(Uemg 2017) Dirio aliengena Continuo sem entender muito bem. Hoje passou por mim um ser de sexo indefinido, que me deixou ainda mais confuso. Seu aspecto era muito estranho. Tinha um rosto delicado, um nariz pequeno, os lbios bem delineados, mas no muito grossos, formando, no conjunto, o que aqui se chama de mulher bonita. Os cabelos, muito escuros e lisos, eram tambm femininos, compridos, bem tratados e lustrosos. Mas, assim que se fechava em ponta a linha do queixo, dava-se a transformao: o pescoo, largo e musculoso, era estriado de veias, parecendo inflado a ponto de rebentar. O tronco, imenso e forte, abria-se para os lados em braos espetaculares, rgidos, com gigantescos ns de msculos sobrepondo-se uns aos outros e formando uma curva um pouco semelhante que encontramos em certos primatas. As pernas eram igualmente brutais, levemente arqueadas devido ao volume dos msculos, dando ao andar uma cadncia que em tudo se parecia com o dos seres do outro sexo. J havia visto algumas criaturas um tanto indefinidas por aqui, mas esta me pareceu um exemplo extremo. No pude classific-la. Alis, tenho tido grande dificuldade para fazer as classificaes. Tudo me parece de difcil compreenso. Esse pequeno territrio que nos serve de amostragem traz incoerncias que me deixam atnito. Para dizer a verdade, as contradies so muitas, infinitas, no tendo havido ainda um registro lgico capaz de explicar tantas coisas de que j lhe falei, como as discrepncias na ocupao do espao, para dar apenas um exemplo. Mas a verdade que, de todos os absurdos a que tenho assistido nesse primeiro contato, nenhum me deixou mais espantado do que o seguinte: como civilizao razoavelmente evoluda em termos tecnolgicos, eles parecem ter centrado boa parte de sua pesquisa cientfica na busca do conforto. Inventaram pequenos aparelhos, bastante engenhosos, que lhes facilitam a vida, tornando-os cada vez mais ociosos e aos quais do nomes variados, como automveis, computadores, celulares, controle remoto etc. Tudo parece ter sido inventado com um nico objetivo: o de lev-los a fazer menos esforo fsico. Pois muito bem: voc acredita que, nas chamadas horas de lazer, eles correm pelas ruas feito loucos, de um lado para o outro, suando em bicas, sem parecer querer chegar a lugar algum? E mais: concentram-se tambm em locais que chamam de academias e l se dedicam, sozinhos ou em grupos, s tarefas mais extenuantes e inteis, muitas vezes atados a aparelhos de tortura, os quais parecem buscar por livre vontade, e no forados, como j vimos acontecer com outros povos brbaros. Chegam a caminhar sobre esteiras, sem sair do lugar! No lhe parece o maior dos absurdos? Bem, continuarei observando e tentando entender. Espero estar de volta em breve, na paz de nossa querida Andrmeda e longe deste planeta louco. SEIXAS, H. In: Novos contos mnimos. Disponvel em: http://heloisaseixas.com.br/diario-deum-marciano. Acesso em: 02 out. 2016. Com a finalidade de explorar determinados efeitos de sentido, o ttulo da crnica faz referncia ao gnero textual dirio. Constitui uma caracterstica desse gnero presente no texto
(Uemg 2017) Uma reação química hipotética é representada pela seguinte equação: A(g) + B(g) → C(g) + D(g) e ocorre em duas etapas: A(g) → E(g) + D(g) (Etapa lenta) E(g) + B(g) → C(g) (Etapa rápida) A lei da velocidade da reação pode ser dada por
(UEMG - 2017) How a young students innovative idea hopes to boost response times for EMTs By Woody Brown on June 1, 2015 Drones have been at the forefront of the national conversation for years now. As the components needed to create them grow smaller and more affordable, many companies and organizations have started exploring the potential that drones could have to improve our daily lives. Whether by delivering a product with unprecedented speed or taking photographs and video from new heights, drones have many capabilities, most of which we have yet to discover. One young man, however, has envisioned a new way to use drones that could save thousands of lives. One of the greatest obstacles facing first responders and emergency medical technicians [EMTs] when it comes to the difficult business of saving lives is time. Think of your daily commute: people in the United States spend an average of 25.5 minutes traveling one-way to work every day. In bumperto-bumper traffic, blaring sirens and flashing lights are often not enough to clear a fast path for an ambulance to reach someone in need. During cardiac arrest, there are, at most, a few minutes to save a persons life. After that, the mortality rate rises steeply. With stakes this high, every second counts. Alec Momont, a graduate student in engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, recognized this problem and saw a way to significantly reduce deaths that result from delayed emergency care. What if ambulances could fly? Or rather, what if we could make a drone that functioned like a stripped-down, lightweight automatic external defibrillator [AED]? AEDs, which can be found in schools, sports arenas and many government buildings, are significantly more effective than cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] at preventing fatalities resulting from cardiac arrest. CPR can be helpful, but an AED is better, and very few people have AEDs in their cars or homes. As his masters degree project, Momont built a prototype of this lifesaving drone. It contained an AED, a microphone and speakers. The average travel time, according to him, could be cut by 90 percent. Heres how it