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Questões - IME 2015 | Gabarito e resoluções

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Questão 31

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] O processo de deposio de filmes finos de xido de ndio-estanho extremamente importante nafabricao de semicondutores. Os filmes so produzidos por pulverizao catdica comradiofrequncia assistida por campo magntico constante. Considere as afirmativas abaixo: I - O ndio um mau condutor de eletricidade. II O raio atmico do ndio maior que o do estanho. III A densidade do ndio menor que a do paldio. IV O ponto de fuso do ndio maior que o do glio. Analisando as afirmativas acima, conclui-se que

Questão 31

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 3 Xerox and the Icarus Paradox Schilling, Melissa A. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, Fourth Edition According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his fathers warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to ones way of doing things. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xeroxs quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xeroxs manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 3 A SEGUIR. What Icarus and the Xerox have in common is that

Questão 32

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Identifique a alternativa em que a configurao eletrnica da espcie qumica representada, em seuestado fundamental, dada por:

Questão 32

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 4 Case Study 1: Damage Assessment in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan devastated the city of Tacloban in the Philippines. Soon after, a case the size of a backpack arrived, accompanied by a small team of experts. This pilot project to bring in a UAV, with a range of up to five kilometers and a high-resolution video camera, to assist humanitarian responders was the work of a partnership between several private sector firms and NetHope, a consortium of NGOs. The Philippines lacked the necessary regulations, so the use of the UAV was cleared by a special agreement with the Mayor of Tacloban. The UAV was covered with insurance that covered damage or injury due to malfunction. The UAV was used first to identify where to set up a base of operations, and then to check if roads were passable, a task that could take days when done on foot or by helicopter. The UAV was also flown up the coast to evaluate damage from storm surge and flooding and to see which villages had been affected. The aerial assessments really helped to speed up efforts, cut down on wasted time and work, and make them more accurate in their targeting of assistance. It was also suggested that the UAV might have located survivors in the rubble using infrared cameras if it had arrived within 72 hours. Interest is building in developing local capacity for using UAVs in disaster response. SkyEye Inc., a local start-up, is working with the Ateneo de Manila University to train five teams across the Philippines to locally deploy UAVs in preparation for next typhoon season. UAV= unmanned aerial vehicle NGOs= Non-Governmental Organizations Disponvel em http://www.unocha.org/about-us/publications/flagship-publications/*/72 Acesso em 15 Abr 2015. ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 4 A SEGUIR.

Questão 33

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 33

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 4 Case Study 1: Damage Assessment in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan devastated the city of Tacloban in the Philippines. Soon after, a case the size of a backpack arrived, accompanied by a small team of experts. This pilot project to bring in a UAV, with a range of up to five kilometers and a high-resolution video camera, to assist humanitarian responders was the work of a partnership between several private sector firms and NetHope, a consortium of NGOs. The Philippines lacked the necessary regulations, so the use of the UAV was cleared by a special agreement with the Mayor of Tacloban. The UAV was covered with insurance that covered damage or injury due to malfunction. The UAV was used first to identify where to set up a base of operations, and then to check if roads were passable, a task that could take days when done on foot or by helicopter. The UAV was also flown up the coast to evaluate damage from storm surge and flooding and to see which villages had been affected. The aerial assessments really helped to speed up efforts, cut down on wasted time and work, and make them more accurate in their targeting of assistance. It was also suggested that the UAV might have located survivors in the rubble using infrared cameras if it had arrived within 72 hours. Interest is building in developing local capacity for using UAVs in disaster response. SkyEye Inc., a local start-up, is working with the Ateneo de Manila University to train five teams across the Philippines to locally deploy UAVs in preparation for next typhoon season. UAV= unmanned aerial vehicle NGOs= Non-Governmental Organizations Disponvel em http://www.unocha.org/about-us/publications/flagship-publications/*/72 Acesso em 15 Abr 2015. ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 4 A SEGUIR.

Questão 34

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 4 Case Study 1: Damage Assessment in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan In November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan devastated the city of Tacloban in the Philippines. Soon after, a case the size of a backpack arrived, accompanied by a small team of experts. This pilot project to bring in a UAV, with a range of up to five kilometers and a high-resolution video camera, to assist humanitarian responders was the work of a partnership between several private sector firms and NetHope, a consortium of NGOs. The Philippines lacked the necessary regulations, so the use of the UAV was cleared by a special agreement with the Mayor of Tacloban. The UAV was covered with insurance that covered damage or injury due to malfunction. The UAV was used first to identify where to set up a base of operations, and then to check if roads were passable, a task that could take days when done on foot or by helicopter. The UAV was also flown up the coast to evaluate damage from storm surge and flooding and to see which villages had been affected. The aerial assessments really helped to speed up efforts, cut down on wasted time and work, and make them more accurate in their targeting of assistance. It was also suggested that the UAV might have located survivors in the rubble using infrared cameras if it had arrived within 72 hours. Interest is building in developing local capacity for using UAVs in disaster response. SkyEye Inc., a local start-up, is working with the Ateneo de Manila University to train five teams across the Philippines to locally deploy UAVs in preparation for next typhoon season. UAV= unmanned aerial vehicle NGOs= Non-Governmental Organizations Disponvel em http://www.unocha.org/about-us/publications/flagship-publications/*/72 Acesso em 15 Abr 2015. ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 4 A SEGUIR. An advantage of using the UAV is that it

