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Questões de Inglês - ENEM | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 95

(ENEM -2013) Steve Jobs: A life Remembered 1955-2011 Readersdigest.ca takes a look back at Steve Jobs, and his contribution to our digital world. CEO. Tech-Guru. Artist. There are few corporate figures as famous and well-regarded as former-Apple CEO Steve Jobs. His list of achievements is staggering, and his contribution to modern technology, digital media, and indeed the world as a whole, cannot be downplayed. With his passing on October 5, 2011, readersdigest.ca looks back at some of his greatest achievements, and pays our respects to a digital pioneer who helped pave the way for a generation of technology, and possibilities, few could have imagined. Disponvel em: www.readersdigest.ca. Acesso em: 25 fev. 2012. Informaes sobre pessoas famosas so recorrentes na mdia, divulgadas de forma impressa ou virtualmente. Em relao a Steve Jobs, esse texto prope

Questão 91

(ENEM - 2012) Quotes of the Day Friday, Sep. 02, 2011 There probably was a shortage of not just respect and boundaries but also love. But you do need, when they cross the line and break the law, to be very tough. British Prime Minister DAVID CAMERON, arguing that those involved in the recent riots in England need tough love as he vows to get to grips with the countrys problem families. Disponvel em: www.time.com. Acesso em: 5 nov. 2011 (adaptado). A respeito dos tumultos causados na Inglaterra em agosto de 2011, as palavras de alerta de David Cameron tm como foco principal

Questão 92

(ENEM - 2012) Aproveitando-se de seu status social e da possvel influncia sobre seus fs, o famoso msico Jimi Hendrix associa, em seu texto, os termos love, power e peace para justificar sua opinio de que

Questão 93

(ENEM - 2012) Cartuns so produzidos com o intuito de satirizar comportamentos humanos e assim oportunizam a reflexo sobre nossos prprios comportamentos e atitudes. Nesse cartum, a linguagem utilizada pelos personagens em uma conversa em ingls evidencia a

Questão 94

(ENEM - 2012) I, too I, too, sing America. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, Ill be at the table When company comes. Nobodyll dare Say to me, Eat in the kitchen, Then. Besides, Theyll see how beautiful I am And be ashamed I, too, am America. HUGHES, L. In: RAMPERSAD, A.; ROESSEL, D. (Ed.) The collected poems of Langston Hughes. New York: Knopf, 1994. Langston Hughes foi um poeta negro americano que viveu no sculo XX e escreveu I, too em 1932. No poema, a personagem descreve uma prtica racista que provoca nela um sentimento de

Questão 95

(ENEM - 2012) 23 February 2012 Last update at 16:53 GMT BBC World Service J. K. Rowling to pen first novel for adults Author J. K. Rowling has announced plans to publish her first novel for adults, which will be very different from the Harry Potter books she is famous for. The book will be published worldwide although no date or title has yet been released. The freedom to explore new territory is a gift that Harrys success has brought me, Rowling said. All the Potter books were published by Bloomsbury, but Rowling has chosen a new publisher for her debut into adult fiction. Although Ive enjoyed writing it every bit as much, my next book will be very different to the Harry Potter series, which has been published so brilliantly by Bloomsbury and my other publishers around the world, she said, in a statement. Im delighted to have a second publishing home in Little, Brown, and a publishing team that will be a great partner in this new phase of my writing life. Disponvel em: www.bbc.co.uk. Acesso em: 24 fev. 2012 (adaptado). J. K. Rowling tornou-se famosa por seus livros sobre o bruxo Harry Potter e suas aventuras, adaptados para o cinema. Esse texto, que aborda a trajetria da escritora britnica, tem por objetivo

Questão 91

(ENEM - 2011) Na fase escolar, prtica comum que os professores passem atividades extraclasse e marquem uma data para que as mesmas sejam entregues para correo. No caso da cena da charge, a professora ouve uma estudante apresentando argumentos para