works: In the event of cardiac arrest, a paramedic would respond to a call by flying the drone at a speed of 60 mph to the scene of the emergency. The paramedic would then give instructions to someone near the victim,who would position the AED. Once in place, the AED would operate automatically. The paramedic would be able to see through the camera whether or not the pads on the AED have been correctly positioned, and how the victim responds. A dramatized video released by Momonts university demonstrates all of this functionality. In it, a young woman calls emergency services in a panic because her father has had a heart attack. A calm-voiced EMT answers and guides her through the surprisingly simple process of finding and using the drone. Fewer than two minutes after she makes the call, her father sits up and hugs her. The ambulance drone can increase the chances of surviving cardiac arrest from eight percent to 80 percent, Momont says in the video. The drones ability to travel as the crow flies frees it from infrastructural limitations that currently impede road-bound ambulances. Using advanced production techniques such as 3D printed microstructures and carbon fiber frame construction, we were able to achieve a very lightweight design, Momont says. The result is an integrated solution that is clear in its orientation and friendly in appearance. Momonts aim is to rapidly expand the existing framework of emergency services by constructing many of these drones over the next five years. Expenses are low: each drone is relatively cheap to make, about $18,600. By comparison, a typical ambulance costs more than $100,000, and a ride in one usually costs more than $1,000. The ambulance drones can even fly autonomously (though legislation in many countries does not permit this yet). Several emergency service providers have already expressed interest. If the technology continues to receive financial support from other parties in the healthcare industry, Momonts dream could very easily become a reality. We live in a world where drones have, so far, been used mostly in armed conflict. Momont, however, has a different vision. In the near future that he describes, tens of thousands of needless deaths will be prevented with his ingenious invention. That is certainly welcome news, especially in the United States, which deals with skyrocketing numbers of heart-related ailments and disabilities. Lets use drones for a good purpose, Momont says. Let us use drones to save lives. Adapted from: https://www.verizon.com/about/news/vzw/2015/05/ambulance-drones-could-save-thousands-of-lives. Acess on: 03 Oct. 2016. The use ofCANin paragraphs 3 and 6 reveals the idea of
(Uemg 2017) As indústrias modernas surgem a partir da Primeira Revolução Industrial e vem evoluindo tecnologicamente ao longo dos anos. Sobre os principais centros industriais brasileiros, é INCORRETO afirmar que
(UEMG) Ebulioscopia a propriedade coligativa, relacionada ao aumento da temperatura de ebulio de um lquido, quando se acrescenta a ele um soluto no voltil. Considere as trs solues aquosas a seguir: Soluo A = NaCl 0,1 mol/L Soluo B = sacarose 0,1 mol/L Soluo C = CaCl2 0,1 mol/L As solues foram colocadas em ordem crescente de temperatura de ebulio em
(Uemg 2017) Analise o heredograma sobre a herana da distrofia muscular de Duchenne, uma doena degenerativa, determinada por gene recessivo, ligado ao cromossomo X representado a seguir. Os indivduos I.1 e II.1 so afetados pela herana. A probabilidade do descendente III.2 ser uma menina afetada ser de
(UEMG -2017) Leia os versos a seguir: Ouvi, Povos, o grito, Que vamos livres erguer; O Brasil sacode o jugo, Independncia ou Morrer. Congresso opressor jurara Nossos povos abater: Em seu despeito amamos Independncia ou Morrer. Depois de trezentos anos Livre o Brasil vai viver: Deve a Pedro a Liberdade, Independncia ou morrer. Independncia ou morrer. Poesia annima, publicada pela Tipografia do Dirio no ano de 1822, Rio de Janeiro. Apud: CARVALHO, Jos Murilo de, BASTOS, Lcia BASILE, Marcelo (Orgs.). Guerra literria: panfletos da Independncia (1820-1823). Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG, 2014, 257-258. 4 v. No cenrio poltico em que a poesia acima foi elaborada, as relaes entre Brasil e Portugal agravaram-se devido /ao
(Uemg 2017) Um estudante dispunha de um espelho cncavo e de uma lente biconvexa devidro para montar um dispositivo que amplia a imagem de um objeto. Ele ento montou odispositivo, conforme mostrado no diagrama. O foco do espelho Fe os das lentes sofef. O objetoO representado pela seta. Aps a montagem, o estudante observou que era possvel visualizar duas imagens. Ascaractersticas dessas imagens so:
(Uemg 2017) Analise os gráficos a seguir: Sobre o uso dos recursos hídricos pelas diversas atividades humanas, é correto afirmar que
