the now primary sense of literature precisely or to set rigid limits on its use. Literary treatment of a subject requires creative use of the imagination: something is constructed which is related to "real" experience, but is not of the same order. What has been created in language is known only through language, and the text does not give access to a reality other than itself. As a consequence, the texts that make up English literature are a part and a product of the English language and cannot be separated from it. Among the various ways of defining literature are to see it as an imitation of life, through assessing its effect on a reader, and by 1ANALYZING its form. The imitation of life. Since at least the 4th century BC, when Aristotle described poetry as mimesis (imitation), literature has been widely regarded as an imitation of life. The mimetic theory was dominant for centuries, only falling into disfavor in the late 18th century with the rise of Romanticism, which took poetry to be essentially an expression of personal feeling. In the 20th century, however, the idea of mimesis was revived. Effect on the reader. 2READING literature is widely believed to develop 3UNDERSTANDING and 4FEELING, by complementing the primary experiences of life with a range of secondary encounters. Although the experience of literature is not the same as 'real' experience, it can have an influence that extends beyond the period of 5READING. The response is inward and does not necessarily lead to physical movement or social action, although texts written as scripture or propaganda may have such results. In the 5-4th centuries BC, Plato acknowledged the power of poetry, but distrusted its rhetorical effect and mythic quality. In the Phaedrus, he attacked the cultivation of persuasion rather than the investigation of truth and in the Republic argued that, in an ideal state, poets would have no educational role. Aristotle, however, thought that the catharsis or purgation experienced in witnessing a tragic drama was beneficial. Generally, like Aristotle, critics have attached importance to the ethical purpose of literature and the morally 6UPLIFTING value of 'the best' literature. Analyzing form. A reader is unlikely to respond with interest to the discovery that a textbook is written in continuous prose, with paragraphs and chapters. This is simply the accepted mode of referential writing. However, confrontation with a sonnet or the structure of a novel raises questions about the author's choice of form, a choice often related to contemporary fashion as well as individual intention. The literary writer imposes on language a more careful ordering than the choice of words and syntax that accompanies general communication. Traditionally, literary texts have been easy to identify: an ode or a play is 'literary', but a menu or a telephone directory is not. There is, however, an indeterminate area of essays, biographies, memoirs, history, philosophy, travel books, and other texts which may or may not be deemed literary. [...] Many texts appear therefore to have literary aspects combined with other qualities and purposes, and ultimately individual or consensual choice must decide which has priority. The word literature tends to be used with approval of works perceived as having artistic merit, the evaluation of which may depend on social and linguistic as well as aesthetic factors. If the criteria of quality become exacting, a canon may emerge, limited in its inclusions and exclusions, and the members of a society or group may be required (with various degrees of pressure and success) to accept that canon and no other. Literature is an exceptional area of language use, which many people have regarded as the highest service to which language can be put and the surest touchstone of good usage. Its creation is dependent on the resources available to the author in any period, but those resources may be enriched and increased by a literary tradition in which quotations from and allusions to 'the classics' abound and many words have literary nuances. In the 20th century, much attention has been given to the language of literature and the question of whether there is in fact distinctively literary language. Many features thought of as literary appear in common usage. Meter and formal rhythm derive from everyday speech, words often rhyme without conscious contrivance, multiple meaning and word associations are part of daily communication, and tropes and figures of speech are used in ordinary language. However, literary language shows a greater concentration of such features, deliberately arranged and controlled. Literary language makes us pause to consider, reread, and assess in a way that would destroy the flow of other modes of communication. (From: McARTHUR, Tom (ed.). The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.) In the sentence "IF THE CRITERIA OF QUALITY BECOME EXACTING, a canon may emerge ..." the part in capital letters is a/an:
(Uece 2008) No que se refere à importância dos oceanos e mares, pode-se afirmar, corretamente, que:
(UECE 2008) A zona pelúcida é uma estrutura encontrada nos(as) ____________________, cuja função é __________________. Assinale a alternativa que contém os termos que preenchem, na ordem, as lacunas, completando, corretamente, a afirmação.
(UECE - 2008) Assinale a alternativa em que todas as expresses destacadas tm valor de adjetivo. A MEMRIA E O CAOS DIGITAL Fernanda Colavitti 2A era digital trouxe inovaes e facilidades para o homem que superou de longe o que 16a fico previa at pouco tempo atrs. 1Se antes precisvamos correr em busca de informaes de nosso interesse, hoje, teis ou no, elas que nos assediam: resultados de loterias, dicas de cursos, variaes da moeda, ofertas de compras, notcias de atentados, ganhadores de gincanas, etc. 11Por outro lado, 6enquanto cresce a capacidade dos discos rgidos e a velocidade das informaes, o desempenho da memria humana est ficando cada vez mais comprometido. Cientistas so unnimes ao associar 3a rapidez das informaes geradas pelo mundo digital com a restrio de nosso disco rgido natural. 10Eles ressaltam, porm, que 7o problema no est propriamente 4nas novas tecnologias, mas 5no uso exagerado delas, o que faz com que deixemos de lado atividades mais estimulantes, como a leitura, que envolvem diversas funes do crebro. Os mais prejudicados por esse processo tm sido crianas e adolescentes, cujo desenvolvimento neuronal acaba sendo moldado preguiosamente. Responda sem pensar: qual era a manchete do jornal de ontem? Voc lembra o nome da novela que 12antecedeu o Clone? E quem era o tcnico da Seleo Brasileira na Copa do Mundo de 1994? No ter uma resposta imediata para essas perguntas no deve ser causa de preocupao para ningum, mas exemplifica bem o problema constatado pela fonoaudiloga paulista Ana Maria Maaz Alvarez, que h mais de 20 anos estuda a relao entre audio e recordao. A pedido de duas empresas, 8ela realizou uma pesquisa para saber o que estava ocorrendo com os funcionrios que reclamavam com frequncia de lapsos de memria. Foram entrevistados 71 homens e mulheres, com idade de 18 e 42 anos. 9A maioria dos esquecimentos era de natureza auditiva, como nomes que acabavam de ser ouvidos ou assuntos discutidos. (Por falar nisso, responda sem olhar no pargrafo anterior: voc lembra o nome da pesquisadora citada?) Ana Maria 13descobriu que os lapsos de memria resultavam basicamente do excesso de informao em consequncia do tipo de trabalho que essas pessoas exerciam nas empresas, e do pouco tempo que 14dispunham para process-las, somados angstia de querer saber mais e ao excesso de atribuies. Elas no se detinham no que estava sendo dito (lido, ouvido ou visto) e, consequentemente, no 15conseguiam gravar os dados na memria, afirma. (Fonte Internet: Superinteressante, 2001).
(UECE/2008) A adaptao que ocorre com determinados tipos de borboletas, cujas espcies palatveis apresentam um padro de colorao que a disfara como impalatvel, enquanto em outros casos diversas espcies impalatveis convergem na aparncia, cada uma ganhando proteo derivada de sua similaridade com as outras espcies denominada de
(UECE - 2008) Somente cerca de 1 % das baterias usadas dos telefones celulares vai para a reciclagem. No Brasil, 180 milhes de baterias so descartadas todos os anos. O problema de tudo isso parar no lixo comum a contaminao por metais pesados. A composio qumica das baterias varia muito, mas a mais nociva a feita de nquel e cdmio (Ni-Cd) que so metais txicos que tm efeito cumulativo e podem provocar cncer. Sobre esses metais pode-se afirmar, corretamente, que:
(UECE-08) Duas cascas esféricas concêntricas, de densidades uniformes, têm massas M1 (raio r1) e M2 (raio r2), como mostra a figura. Assinale a alternativa que contém o valor da força gravitacional sobre uma partícula de massa m localizada entre as cascas, a uma distância d dos seus centros.
(Uece 2008) A Química estrutura-se como um conhecimento que se estabelece mediante relações complexas e dinâmicas que envolvem focos de interesse, cujo tripé é: Tomando como base esse quadro, assinale a alternativa que associa, corretamente, substância, constituição, propriedade e transformação, nesta ordem.
(Uece 2008 - Adaptado) Na primeira coluna da tabela a seguir, encontram-se listadas estruturas da pele e, na segunda, algumas das funes desempenhadas por essas estruturas. Tomando como base a tabela anterior, assinale a alternativa que contm, as 2 estruturas que desempenhamcada uma, duas das funes mencionadas na tabela.
(UECE-2008) Se antes precisávamos correr em busca de informações de nosso interesse, hoje, úteis ou não, elas é que nos assediam ... (ref. 1). Na mensagem dessa frase, está implícito que
(Uece 2008) Está implícito no texto que
(UECE 2008) Dentre os elementos de sustentao das esponjas, as espculas so estruturas calcrias ou constitudas de slica. Assinale a alternativa que contm a denominao correta das clulas que produzem essas estruturas.
(UECE - 2008) A Petrone le gust el hostal Cervantes por razones que hubieran desagradado a otros. Era un hostal sombro, tranquilo, casi desierto. Alguien lo recomend cuando cruzaba el ro en el vapor, dicindole que se ubicaba en la zona cntrica de Montevideo. Petrone acept una habitacin modesta, con bao en el segundo piso, que daba directamente a la sala de recepcin. Por el tablero de llaves en la portera supo que haba poca gente en el hostal; las llaves estaban unidas a unos pesados discos de bronce con el nmero de la habitacin, inocente recurso de la gerencia para impedir que los clientes se las echaran al bolsillo. El ascensor dejaba frente a la recepcin, donde haba un mostrador con los diarios del da y el tablero telefnico. Le bastaba caminar unos metros para llegar a la habitacin. El agua sala hirviendo, y eso compensaba la escasez de luz y falta de sol y aire. En la habitacin haba una pequea ventana que daba a la azotea del cine contiguo; 1a menudo una paloma se paseaba por ah. El cuarto de bao tena una ventana ms grande, que se abra tristemente a un muro y a un lejano pedazo de cielo. Los muebles eran buenos, haba cajones y estantes de sobra. Y muchas perchas, cosa rara. 2El gerente result ser un hombre alto y flaco, completamente calvo. Usaba anteojos con armazn de oro y hablaba con la voz fuerte y sonora de los uruguayos. Le dijo a Petrone que el segundo piso era muy tranquilo y que en la nica habitacin contigua a la suya viva una seora sola, empleada en alguna parte, que volva al hostal a la cada de la noche. Petrone la encontr al da siguiente en el ascensor. Se dio cuenta de que era ella por el nmero de la llave que tena en la palma de la mano, como si ofreciera una enorme moneda de oro. El portero tom la llave y la de Petrone para colgarlas en el tablero y se qued hablando con la mujer sobre unas cartas. Petrone 3tuvo tiempo de ver que era todava joven, insignificante, y que se vesta mal como todas las orientales. Antes de salir Petrone charl con el empleado que atenda la recepcin y que hablaba con acento alemn. Mientras se informaba sobre lneas de autobs y nombres de calles, miraba distrado la gran sala en cuyo extremo estaban las dos puertas de su habitacin, y la de la seora sola. Entre las dos puertas haba un pedestal con una nefasta rplica de la Venus de Milo. Otra puerta, en la pared lateral, daba a una salita con 4butacas y alfombras. Cuando el empleado y Petrone callaban, el silencio del hostal pareca coagularse, caer como ceniza sobre los muebles y las baldosas. El ascensor resultaba casi estrepitoso, y lo mismo el ruido de las hojas de un diario o el raspar de un fsforo. CORTZAR, Julio. Cuentos Completos 1. Alfaguara, Mxico, 1966, pp. 310-311. Adaptado. En las frases el gerente result ser un hombre alto y FLACO (ref. 2) y tuvo tiempo de ver que era TODAVA joven (ref. 3), los trminos en letras destacadas:
(UECE - 2008) Em Chiapas, no Mxico, em 1994, ocorre uma rebelio conduzida pela Frente Zapatista de Libertao Nacional que reivindica mudanas na distribuio da terra e benefcios sociais para as populaes do campo e indgena. Quanto utilizao do termo zapatistas, assinale o correto.