[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] A figura acima apresenta o esquema de ligao de um instrumento usado para medir a potnciafornecida a uma carga. Sabe-se que a leitura de potncia do instrumento em regime permanente Pinstrumento = CIpIc e que o erro relativo . Diante do exposto, o valor daresistncia Rp do instrumento deve ser igual a Dados: potncia medida na resistncia R empregando-se o instrumento: Pinstrumento; potncia real dissipada na resistncia R: Preal; constante do instrumento: C; tenso de alimentao do circuito: V; corrente da bobina de potencial (Bp): Ip; corrente da bobina de corrente (Bc): Ic. Consideraes: Rp; e RRc.
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) PARA AS QUESTES DE 1 A 10, ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA QUE COMPLETA O TEXTO 1 CORRETAMENTE. Text 1 Water: Unclogging the finance How to improve water systems is one challenge; financing them is another. Public authorities in most countries play the main role in implementing and funding water infrastructure, but it is a model that is under increasing pressure, with government budgets 1.________ and banks still prudent about issuing credit. There is no generic funding model that can be applied to every need; the sheer diversity of water infrastructures and sources of financing 2.________ to be identified, scanned and tapped in line with particular investment types and needs. There may be small-scale projects initiated by local entrepreneurs, or large infrastructures that serve multiple 3. ________, such as energy and heavy manufacturing. Some investments may involve green ecosystems to supply, store or filter water. Not only will these infrastructures have different financing needs, but will access funds in different ways, for instance through capital markets, loans, funds, public expenditures, etc. Take large dams and large reservoirs. These are costly, long-term affairs. The Three Gorges Dam project in China, for instance, could cost over US$22 billion, according to government 4.________, including construction, relocation of residents and financing costs. Moreover, cost recovery is not expected to occur for 10 years after full operation starts. Such major projects tend to be financed 5.________ major development banks such as the Asian Development Bank and World Bank, and institutional investors such as pension funds. The sources for long-term financing are expanding, with the emergence of sovereign funds and philanthropists, 6.________ of new groups like the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 7.________ opened in March 2015. But before leaping into major 8._________ such as dams, policymakers must answer several questions. Will the construction lock them in and still be valuable in 25, 50 or 100 years time? After all, there are several cases of investments that have fallen into disuse or underuse, such as a desalination 9. ________ in Sydney that was built during a severe but temporary drought, and dams in Frances Loire Valley that are now being decommissioned at some cost. Had a more forwardprobing value options approach been used in planning them, they 10._________ in the first place. ( . . . ) Disponvel emhttp://www.oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/4825/Water:_Unclogging_the_finance.html#sthash.kRhyDJ1.dpuf Acesso em 16 Abr 2015. Escolha entre as alternativas abaixo a opo que completa corretamente o espao 8.
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) PARA AS QUESTES DE 1 A 10, ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA QUE COMPLETA O TEXTO 1 CORRETAMENTE. Text 1 Water: Unclogging the finance How to improve water systems is one challenge; financing them is another. Public authorities in most countries play the main role in implementing and funding water infrastructure, but it is a model that is under increasing pressure, with government budgets 1.________ and banks still prudent about issuing credit. There is no generic funding model that can be applied to every need; the sheer diversity of water infrastructures and sources of financing 2.________ to be identified, scanned and tapped in line with particular investment types and needs. There may be small-scale projects initiated by local entrepreneurs, or large infrastructures that serve multiple 3. ________, such as energy and heavy manufacturing. Some investments may involve green ecosystems to supply, store or filter water. Not only will these infrastructures have different financing needs, but will access funds in different ways, for instance through capital markets, loans, funds, public expenditures, etc. Take large dams and large reservoirs. These are costly, long-term affairs. The Three Gorges Dam project in China, for instance, could cost over US$22 billion, according to government 4.________, including construction, relocation of residents and financing costs. Moreover, cost recovery is not expected to occur for 10 years after full operation starts. Such major projects tend to be financed 5.________ major development banks such as the Asian Development Bank and World Bank, and institutional investors such as pension funds. The sources for long-term financing are expanding, with the emergence of sovereign funds and philanthropists, 6.________ of new groups like the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 7.________ opened in March 2015. But before leaping into major 8._________ such as dams, policymakers must answer several questions. Will the construction lock them in and still be valuable in 25, 50 or 100 years time? After all, there are several cases of investments that have fallen into disuse or underuse, such as a desalination 9. ________ in Sydney that was built during a severe but temporary drought, and dams in Frances Loire Valley that are now being decommissioned at some cost. Had a more forwardprobing value options approach been used in planning them, they 10._________ in the first place. ( . . . ) Disponvel emhttp://www.oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/4825/Water:_Unclogging_the_finance.html#sthash.kRhyDJ1.dpuf Acesso em 16 Abr 2015. Escolha entre as alternativas abaixo a opo que completa corretamente o espao 9.
