(UEMG -2014) The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower Paris, 1925. World War I had finished and the city was full of people with cash looking for business opportunities. Victor Lustig was reading the newspaper one day and found an article about the Eiffel Tower. It said the tower was being neglected because it was too expensive to maintain. Lustig a great business opportunity he would sell the Eiffel Tower! Lustig wrote to six important businessmen in the city and invited them to a secret meeting in a well-known Paris hotel. He said he was a government official and he told them that he wanted to talk about a business deal. All six of the businessmen came to the meeting. At the meeting, Lustig told them that the city wanted to sell the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal and that he had been asked to find a buyer. He said that the deal was secret because it would not be popular with the public. The businessmen believed him, perhaps the Eiffel Tower was never planned to be permanent. It had been built as part of the 1889 Paris Expo, and the original plan had been to remove it in 1909. Lustig rented a limousine and took the men to visit the tower. After the tour, he said that if they were interested, they should contact him the next day. Lustig told them he would give the tower contract to the person with the highest offer. One of the dealers, Andre Poisson, was very interested, but he was also worried. Why was Lustig in such a hurry? The two men had a meeting, and Lustig confessed that he wasnt looking for the highest offer. He said he would give the contract to anybody for a price. Poisson understood: Lustig wanted a little extra money under the table for himself. This was Lustigs cleverest lie, because now Poisson believed him completely. Lustig sold Poisson a false contract for the Eiffel Tower and on top of that, Poisson paid him a little extra money under the table. Lustig put all the money in a suitcase and took the first train to Vienna. Poisson never told the police what had happened he was too embarrassed. After a month, Lustig returned to Paris and tried to sell the Eiffel Tower again, but this time somebody told the police and he had to escape to America. There, he continued his criminal career and finished his days in the famous Alcatraz prison. (Oxford UP 2009 - English Result, p.62. Adapted.) Read the reported sentence below, from the text. Lustig told them he would give the tower contract to the person with the highest offer. Which of the alternatives below corresponds to Lustigs direct speech?
Nos autos de condenao de revoltosos do Brasil Colnia, como Tiradentes, era comum constar que, alm da pena de morte e do esquartejamento dos corpos, seus bens seriam confiscados e suas terras seriam salgadas, para que nada mais ali nascesse. O ato de salgar a terra realmente provoca a morte das plantas porque o excesso de sal na terra
(UEMG 2014) Um homem levou uma pessoa a um hospital, pedindo socorro urgente e alegando que tal pessoa havia sido mordida por uma cobra. O médico pediu-lhe, então, que descrevesse a cobra que havia causado o acidente, e o homem fez o seguinte desenho, com algumas das características da cabeça da cobra: Para salvar a vida do paciente, o procedimento imediato adotado pelo médico, após ver o desenho, deveria ser
(UEMG -2014) The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower Paris, 1925. World War I had finished and the city was full of people with cash looking for business opportunities. Victor Lustig was reading the newspaper one day and found an article about the Eiffel Tower. It said the tower was being neglected because it was too expensive to maintain. Lustig a great business opportunity he would sell the Eiffel Tower! Lustig wrote to six important businessmen in the city and invited them to a secret meeting in a well-known Paris hotel. He said he was a government official and he told them that he wanted to talk about a business deal. All six of the businessmen came to the meeting. At the meeting, Lustig told them that the city wanted to sell the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal and that he had been asked to find a buyer. He said that the deal was secret because it would not be popular with the public. The businessmen believed him, perhaps the Eiffel Tower was never planned to be permanent. It had been built as part of the 1889 Paris Expo, and the original plan had been to remove it in 1909. Lustig rented a limousine and took the men to visit the tower. After the tour, he said that if they were interested, they should contact him the next day. Lustig told them he would give the tower contract to the person with the highest offer. One of the dealers, Andre Poisson, was very interested, but he was also worried. Why was Lustig in such a hurry? The two men had a meeting, and Lustig confessed that he wasnt looking for the highest offer. He said he would give the contract to anybody for a price. Poisson understood: Lustig wanted a little extra money under the table for himself. This was Lustigs cleverest lie, because now Poisson believed him completely. Lustig sold Poisson a false contract for the Eiffel Tower and on top of that, Poisson paid him a little extra money under the table. Lustig put all the money in a suitcase and took the first train to Vienna. Poisson never told the police what had happened he was too embarrassed. After a month, Lustig returned to Paris and tried to sell the Eiffel Tower again, but this time somebody told the police and he had to escape to America. There, he continued his criminal career and finished his days in the famous Alcatraz prison. (Oxford UP 2009 - English Result, p.62. Adapted.) In the sentence The two men had a meeting, and Lustig confessed that he wasnt looking for the highest offer, the expressionthe highestis a superlative. Read the following adjectives: cheap tall good smart Which of the sequences below has the correct superlative form of the adjectives above?
