(UNICAMP - 2004 - 2ª fase)
O texto a seguir apareceu na revista Men’s Health, no número de julho/agosto de 2003. Leia-o e responda à questão 15.
Alcohol can increase your risk of being hurt in a car accident, even if you aren't behind the wheel. A new University of Michigan study reports that men who've been drinking are 50 percent more likely to experience a serious injury during a car accident than sober passengers. Even worse, those injuries tend to be up to 30 percent more severe than in accidents in which alcohol isn't involved. And the increased risk isn't just from poor judgment. Researchers believe alcohol may temporarily weaken cell membranes, making them more likely to rupture during a crash.
a) Que alerta é feito no texto?
b) Segundo a pesquisa descrita no artigo, pessoas alcoolizadas tornam-se mais vulneráveis em acidentes automobilísticos. Por quê?