(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE) https://www.eldiario.es/sociedad/sentencia-Ministerio-Sanidad-publicidadinstitucional_0_748225424.html. Acesso em 18.fev.2019. El argumento del anuncio institucional sobre violencia de gnero se basa en el hecho de que se debe contrariar el siguiente refrn:
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )A transio de uma economia estatizada para uma economia de mercado nos pases da Europa Centro-Oriental gerou uma grave crise econmica, social e o fim do equilbrio geopoltico estruturado pela Guerra Fria. Desde ento, tornou-se necessria uma srie de reformas econmicas com base no modelo neoliberal dominante no mundo ps-Guerra Fria. Tais medidas levaram, ao longo dos ltimos anos, queda da generalizao da produo, do consumo e da renda familiar e, consequentemente, ao desemprego. Apesar disso, muitos desses pases hoje fazem parte da Unio Europeia. A respeito do processo descrito e da insero desses pases na Unio Europeia, afirma-se que
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE ) High Mobility Americas extensive transportation network is an important element in its high level of economic interaction. Goods and people move freely within and between regions of the country. Regional interdependence is great; it ismade possible by these interregional flows. Relative isolation is uncommon, but it does exist. Nearly 20 percent of all Americans change their residence in any one year. Although much of this residential migration is local in nature, it does result in substantial interregional population movement. Until the last decade of the 19th century, there was a strong westward population shift toward frontier agricultural lands. The focus of opportunity then changed and migration shifted to urban areas. More recently, the U.S. economy has entered what some call a post-industrial phase; employment growth is primarily in professions and services rather than primary (extractive) or secondary (manufacturing) sectors. Such employment is much more flexible in its location, and there has been a more rapid growth in such employment in areas that appear to contain greater amenities. . Acesso em 24.fev.2019. According to the text, I. high population mobility rates are rather negative for the economy. II. lots of people currently migrate towards frontier agricultural lands. III. people tend to move where jobs are mostly readily available. IV. most jobs now concentrate on primary and secondary sectors. V. most residential mobility flows occur at a local or regional level. Assinale a alternativa que contm somente afirmativas corretas.
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE ) Land of changes The southeastern region is changing more rapidly than any other part of the United States - not because the land is new, but because the areas old, exhausted land is being given new life. The problems of the southeast are best illustrated by a story that goes back a decade before the turn of the century. The tale describes the funeral of a poor man. They cut through solid marble to make his grave and yet the little marble tombstone they put above him was from Vermont. They buried him in the heart of a pine tree forest, and yet his pine coffin came form Ohio. They buried him beside an iron mine, and yet his nails in his coffin and the iron in the shovel came from Pittsburgh. They buried him in a coat from New York and shoes from Chicago and a shirt from Cincinnati. The South didnt supply anything for that funeral except the body and the hole in the ground. An outline of American Geography. International Communication Agency. USA. 1978. Based on the text, one can say that I. the story shows the south had added too many skills to its raw materials. II. geography has been kind to the Southeastern resources of the United States. III. the South needs to change more rapidly than other parts of the U.S. IV. the story told reflects the present southerner socio-economic context. V. the South did not supply anything to the funeral described in this text. Assinale a alternativa que contm somente afirmativas corretas.
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE) La feria el martes SALA NICOLS GUILLN: 11:00 a.m. Presentacin de ttulos dedicados al aniversario 500 de la fundacin de La Habana. 2:00 p.m. Encuentro con Eusebio Leal. Conduce: Magda Resik. 4:00 p.m. Otorgamiento del Premio Internacional de Ensayo Pensar a Contracorriente y el Premio especial Una especie en peligro (Nuevo Milenio. REDH). SALA JOS ANTONIO PORTUONDO: 3:00 p.m. Conferencia: Mujeres en la escritura, Masa Bey, novelista. (Argelia. PIH). http://www.granma.cu/cultura/2019-02-11/la-feria-el-martes-11-02-2019- 20-02-32. Acesso em 12.fev.2019. A partir do ttulo e das demais informaes apresentadas, infere-se que o texto publicado pelo jornal cubano Granma a programao de
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )Escala um dos elementos fundamentais da cartografia, pois representa a relao entre o tamanho original da rea e o tamanho representado no mapa cartografado. Num mapa, cuja escala de 1:500.000 e a distncia entre duas cidades representada por 15cm, a distncia real entre as duas cidades de
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )El camino hasta el Misericordia es un campo minado. En cualquier esquina pueden estar los chicos del Sarmiento buscando cmplices para hacerse la rata. De mi colegio no se ratea nadie que yo sepa, tal vez alguna alumna del secundario. Mis compaeras de sptimo grado se pelean por entrar en el cuadro de honor o salir mejor compaera. Hay una morocha con pecas, nieta de un premio Nobel y ms blanca que el bicarbonato, que se jacta de tener asistencia perfecta. Es el cuarto colegio al que voy en siete aos, pero no creo que llegue a encontrar otro tan aburrido. http://www.maitena.com.ar/rumble2.html. Acesso em 15.fev.2019. No fragmento do romance Rumble, de Maitena Burundarena, a protagonista descreve o caminho at a escola e o comportamento de alguns estudantes. A expresso hacerse la rata faz referncia ao fato de que
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE) THE FIRST CHILD OF BOMI AND JER Bulsara, the boy named Farrokh was born on September 5, 1946, in the British protectorate of Zanzibar, an island off the east coast of Africa. The Bulsaras were Pariss, Zoroastrian descendents of Persians who fled to India to escape Muslim persecution. While Bomi worked as a high-court cashier for the British government, Jer looked after Farrokh, a lively child who took an early interest in music: Folk, opera, classical, he loved them all, she later said. I think he always wanted to be a showman. When Farrokh was six, Jer gave birth to his sister, Kashmira, but the boys happy home life would be short-lived. As Kashmira later said, I only had a year of him, referrring to the fact that her older brother was sent to St. Peters, a boarding school in India, not far from Bombay. I was a precocious child, Farrokh would say many years later, when he was known as Fred Mercury, and my parents thought boarding school would do me good. It was an upheaval of an upbringing, which seems to have worked, I guess. Life magazine. Queen. Fev. 2019. Com base no texto, correto afirmar que
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )Segundo o IBGE, dentre os 5.564 municpios existentes no pas, 4.625 no so considerados centros de gesto. Essas informaes foram obtidas por meio de pesquisas realizadas pelo instituto que investigou as principais ligaes de transporte em direo aos centros de gesto, bem como os principais destinos dos moradores at as metrpoles para obterem bens e servios. https://ww2.ibge.gov.br/home/geociencias/geografia/regic.shtm?c=7. Acesso em 05.fev.2019. Considerando-se a hierarquia urbana brasileira, correto afirmar que
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )Active Trips: Grab your gear and head into the wilderness with National Geographic! On our active expeditions, youll venture off the beaten path in spectacular places around the globe, following in the footsteps of National Geographics explorers and adventurers. Trek through some of the worlds most legendary mountain ranges; go kayaking amid icebergs and calving glaciers; and discover wild and stunning landscapes by foot, horseback, and even dogsled. Whether you find yourself snorkeling with majestic whale sharks, snowshoeing to remote waterfalls, or hiking an ancient pilgrimage route, youll experience the unforgettable rush that comes with achieving a personal quest. And we keep our group size to a maximum of 16 so that we can move with agility, interact with local cultures, and enjoy every place we visit in-depth. . Acesso em 02.mar.2019. Based on the text, one can infer that
