(UNICAMP - 2014 - 2ª fase)
South America’s Earliest Empire
Images of winged, supernatural beings adorn a pair of heavy gold-and-silver ear ornaments that a high-ranking Wari woman wore to her grave in the newly discovered mausoleum at El Castillo de Huarmey in Peru.
The Wari forged South America's earliest empire between 700 and 1000 A.D., and their Andean capital boasted a population greater than that of Paris at the time. Today, Peru's Minister of Culture will officially announce the discovery of the first unlooted Wari imperial tomb by a team of Polish and Peruvian researchers. In all, the archaeological team has found the remains of 63 individuals, including three Wari queens.
(Disponível em http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/06/pictures/130627-peru-archaeology-wari-south-america-humansacrifice-royal-ancient-world-photos/. Acessado em 27/08/2013.)
a) Que tipo de ornamento pessoal foi encontrado em um sítio arqueológico no Peru, do que ele é feito e a quem ele pertencia?
b) Explicite duas informações sobre o povo Wari presentes no texto.