[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Um circuito composto por capacitores de mesmo valor C e organizado em trs malhas infinitas. Acapacitncia equivalente vista pelos terminais A e B
[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Uma corda de comprimento L e densidade linear constante gira em um plano em torno da extremidadefixa no ponto A a uma velocidade angular constante igual a . Um pulso ondulatrio gerado a partir deuma das extremidades. A velocidade v do pulso, no referencial da corda, a uma distncia r daextremidade fixa dada por
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) PARA AS QUESTES DE 1 A 10, ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA QUE COMPLETA O TEXTO 1 CORRETAMENTE. Text 1 Water: Unclogging the finance How to improve water systems is one challenge; financing them is another. Public authorities in most countries play the main role in implementing and funding water infrastructure, but it is a model that is under increasing pressure, with government budgets 1.________ and banks still prudent about issuing credit. There is no generic funding model that can be applied to every need; the sheer diversity of water infrastructures and sources of financing 2.________ to be identified, scanned and tapped in line with particular investment types and needs. There may be small-scale projects initiated by local entrepreneurs, or large infrastructures that serve multiple 3. ________, such as energy and heavy manufacturing. Some investments may involve green ecosystems to supply, store or filter water. Not only will these infrastructures have different financing needs, but will access funds in different ways, for instance through capital markets, loans, funds, public expenditures, etc. Take large dams and large reservoirs. These are costly, long-term affairs. The Three Gorges Dam project in China, for instance, could cost over US$22 billion, according to government 4.________, including construction, relocation of residents and financing costs. Moreover, cost recovery is not expected to occur for 10 years after full operation starts. Such major projects tend to be financed 5.________ major development banks such as the Asian Development Bank and World Bank, and institutional investors such as pension funds. The sources for long-term financing are expanding, with the emergence of sovereign funds and philanthropists, 6.________ of new groups like the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, 7.________ opened in March 2015. But before leaping into major 8._________ such as dams, policymakers must answer several questions. Will the construction lock them in and still be valuable in 25, 50 or 100 years time? After all, there are several cases of investments that have fallen into disuse or underuse, such as a desalination 9. ________ in Sydney that was built during a severe but temporary drought, and dams in Frances Loire Valley that are now being decommissioned at some cost. Had a more forwardprobing value options approach been used in planning them, they 10._________ in the first place. ( . . . ) Disponvel emhttp://www.oecdobserver.org/news/fullstory.php/aid/4825/Water:_Unclogging_the_finance.html#sthash.kRhyDJ1.dpuf Acesso em 16 Abr 2015. Escolha entre as alternativas abaixo a opo que completa corretamente o espao 10.
