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Questões de Inglês - UNIOESTE 2012 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 1

(UNIOESTE - 2012 - 2 fase) Microsoft is buying Skype One is the giant business, whose software powers more than 90% of the worlds computers. The other is the firm, which has revolutionised the way many communicate. Now Skype is being swallowed up by Microsoft. Its just eight years since Skype started helping people to make calls over the internet for nothing, and this is the third time its been bought and sold. Microsoft has been struggling to prove it can compete with the likes of Google and Apple. Now as it tries to make an impact on the mobile-phone world, it wants Skype to help it become a bigger force. Skype is now used by 170 million people around the world (each month), not just on their computers, but on the move - on their mobile phones and even on their tablet devices. Microsoft wants to tap in to this connected community, but its paying a huge price for a business that isnt even profitable. Rory Cellan-Jones, BBC News. Fonte:http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/wordsinthenews/2011/05/110511 witn_skype_page.shtml Onde se l Microsoft is buying Skype, correto afirmar que


(UNIOESTE- 2012) Brazil police occupy Rio favela in World Cup operation Brazilian security forces have occupied one of Rio de Janeiros biggest slums as part of a major crackdown ahead of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. Some 800 police and special forces moved into the Mangueira shantytown, without needing to fire a shot, having announced the raid in advance. The slum or favela is close to Rios famous Maracana stadium, where the World Cup final will be played. The pre-dawn operation involved armoured vehicles and helicopters. According to the newspaper,O Globo, leaflets were thrown out of the helicopters, some with photos of wanted criminals. Others were printed with the police special forces telephone number so that residents could pass on information about drugs traffickers or weapons. BBC Brazil correspondent Paulo Cabral says most of Mangueiras residents co-operated with the operation, as they want to rid the area of drug dealers. He says that Rios authorities are making an effort to gain the trust of those living in the slums, who after decades of abuse have got used to seeing the police as their enemy. Mangueira home to one of Rios most famous samba schools is the 18th favela that the authorities have occupied recently. Adapted from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13833037 The only option that does not contain an adjective used in the superlative form is:


(UNIOESTE -2012) Brazil presidency website hacked, jammed in attack claimed by Lulz collective A cyber attack blocked traffic to the website of the Brazilian presidency and two other government sites on Wednesday, authorities said. The Brazilian branch of the Lulz Security hacking collective claimed responsibility for the attacks. Lulz members have claimed responsibility for recent attacks on the site of electronics giant Sony, along with the CIA web page and the U.S. Senate computer system. The Brazilian presidents office said in a statement that attacks on the website of the presidency, along with the nations internal revenue service and a government portal began around 12:30 a.m. and lasted until 3 a.m. The government said it stopped the hackers from obtaining data from the websites, but that the attacks made them inaccessible for about an hour. Hours later, people who claimed to be Lulz members said on Twitter that they had taken down the website of oil company Petrobras, whose website was down Wednesday afternoon. Petrobras would not confirm whether the problems with its website were caused by an attack. On a Twitter page in the name of the Brazilian branch of Lulz, posters justified the apparent attack on the Petrobras website by complaining about the price of gasoline in Brazil. Wake up Brazil! We no longer want to buy gas at 2.75 to 2.78 reals ($1.73 to $1.75) and export for half of that price! stated one tweet from the group. Adapted from: http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/americas/brazil-presidency-website-hacked-jammed-in-attack-claimed-by-lulz-collective/2011/06/22/AGb53KgH_story.html Which verb form is used in the sentence: Wake up Brazil!.


(UNIOESTE - 2012) Brazil police occupy Rio favela in World Cup operation Brazilian security forces have occupied one of Rio de Janeiros biggest slums as part of a major crackdown ahead of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. Some 800 police and special forces moved into the Mangueira shantytown, without needing to fire a shot, having announced the raid in advance. The slum or favela is close to Rios famous Maracana stadium, where the World Cup final will be played. The pre-dawn operation involved armoured vehicles and helicopters.According to the newspaper, O Globo, leaflets were thrown out of the helicopters, some with photos of wanted criminals. Others were printed with the police special forces telephone number so that residents could pass on information about drugs traffickers or weapons. BBC Brazil correspondent Paulo Cabral says most of Mangueiras residents co-operated with the operation, as they want to rid the area of drug dealers. He says that Rios authorities are making an effort to gain the trust of those living in the slums, who after decades of abuse have got used to seeing the police as their enemy. Mangueira home to one of Rios most famous samba schools is the 18th favela that the authorities have occupied recently. Adapted from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13833037 got used to refers to:

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