(UPE - 2018) ONE OF THE WORLD‟S BIGGEST RECORD LABEL IS GOING RETRO Sony Music Entertainment said this week it will begin pressing vinyl records again, ending an almost three-decade hiatus. A dramatic increase in demand for vinyl music in recent years prompted the move, a Sony spokeswoman said. Interest is coming from younger customers who have never used records before as well as older fans, she added. Sony whose artists include Adele, Beyonc and Daft Punk ended production of vinyl in 1989 after CDs cornered the market. But despite the current popularity of digital music services like Spotify, old school records are enjoying a renaissance. Consulting firm Deloitte predicts the vinyl music industry will post double-digit growth in 2017 for the seventh year in a row, selling 40 million new discs and generating as much as $900 million in revenue. Vinyl could account for up to 18% of all physical music revenue this year, which is likely to top $5 billion, Deloitte said in a recent report. Turntables and other vinyl-related accessories are also benefiting as a result. Sony and Panasonic both introduced new record player models last year to cash in. Sony said it will resume vinyl production by March next year in a factory southwest of Tokyo thats run by one of its subsidiaries. It still hasnt yet decided which genres of music it will produce, according to the spokeswoman. The firm installed an analog record-cutting machine in February, which makes master copies of records for mass production, and is now introducing a pressing machine, she said. Sonys biggest challenge is the lack of engineers experienced in making records. Former engineers are returning to the company in advisory roles to pass on their expertise to younger employees, the spokeswoman added. Even though vinyl has made a big comeback, its sales will still be dwarfed by those of other formats like digital music and CDs, according to Deloitte. And vinyl revenue forecasts are still a long way off their peak in the late 70s and early 80s, when more than half a billion records were sold annually in the U.S. alone. Disponvel em:http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/30/news/sony-music-brings-back-vinyl-records/index.html.Adaptado. In the 9thparagraph, you can find
(Upe 2015) Sleeping on stilts in the Amazon As 75-year-old villager Antônio Gomes told us stories of growing up in Boca do Mamirauá, a tiny settlement in the northern Amazon rainforest, I tried to ignore the tiny blue flies biting through my trousers. Despite my interest in hearing how locals survive in this remote part of the Brazilian rainforest, now a part of the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, I was grateful to escape when he finished, finding refuge in one of the tall wooden houses. The houses hover some 3m above the ground. They are not unusual: almost everything in the Mamirauá reserve is on stilts, even the chicken coop. It has to be. Although much of Brazil is currently suffering one of the worst droughts in decades, this part of the Amazon is almost completely flooded for the six-month wet season. By April, the end of the rainy season, the river rises up to 10m high and overflows its banks. As a result, all living things in the forest, including locals, must adopt an amphibious lifestyle. Even the jaguars have learned to adapt by living in tree branches when the floods arrive. Only 1,000 tourists per year are allowed to visit Mamirauá, which, at 57,000sqkm, is the largest wildlife reserve in the country. Created in 1984 to save the once-endangered uakari monkey, the reserve is the most carefully managed and protected part of the Amazon – and is also home to what many consider Brazil’s most successful sustainable tourist resort, the Uakari Floating Lodge. “If [the reserve] had not been created,” guide Francisco Nogeuira said, “the rivers and lakes would be empty of fish, and who knows how many trees would remain today?” (Disponível em: http://www.bbc.com/travel/feature/20140626-sleeping-on-stilts-in-the-amazon) In the last paragraph, it is possible to find sentences in
(UPE -2013) Buses for the future The city of Curitiba, Brazil, has one of the most convenient and modern bus systems in the world, called Bus Rapid Transit. Very large buses for up to 300 people travel on major roads all around the city. Passengers board the buses (I) comfortable glass tube stations. If they dont have a pass or a ticket, they pay their fare in the station, so everyone gets on the bus very quickly when it arrives. They can transfer to another route (II) paying again. Where different bus routes connect, there are comfortable terminals, (III).. telephones, small shops, and rest rooms. The system is efficient and very popular with the people of Curitiba. More than 70 percent of the commuters there travel ..(IV). bus every day. JOHANSEN, K.L., CHASE, Rebecca T. World English: real people, real places, real language. Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2010. (Adaptado.) Considerando o contexto e a gramtica, marque a alternativa que preenche CORRETAMENTE as lacunas I, II, III e IV quanto ao uso das preposies.
(UPE -2013) Texto 1 Texto 2 No texto 1, 2 quadrinho, qual expresso interrogativa completa CORRETAMENTE a pergunta?
(Upe 2012) Trying to predict what will happen as our planet warms up is not easy. We know that ice at the poles is melting and this is making sea levels rise. Warmer temperatures are likely to change other aspects of the weather. Some countries, such as those in North Africa, may become ____I___ , while other areas, such as Northern Europe, may become ________II__________. There will probably be more storms, droughts, and flooding. (Adaptado deImpact of climate change. In: The New Childrens Encyclopedia.London: 2009. p. 78) As lacunas I e II no texto acima podem ser completadas, de forma correta e na mesma sequência, pela opção
(UPE - 2013) [] Oh the cell phone! Everyone knows how important personal cell phones have become toteens. 3In fact, TeenFrontier.com reports that 25% of cell phone 4revenues come from teens.2As important as your cell phone is, summer job etiquette demands that teenagers take steps to curb the use of personal cell phones in the workspace. To be considered a professional workingteen at a summer job, 1keep cell phones off, avoid texting and keep earpieces out of sight whileworking. [] DIAS, Reinildes; JUC, Leina; FARIA, Raquel. Prime: ingls para o ensino mdio. So Paulo:Macmillan, 2010. (Adaptado.) Em relao aos recursos lingusticos utilizados no texto, pode-se afirmar que I. Keep... off (ref. 1) um phrasal verb e significa manter distncia. II. Em As important as your cell fone is... (ref. 2), h uma comparao de superioridadeimplcita. III. In fact (ref. 3) um marcador do discurso e indica uma reformulao. IV. O vocbulo revenues (ref. 4) um termo cognato. V. O trecho keep cell phones off, avoid texting and keep earpieces out of sight while working.(ref. 1) expressa um conselho. Esto CORRETAS:
(UPE -2012) Shopaholics are people who buy things compulsively without really needing them. They cannot go into a shop just to look around. They have to buy ___________I _________. Shopaholics often buy clothes without trying them on and often make themselves unhappy by buying more than they can use or pay for. The shopaholic who runs out of money will sometimes resort to shoplifting (stealing small items from shops). Compulsive shopping is a type of _____________II______________ similar to the ones to alcohol or cigarettes. (COSTA, Marcelo Baccarin. Globetrekker. So Paulo: Macmillan, 2008.) As lacunas I e II no texto podem ser completadas, de forma correta e na mesma sequncia, pela opo