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 2 MATERIALS OF IMPORTANCE Carbonated Beverages Containers One common item that presents some interesting material property requirements is the container for carbonated beverages. The material used for this application must satisfy the following constraints: provide a barrier to the passage of carbon dioxide, which is under pressure in the container; be nontoxic, unreactive with the beverage, and, preferably be recyclable; be relatively strong, and capable of surviving a drop from a height of several feet when containing the beverage; be inexpensive and the cost to fabricate the final shape should be relatively low; if optically transparent, retain its optical clarity; and capable of being produced having different colors and/or able to be adorned with decorative labels. All three of the basic material typesmetal (aluminum), ceramic (glass), and polymer (polyester plastic)are used for carbonated beverage containers. All of these materials are nontoxic and unreactive with beverages. In addition, each material has its pros and cons. For example, the aluminum alloy is relatively strong (but easily dented), is a very good barrier to the diffusion of carbon dioxide, is easily recycled, beverages are cooled rapidly, and labels may be painted onto its surface. On the other hand, the cans are optically opaque, and relatively expensive to produce. Glass is impervious to the passage of carbon dioxide, is a relatively inexpensive material, may be recycled, but it cracks and fractures easily, and glass bottles are relatively heavy. Whereas the plastic is relatively strong, may be made optically transparent, is inexpensive and lightweight, and is recyclable, it is not as impervious to the passage of carbon dioxide as the aluminum and glass. For example, you may have noticed that beverages in aluminum and glass containers retain their carbonization (i.e., fizz) for several years, whereas those in two-liter plastic bottles go flat within a few months. Disponvel em https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=FA116F188700E8B6!608ithint=file%2cpdfapp=WordPdfauthkey=!AcrrQAFlJ83JGjU Acesso em 15 Abr 2015 ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 2 A SEGUIR.
[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Dois observadores em movimento acompanham o deslocamento de uma partcula no plano. Oobservador 1, considerando estar no centro de seu sistema de coordenadas, verifica que a partculadescreve um movimento dado pelas equaes x1(t) = 3cos(t) e y1(t) = 4sen(t), sendo t a variveltempo. O observador 2, considerando estar no centro de seu sistema de coordenadas, equaciona omovimento da partcula como x2(t) = 5cos(t) e y2(t) = 5sen(t). O observador 1 descreveria omovimento do observador 2 por meio da equao: Observaes: os eixos x1 e x2 so paralelos e possuem o mesmo sentido; e os eixos y1 e y2 so paralelos e possuem o mesmo sentido.
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 2 MATERIALS OF IMPORTANCE Carbonated Beverages Containers One common item that presents some interesting material property requirements is the container for carbonated beverages. The material used for this application must satisfy the following constraints: provide a barrier to the passage of carbon dioxide, which is under pressure in the container; be nontoxic, unreactive with the beverage, and, preferably be recyclable; be relatively strong, and capable of surviving a drop from a height of several feet when containing the beverage; be inexpensive and the cost to fabricate the final shape should be relatively low; if optically transparent, retain its optical clarity; and capable of being produced having different colors and/or able to be adorned with decorative labels. All three of the basic material typesmetal (aluminum), ceramic (glass), and polymer (polyester plastic)are used for carbonated beverage containers. All of these materials are nontoxic and unreactive with beverages. In addition, each material has its pros and cons. For example, the aluminum alloy is relatively strong (but easily dented), is a very good barrier to the diffusion of carbon dioxide, is easily recycled, beverages are cooled rapidly, and labels may be painted onto its surface. On the other hand, the cans are optically opaque, and relatively expensive to produce. Glass is impervious to the passage of carbon dioxide, is a relatively inexpensive material, may be recycled, but it cracks and fractures easily, and glass bottles are relatively heavy. Whereas the plastic is relatively strong, may be made optically transparent, is inexpensive and lightweight, and is recyclable, it is not as impervious to the passage of carbon dioxide as the aluminum and glass. For example, you may have noticed that beverages in aluminum and glass containers retain their carbonization (i.e., fizz) for several years, whereas those in two-liter plastic bottles go flat within a few months. Disponvel em https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=FA116F188700E8B6!608ithint=file%2cpdfapp=WordPdfauthkey=!AcrrQAFlJ83JGjU Acesso em 15 Abr 2015 ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 2 A SEGUIR.
[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Um circuito alimentado por uma bateria atravs de uma chave temporizada ch que aps o seufechamento, abrir-se- depois de transcorrido um perodo de tempo igual a T. Esse circuito formadopor segmentos de condutores com a mesma seo, mesma resistividade e comprimentos indicados nafigura. Tambm esto inseridos cinco fusveis f1 a f5, que tm a funo de manter a continuidade dofluxo de corrente e de manter os segmentos conectados. Sempre que um dos fusveis queimar, osegmento imediatamente esquerda vai girar no sentido horrio, fechando o contato, atravs de umbatente, aps decorridos T/4. Sabe-se que cada fusvel necessita de T/4 para se romper diante de umacorrente maior ou igual corrente de ruptura. A partir do fechamento da chave temporizada ch at a suaabertura, a energia consumida pelo circuito igual a Dados: correntes de ruptura para cada fusvel a partir da direita: o f1: 0,9 I; o f2: 1,1 I; o f3: 1,5 I; o f4: 1,8 I; e o f5: 2,1 I. resistividade do segmento: r; seo do fio: S; diferena de potencial da bateria: U. Observaes: I corresponde a corrente eltrica com todos os fusveis ligados; desconsidere a resistncia dos fusveis, da chave, dos fios e dos engates que conectam a fonteao circuito.
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Escolha a alternativa correta de acordo com o Texto 2 a seguir: Text 2 MATERIALS OF IMPORTANCE Carbonated Beverages Containers One common item that presents some interesting material property requirements is the container for carbonated beverages. The material used for this application must satisfy the following constraints: provide a barrier to the passage of carbon dioxide, which is under pressure in the container; be nontoxic, unreactive with the beverage, and, preferably be recyclable; be relatively strong, and capable of surviving a drop from a height of several feet when containing the beverage; be inexpensive and the cost to fabricate the final shape should be relatively low; if optically transparent, retain its optical clarity; and capable of being produced having different colors and/or able to be adorned with decorative labels. All three of the basic material typesmetal (aluminum), ceramic (glass), and polymer (polyester plastic)are used for carbonated beverage containers. All of these materials are nontoxic and unreactive with beverages. In addition, each material has its pros and cons. For example, the aluminum alloy is relatively strong (but easily dented), is a very good barrier to the diffusion of carbon dioxide, is easily recycled, beverages are cooled rapidly, and labels may be painted onto its surface. On the other hand, the cans are optically opaque, and relatively expensive to produce. Glass is impervious to the passage of carbon dioxide, is a relatively inexpensive material, may be recycled, but it cracks and fractures easily, and glass bottles are relatively heavy. Whereas the plastic is relatively strong, may be made optically transparent, is inexpensive and lightweight, and is recyclable, it is not as impervious to the passage of carbon dioxide as the aluminum and glass. For example, you may have noticed that beverages in aluminum and glass containers retain their carbonization (i.e., fizz) for several years, whereas those in two-liter plastic bottles go flat within a few months. Disponvel em https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=FA116F188700E8B6!608ithint=file%2cpdfapp =WordPdfauthkey=!AcrrQAFlJ83JGjU Acesso em 15 Abr 2015
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 3 Xerox and the Icarus Paradox Schilling, Melissa A. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, Fourth Edition According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his fathers warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to ones way of doing things. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xeroxs quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xeroxs manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 3 A SEGUIR. The synonym for enthralled in Icarus was so enthralled by his wings (...) is:
[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Um raio luminoso atravessa um prisma de vidro de ndice de refrao n, imerso em gua, com ndice derefrao ngua. Sabendo que tanto o ngulo a como o ngulo de incidncia so pequenos, a razo entreo desvio angular e o ser
(IME - 2015/2016- 2 FASE) Text 3 Xerox and the Icarus Paradox Schilling, Melissa A. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, Fourth Edition According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his fathers warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to ones way of doing things. For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xeroxs quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xeroxs manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around ESCOLHA A ALTERNATIVA CORRETA DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO 3 A SEGUIR. The antonym of engender in the sentence: Success can engender overconfidence (...) is:
[IME-2015 / 2016 - 1 fase] Um mbolo est conectado a uma haste, a qual est fixada a uma parede. A haste aquecida,recebendo uma energia de 400 J. A haste se dilata, movimentando o mbolo que comprime um gsideal, confinado no reservatrio, representado na figura. O gs comprimido isotermicamente. Diante do exposto, o valor da expresso: Dados: presso final do gs: fP; presso inicial do gs: iP; capacidade trmica da haste: 4 J/K; coeficiente de dilatao trmica linear da haste: 0,000001 K-1.