(UEMG - 2017) How a young students innovative idea hopes to boost response times for EMTs By Woody Brown on June 1, 2015 Drones have been at the forefront of the national conversation for years now. As the components needed to create them grow smaller and more affordable, many companies and organizations have started exploring the potential that drones could have to improve our daily lives. Whether by delivering a product with unprecedented speed or taking photographs and video from new heights, drones have many capabilities, most of which we have yet to discover. One young man, however, has envisioned a new way to use drones that could save thousands of lives. One of the greatest obstacles facing first responders and emergency medical technicians [EMTs] when it comes to the difficult business of saving lives is time. Think of your daily commute: people in the United States spend an average of 25.5 minutes traveling one-way to work every day. In bumperto-bumper traffic, blaring sirens and flashing lights are often not enough to clear a fast path for an ambulance to reach someone in need. During cardiac arrest, there are, at most, a few minutes to save a persons life. After that, the mortality rate rises steeply. With stakes this high, every second counts. Alec Momont, a graduate student in engineering at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, recognized this problem and saw a way to significantly reduce deaths that result from delayed emergency care. What if ambulances could fly? Or rather, what if we could make a drone that functioned like a stripped-down, lightweight automatic external defibrillator [AED]? AEDs, which can be found in schools, sports arenas and many government buildings, are significantly more effective than cardiopulmonary resuscitation [CPR] at preventing fatalities resulting from cardiac arrest. CPR can be helpful, but an AED is better, and very few people have AEDs in their cars or homes. As his masters degree project, Momont built a prototype of this lifesaving drone. It contained an AED, a microphone and speakers. The average travel time, according to him, could be cut by 90 percent. Heres how it works: In the event of cardiac arrest, a paramedic would respond to a call by flying the drone at a speed of 60 mph to the scene of the emergency. The paramedic would then give instructions to someone near the victim,who would position the AED. Once in place, the AED would operate automatically. The paramedic would be able to see through the camera whether or not the pads on the AED have been correctly positioned, and how the victim responds. A dramatized video released by Momonts university demonstrates all of this functionality. In it, a young woman calls emergency services in a panic because her father has had a heart attack. A calm-voiced EMT answers and guides her through the surprisingly simple process of finding and using the drone. Fewer than two minutes after she makes the call, her father sits up and hugs her. The ambulance drone can increase the chances of surviving cardiac arrest from eight percent to 80 percent, Momont says in the video. The drones ability to travel as the crow flies frees it from infrastructural limitations that currently impede road-bound ambulances. Using advanced production techniques such as 3D printed microstructures and carbon fiber frame construction, we were able to achieve a very lightweight design, Momont says. The result is an integrated solution that is clear in its orientation and friendly in appearance. Momonts aim is to rapidly expand the existing framework of emergency services by constructing many of these drones over the next five years. Expenses are low: each drone is relatively cheap to make, about $18,600. By comparison, a typical ambulance costs more than $100,000, and a ride in one usually costs more than $1,000. The ambulance drones can even fly autonomously (though legislation in many countries does not permit this yet). Several emergency service providers have already expressed interest. If the technology continues to receive financial support from other parties in the healthcare industry, Momonts dream could very easily become a reality. We live in a world where drones have, so far, been used mostly in armed conflict. Momont, however, has a different vision. In the near future that he describes, tens of thousands of needless deaths will be prevented with his ingenious invention. That is certainly welcome news, especially in the United States, which deals with skyrocketing numbers of heart-related ailments and disabilities. Lets use drones for a good purpose, Momont says. Let us use drones to save lives. Adapted from: https://www.verizon.com/about/news/vzw/2015/05/ambulance-drones-could-save-thousands-of-lives. Acess on: 03 Oct. 2016, The word that functions as an adjective in the text is
(UEMG/2017) De acuerdo con la viñeta, se puede inferir que
(UEMG) Uma mistura formada por gua, CCl4e sal de cozinha (NaCl) passou por dois processos fsicos com o objetivo de separar todos os seus componentes. Considere o fluxograma e as afirmaes sobre as caractersticas dos referidos processos: I- O processo de separao II uma filtrao. II- A mistura restante uma soluo homognea. III- O processo de separao I corresponde a uma decantao. IV- As substncias puras II e III correspondem a dois lquidos temperatura ambiente. So corretas apenas as afirmativas
(UEMG/2017) La palabra HACIA, en las dos primeras frases de la viñeta, es
(Uemg 2017) O dimer é um aparelho usado para controlar o brilho de uma lâmpada ou apotência de um outro aparelho, como um ventilador. Um dimer foi usado para controlar o brilhode uma lâmpada cujas especificações são 24,0 We12,0 V.A lâmpada foi associada em sérieao dimer e ligada a uma bateria de12,0 V,conforme representado no diagrama. Sabendo-se que o dimer foi regulado para que a lâmpada dissipasse81%de sua potência, apotência que ele dissipa, emW,é
(Uemg 2017)Os números 258 e 179 têmseus algarismos escritos em ordem crescente. Os números 558 e 496 não têm seus algarismos escritos em ordem crescente.Quantos são os números de três algarismos nos quaisesses algarismos aparecem em ordem crescente?