(UNICAMP - 2010 - 2ª fase)
O excerto abaixo foi adaptado do conto “True Love” de Isaac Asimov.
My name is Joe. That is what my colleague, Milton Davidson, calls me. He is a programmer and I am a computer. I am Milton’s experimental model. His Joe. Milton has never married, though he is nearly 40 years old. He has never found the right woman, he told me. One day he said, “I’ll find her yet, Joe. I’m going to find the best. I’m going to have true love and you’re going to help me. I’m tired of improving you in order to solve the problems of the world. Solve my problem. Find me true love.”
(T. Kral (org.), Being People – An Anthology. Washington, D.C.: USIA, s/d, p. 183.)
a) Do que Milton Davidson está cansado?
b) Por que Milton Davidson não se casou e o que ele espera que Joe faça por ele?