(UFSM - 2001)
Imagine it: Your plane touches down at Charles de Gaulle and you take out your 1portable voice recognition-translation device. You set the dial to "Français." Et voilà! You are free 3to roam Paris without anyone sneering at your high school French. Sound like science fiction? 2Machines that recognize your voice and translate your language have already converged. Prototypes of real-time devices are in use, and they will probably be on the market in a decade or two. But before we shell out $299.99 for this shiny new gadget, let us pause to bid farewell to the dream of an idiomatic common ground - to the hope for mutual intelligibility and a linguistic brotherhood of man.
Lingua Franca, New York, May/June 2000.
Se o sujeito da oração "Machines (...) HAVE already CONVERGED" (ref. 2) estivesse no singular e fosse mantido o tempo do verbo, a forma verbal destacada
ficaria inalterada.
seria trocada por "had converged".
se transformaria em "is being converged".
seria substituída por "has converged".
passaria para "is converging".