(UEL -1996) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: Did you like the film? No, not very (I) (II) was wrong with it? The actors were good but the story was too sentimental. Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (II) da fraseapresentada.
(UEL - 1996) TEXTO PARA A PRXIMA QUESTO: In the summer of 1926, an English golf enthusiast named Samuel Ryder (I) a friendly game between some British professionals and the American players during that years Open. When it (II) that these matches be held on a more regular basis, Samuel Ryder immediately agreed to provide the trophy that bears his name. I am sure I have never (III) a (IV) thing than this, he declared. Today, the (V) Cup Matches bring (VI) the finest professionals from both sides of the Atlantic. Assinale a letra correspondente alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) da frase apresentada.
(UEL - 1996) When I asked Jim if he liked his job he replied that he...........
(UEL - 1996) Nesta questo uma certa situao sugerida. Assinale a alternativa mais adequada para a situao. Do you still have tickets to Londrina? Yes, we do. When does the next bus leave? .......