(UEMG 2014)Dois gmeos idnticos (monozigticos), A e B, foram criados separados, por pessoas diferentes e em ambientes diferentes. Aps vinte anos, apresentavam as seguintes caractersticas, conforme o quadro: Com base nos dados apresentados, CORRETO afirmar que a caracterstica que foi determinada exclusivamente pelo gentipo, no sofrendo nenhuma influncia do ambiente, foi a(o)
(Uemg 2014) CONFLITOS MUNDIAIS CAUSADOS POR INTOLERÂNCIA Depois da II Guerra Mundial, a ONU adotou a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos, que colocava em pauta o “respeito universal e observância dos direitos humanos e liberdades fundamentais para todos. (...)". Passados muitos anos e outras muitas tentativas de garantir a liberdade e o respeito às diferenças, grande parte dos conflitos que hoje acontecem no mundo se misturam em uma complexa rede de fatores políticos, econômicos, religiosos e étnicos.Analise o seguinte quadro, que apresenta a natureza de alguns conflitos geopolíticos que persistem no atual cenário mundial. Qual é a natureza comum entre os conflitos apresentados?
(Uemg 2014) Uma empresa deseja fabricar uma peça maciça cujo formato é um sólido de revolução obtido pela rotação de um trapézio isósceles em torno da base menor, como mostra a figura a seguir. As dimensões do trapézio são: base maior igual a 15 cm, base menor igual a 7 cm e altura do trapézio igual a 3 cm. Considerando-se π = 3, o volume, em litros, da peça fabricada corresponde a
(Uemg 2014) Em uma aula sobre Gravitao, o professor de Fsica resolveu escrever um poema e mostr-lo a seus alunos: O Sol e a Lua num bal em torno da Terra. Ora a Lua est entre o Sol e a Terra. Ora a Terra est entre o Sol e a Lua. Os dois ltimos versos desse poema referem-se, respectivamente,
(UEMG) MINAS GERAIS RETRATA O NDICE DE DESENVOLVIMENTO HUMANOBRASILEIRO O ndice de Desenvolvimento Humano dos Municpios (IDHM) mostra a realidade complexa do Pas, dentro do estado de Minas. Reflexo de sua posio geogrfica e caractersticas histricas, o estado se aproxima das regies mais desenvolvidas do Brasil quando avaliados os dados colhidos em municpios do Sul, Centro e Tringulo Mineiro, mas se mantm com nveis preocupantes quando so consideradas as estatsticas das regies Norte e dos vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri. A ambiguidade nacional se repete na avaliao geral de Minas em comparao com os ltimos anos. Se, por um lado, o estado avanou do patamar de mdio para o de alto desenvolvimento, por outro, est na ltima colocao da Regio Sudeste e fica atrs de todos os estados do Sul. A educao, apesar de registrar avanos na ltima dcada, continua sendo o setor mais atrasado tanto nos municpios mineiros como no Pas.(...) (www.em.com.br . Acesso: 30/7/2013. Adaptado.) Marque a opo que sintetiza CORRETAMENTE as informaes obtidas no texto: