(UNICAMP - 2015)
Feline Intelligence
Dog and cat lovers seem to relish unending debates over which animal is "smarter." Dog owners often cap their arguments with the fact that dogs have the ability to perform tricks, while cat people counter with the claim that their pets are too intelligent to perform on command. In truth, such methods of pet comparison are useless animal-world versions of mixing apples and oranges. Dogs are motivated by a strong need to follow and please their masters in order to receive praise. The solitary cat answers to no one; nevertheless, if trainability may not be the feline's forte, cleverness and adaptability certainly are.
(Adaptado de http://www.animalplanet.com/pets/cat-intelligence.htm. Acessado em 14/06/2014.)
Segundo o texto,
comparar a inteligência de animais tão diferentes como cães e gatos não faz nenhum sentido.
os cachorros são mais inteligentes que os gatos porque conseguem cumprir ordens de seus donos.
donos de gatos reclamam que seus animais de estimação não obedecem às suas ordens.
se cães e gatos forem bem treinados, demonstrarão a mesma inteligência e adaptabilidade.