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE ) Bueno, si uno lee el lbum El sulfato atmico, se da cuenta de que Ibez sabe dibujar muy bien Ah, bueno, s, aquello de las aventuras en lbumes fue una idea del director de Bruguera, que deca que, de eso, los que saban eran los franceses. Me trajo cantidad de material y me dijo que les copiara. Pero aquello no se haca solo, yo dibujaba 7 pginas semanales y l quera 14. De todas formas, tampoco hace falta hacer cosas demasiado complicadas, eh?, mira el de Mafalda este Quino. El Quino, s, pues mira cmo triunf y mira lo sencillos que son sus personajes. https://elpais.com/elpais/2019/01/24/eps/1548356089_517499.html. Acesso em 12.fev.2019. Considere as seguintes afirmaes sobre o texto. I. O negrito foi empregado para marcar a alternncia de fala entre dois interlocutores. II. As reticncias evidenciam hesitaes prprias de textos produzidos oralmente. III. O contedo do texto de carter informativo e opinativo. IV. As interjeies so reveladoras do predomnio do registro formal. So verdadeiras as afirmaes apresentadas em
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )[...] um fenmeno natural e possibilita a vida humana na Terra. Parte da energia solar que chega ao planeta refletida diretamente de volta ao espao ao atingir o topo da atmosfera terrestre e parte absorvida pelos oceanos e pela superfcie da Terra [...]. Uma parcela desse calor irradiada de volta ao espao, mas bloqueada pela presena de gases [...] que, apesar de deixarem passar a energia vinda do Sol (emitida em comprimentos de onda menores), so opacos radiao terrestre, emitida em maiores comprimentos de onda. Essa diferena nos comprimentos de onda se deve s diferenas nas temperaturas do Sol e da superfcie terrestre. Ministrio do Meio Ambiente. Disponvel em http://www.mma.gov.br/informma/item/195. Acesso em 25.mar.2019. O processo descrito acima refere-se
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )Observe os grficos e as informaes abaixo. No vero, a atuao da mEa provoca o aquecimento da temperatura com chuvas rpidas e torrenciais; no inverno, ocorre o domnio das mEc, com possibilidade de atuao da mPa, provocando queda brusca da temperatura. O vero caracterizado pela atuao da mTa e da mTc, com perodos quentes e chuvas regularmente distribudas; no inverno, alm da atuao da mTa, tambm ocorre a atuao da mPa, ocasionando quedas na temperatura. FERREIRA, G. M. L. Atlas geogrfico: espao mundial. 3. Ed. So Paulo: Moderna, 2010. p. 113. (Adaptado) A partir da anlise dos grficos e das caractersticas apresentadas, correto afirmar que os Grficos I e II representam, respectivamente, os climas
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE )Comprar un coche nuevo no es una cuestin balad. Se trata de una decisin importante ya que, por norma general, un vehculo va a durar muchos aos y supone un desembolso importante de dinero. Es por ello que no extraa que el proceso de adquisicin nos lleve bastante tiempo: segn un estudio realizado por Seat, tardamos una media de dos meses en tomar la decisin final. Pero hasta llegar a ese punto el cliente pasa por varias fases. La primera es pensar en qu tipo de coche quiere, algo que se puede enfocar de diversas maneras. La ms extendida (45% de los casos) es elegir primero el tamao y el tipo de carrocera que se busca, mientras que otros deciden en primer lugar el tipo de motor (24%) o el presupuesto (17%). Los compradores restantes (14%) lo primero que eligen es la marca, aunque en la mitad de las ocasiones esta cambia a lo largo del proceso. https://motor.elpais.com/conducir/por-que-tardas-un-minimo-de-ocho-semanas-en-elegir-cochenuevo/. Acesso em 15.fev.2019. Considerando-se o texto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.
(UFU - 2019 - 1 FASE ) Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Ernesto Miranda, a Mexican immigrant living in Phoenix, Arizona, was identified in a police lineup by a woman, who accused him of kidnapping and raping her. Miranda was arrested and questioned by the police for two hours until he confessed to the crimes. During the interrogation, police did not tell Miranda about his Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination or his Sixth Amendment right to an attorney. The case went to trial in an Arizona state court and the prosecutor used the confession as evidence against Miranda, who was convicted and sentenced to 20 to 30 years in prison. Mirandas attorney appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court, which upheld the conviction. Then he appealed to the United States Supreme Court, which agreed to hear it along with four similar cases. The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in favor of Miranda. This decision gave rise to what has become known as the Miranda Warning. . Acesso em 10.jan.2019. According to the text, I. a fundamental right in US law has been named after a Mexican immigrant. II. Ernesto Miranda was innocent of the crimes he was accused of in 1966. III. the Supreme Court considered other cases when judging Mirandas appeal. IV. Miranda confessed to his crimes and served a 20 to 30-year sentence V. immigrants in the US are subject to the same laws as US citizens. Assinale a alternativa que contm somente afirmativas corretas.