Questão 92

(ENEM - 2011) Going to university seems to reduce the risk of dying from coronary heart disease. An American study that involved 10 000 patients from around the world has found that people who leave school before the age of 16 are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack and die than university graduates. Word Repat News. Magazine Speak Up. Ano XIV, n 170. Editora Cameot, 2001. Em relao s pesquisas, a utilizao da expresso university graduates evidencia a inteno de informar que

Questão 93

(ENEM - 2011) Hows your mood? For an interesting attempt to measure cause and effect try Mappiness, a project run by the London School of Economics, which offers a phone app that prompts you to record your mood and situation. The Mappiness website says: Were particularly interested in how peoples happiness is affected by their local environment air pollution, noise, green spaces, and so on which the data from Mappiness will be absolutely great for investigating. Will it work? With enough people, it might. But there are other problems. Weve been using happiness and well-being interchangeably. Is that ok? The difference comes out in a sentiment like: We were happier during the war. But was ourwell-being also greater then? Disponvel em: http:www.bbc.co.uk. Acesso n: 27 jun. 2011 (adaptado). O projeto Mappiness, idealizado pela London School of Economics, ocupa-se do tema relacionado

Questão 94

(ENEM -2011) War Until the philosophy which holds one race superior And another inferior Is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, Everywhere is war Me say war. That until there is no longer First class and second class citizens of any nation, Until the color of a mans skin Is of no more significance than the color of his eyes Me say war. [...] And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique. South Africa, sub-human bondage have been toppled, Utterly destroyed WeII, everywhere is war Me say war. War in the east, war in the west, War up north, war down south War- war - Rumors of war. And until that day, the African continent wiII not know peace. We. Africans, will fight we find it necessary And we know we shall win As we are confident in the victory. MARLEY. B. Disponvel em: http://www.sing365.com. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2011 (fragmento). Bob Marley foi um artista popular e atraiu muitos fs com suas canes. Ciente de sua influncia social, na msica War, o cantor se utiliza de sua arte para alertar sobre

Questão 95

(ENEM -2011) A tira, definida como um segmento de histria em quadrinhos, pode transmitir uma mensagem com efeito de humor. A presena desse efeito no dilogo entre Jon e Garfield acontece porque

Questão 91

(ENEM - 2010) Viva la Vida I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning and I sleep alone Sweep the streets I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemys eyes Listen as the crowd would sing Now the old king is dead! Long live the king! One minute I held the key Next the walls were closed on me And I discovered that my castles stand Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand [] MARTIN, C. Viva la vida, Coldplay. In: Viva la vida or Death and all his friends. Parlophone, 2008. Letras de msicas abordam temas que, de certa forma, podem ser reforados pela repetio de trechos ou palavras. O fragmento da cano Viva la vida, por exemplo, permite conhecer o relato de algum que

Questão 92

(ENEM - 2010) THE WEATHER MAN They say that the British love talking about the weather. For other nationalities this can be a banal and boring subject of conversation, something that people talk about when they have nothing else to say to each other. And yet the weather is a very important part of our lives. That at least southwest of England. Here employees and computers supply weather forecasts for much of the world. Speak Up.Ano XXIII, no 275. Ao conversar sobre a previsão do tempo, o texto mostra

Questão 93

(ENEM - 2010) Disponvel em: http://www.fool.com. Acesso em 21 jul. 2010. Ao optar por ler a reportagem completa sobre o assunto anunciado, tem-se acesso a duas palavras que Bill Gates no quer que o leitor conhea e que se referem

Questão 94

(ENEM - 2010) MILLENIUM GOALS Disponvel em: http://www.chris-alexander.co.uk/1191. Acesso em: 28 jul. 2010 (adaptado) Definidas pelos pases membros da Organizao das Naes Unidas e por organizaes internacionais, as metas de desenvolvimento do milnio envolvem oito objetivos a serem alcanados at 2015. Apesar da diversidade cultural, esses objetivos, mostrados na imagem, so comuns ao mundo todo, sendo dois deles:

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