(UNICAMP - 2013 - 2ª fase)
Photoshopping Our Souls Away
By Sarey Martin McIvor
In 2011, the American Medical Association, the most respected group of medical professionals in the U.S., took a public stance against the way media “corrects” photographs of humans, arguing that it is a leading cause of anorexia, the third most common mental chronic disorder in adolescents.
It’s bad enough that most models are part of a gene pool and age group that encompasses a very small percentage of the population. But now, they are photographing these folks and manipulating their skin, their weight, and proportions to make them into perfect alien life forms that exist only in a computer.
(Adaptado de http://darlingmagazine.org/author/sarey-martinmcivor/. Acessado em 18/12/2012.)
a) O que fez a American Medical Association em 2011 e por quê?
b) Justifique o título do texto.