Questão 34

QUESTO ANULADA!!! [IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] A escolha de um indicador eficaz deve ser feita de acordo com a natureza do cido e da base utilizados em uma titulao. As substncias que atuam como indicadores cido-base so corantes que mudam de cor em faixas estreitas de pH e, na maioria das vezes, so cidos fracos. Dado um indicador HA, um cido monoprtico fraco, verifica-se que sua cor no estado no-ionizado nitidamente diferente da cor de sua base conjugada A. Se o indicador estiver em meio suficientemente cido, o equilbrio desloca-se de acordo com o princpio de Le Chatelier e a cor predominante a da forma no-ionizada, HA. Em meio suficientemente bsico, ocorre o inverso, ou seja, o equilbrio desloca-se de modo a prevalecer a cor da base conjugada A. Considere que, de modo aproximado, possam ser utilizados os seguintes quocientes entre concentraes para prever a cor que o indicador vai apresentar: Com base nestes dados, e sabendo que HA tem constante de ionizao igual a , coerente afirmar que o indicador HA (Dado: log 4 = 0,6) a) adequado para uma titulao de0,10M por NaOH 0,10M b) adequado para uma titulao de NH3 0,10 M por HCl 0,10M. c)muda de cor quando a soluo em que se encontra muda de cida para bsica ou vice-versa. d)quando se atinge pH = 10,4, inicia-se a transio de cor em uma titulao de NaOH por CH3COOH. e)quando o pH igual a 8,0, prevalece a cor de A em uma titulao de NaOH por CH3COOH. QUESTO ANULADA!!!

Questão 35

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) ESCOLHA A ORAO QUE COMPLETA A LACUNA DO TEXTO ABAIXO MANTENDO O SENTIDO DO PARGRAFO COMO UM TODO. If we lived on a planet where nothing ever changed, there would be little to do. There would be nothing to figure out. There would be no impetus for science. And if we lived in an unpredictable world, where things changed in random or very complex ways, we would not be able to figure things out. ___________________________. If I throw a stick up in the air, it always falls down. If the sun sets in the west, it always rises again the next morning in the east. And so it becomes possible to figure things out. We can do science, and with it we can improve our lives. Carl Sagan, http://todayinsci.com/S/Sagan_Carl/SaganCarl-Quotations.htm Acessado em 14 de Abril de 2015.

Questão 35

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Em 33,65 g de um sal de magnsio est presente 1 mol deste elemento. Sendo trivalente o niondeste sal, correto afirmar que a massa de 1 mol do nion (Massa molar: Mg = 24,31 g/mol)

Questão 36

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] O composto A sofre hidratao em meio cido gerando um lcool, que por sua vez oxidado comcido crmico produzindo a cetona B. Esta cetona tambm pode ser produzida a partir do composto Catravs de ozonlise seguida de hidratao. Entre as alternativas abaixo, a nica que pode corresponder aos compostos A, B e C,respectivamente,

Questão 36

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) ENCONTRAM-SE EM DESTAQUE CINCO TERMOS OU EXPRESSES. ASSINALE A ALTERNATIVA CORRESPONDENTE AO TERMO CUJO EMPREGO EST INCORRETO. Ben Jerrys asked his customers to invent their new varieties of ice cream flavors the submitters of the best flavors were given a trip to the Dominican Republic to see a sustainable fair trade cocoa farm. LG similarly used crowdsourcing to develop a new mobile phone, for a reward of $20,000.

Questão 37

(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) ENCONTRAM-SE EM DESTAQUE CINCO TERMOS OU EXPRESSES. ASSINALE A ALTERNATIVA CORRESPONDENTE AO TERMO CUJO EMPREGO EST INCORRETO. At every stage, Mr. Keating, a 26-year-old doctoral student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Media Lab, has pushed and prodded to get his medical information, collecting an estimated 70 gigabytes of his own patient data by now. His case points to what medical experts say could be gained if patients have had full and easier access to their medical information. Betterinformed patients, they say, are more likely to take better care of themselves.

Questão 37

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] A reao abaixo descreve a formao do hipoclorito de sdio: teoricamente possvel obter os reagentes por meio da

Questão 38

[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Um sistema A transfere, naturalmente, uma determinada quantidade de energia, na forma de calor,para um sistema B, que envolve totalmente A. Assinale a nica alternativa correta.

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