(UPE -2013) Buses for the future The city of Curitiba, Brazil, has one of the most convenient and modern bus systems in the world, called Bus Rapid Transit. Very large buses for up to 300 people travel on major roads all around the city. Passengers board the buses (I) comfortable glass tube stations. If they dont have a pass or a ticket, they pay their fare in the station, so everyone gets on the bus very quickly when it arrives. They can transfer to another route (II) paying again. Where different bus routes connect, there are comfortable terminals, (III).. telephones, small shops, and rest rooms. The system is efficient and very popular with the people of Curitiba. More than 70 percent of the commuters there travel ..(IV). bus every day. JOHANSEN, K.L., CHASE, Rebecca T. World English: real people, real places, real language. Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2010. (Adaptado.) Considerando o contexto e a gramtica, marque a alternativa que preenche CORRETAMENTE as lacunas I, II, III e IV quanto ao uso das preposies.
(UPE -2013) Texto 1 Texto 2 No texto 1, 2 quadrinho, qual expresso interrogativa completa CORRETAMENTE a pergunta?