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Questões - UNICAMP 2003 | Gabarito e resoluções

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(UNICAMP - 2003- 2 fase - Questo 22) AIDS: An Endless Battle? No one expected last weeks 14th International AIDS Conference in Barcelona to be a festive affair. But the dismal revelations of the conference were still shocking. Every day 15,000 people are infected by the HIV virus. Women make up 58 percent of the 28.5 million sub-Saharan Africans who are HIV-positive. (This will cut birth rates dramatically in the coming years). And fewer than 4 percent of the 6 million people in the world who have AIDS receive adequate anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs). The list of sobering data is almost endless. Even seemingly positive news was in fact negative: the announcement of a U.S. donation of $500 million over the next year and a half to prevent mother-to-child transmission and improve health-caredelivery systems in 12 African nations and the Caribean was drowned out by calls for much more and by boos and jeers. Hopes of a vaccine are few and far between. Although VaxGen hopes to have results of clinical trials for its vaccine by early next year, most believe it will fail like all those before it. Even if does work, it would fight only the B-strain HIV virus, which is common in Europe and North America, not the A-strain dominant in Africa. But there was some actual good news. Brazil, by producing its own generic ARVs and distributing them free since 1996, has managed to halve its rate of AIDS-related deaths. The countrys representatives announced last week that Brazil would try to help other Third World nations to improve their capability to develop their own generic drugs. Oxfam also announced that countries that have successfully developed their own generic drugs have in turn created more competitive markets, forcing large pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of their own patented AIDS drugs. And Mdecins Sans Frontires presented the results of a study proving the feasibility of treatment in diverse health-care settings like poor townships and rural clinics. None of these moves - nor Sesame Streets announcement that it will introduce an HIV-positive Muppet on its South African version in order to educate children will be the cure. But they are all small steps. And at this stage of AIDS war, the world needs to take any kind of step it can. MALCOLM BEITH Newsweek, julho de 2002 A utilizao de medicamentos genricos para o tratamento da AIDS teve, de acordo com o texto, duas conseqncias positivas. Quais so elas?


(UNICAMP - 2003- 2 fase - Questo 24) Old, strange Albion ENGLAND NEVER FINISHES what she starts. She was the first European country to topple monarchy and have a king beheaded, but it wasnt until a century later that the republican revolution that counted took place in France. England set off the Industrial Revolution, yet she is the least advanced, in technological terms, of the industrial countries. Karl Marx wrote Capital in the British Museum and regarded England as the epitome of an industrial state heading for social upheaval; the upheaval took place in Russia. England never underwent a social revolution: her class structure was impervious to the Industrial Revolution, to several periods of economic depression, to two world wars, and to the rise and fall of her empire. The seats of all empires experienced an identity crisis with the twilight of their imperial domination not so England. She just packed and went back home, with nothing learned. The Beatles dream began in Liverpool but flourished in Woodstock, in the United States, and was over in California. The English invented soccer but won the World Cup just once, at home in 1966, and some say that it was with undue help from a referee. a) O trecho do artigo que faz referncia a Karl Marx pode ser interpretado como sendo irnico. Por qu? b) O autor afirma que a estrutura de classes na Inglaterra parece no ter sido afetada por acontecimentos que marcaram a histria mundial. Cite um desses acontecimentos. c) De acordo com o texto, que efeito teve para a Inglaterra a queda de seu imprio? Justifique.


(UNICAMP - 2003 - 2 fase - Questo 21) AIDS: An Endless Battle? No one expected last weeks 14th International AIDS Conference in Barcelona to be a festive affair. But the dismal revelations of the conference were still shocking. Every day 15,000 people are infected by the HIV virus. Women make up 58 percent of the 28.5 million sub-Saharan Africans who are HIV-positive. (This will cut birth rates dramatically in the coming years). And fewer than 4 percent of the 6 million people in the world who have AIDS receive adequate anti-retroviral drugs (ARVs). The list of sobering data is almost endless. Even seemingly positive news was in fact negative: the announcement of a U.S. donation of $500 million over the next year and a half to prevent mother-to-child transmission and improve health-caredelivery systems in 12 African nations and the Caribean was drowned out by calls for much more and by boos and jeers. Hopes of a vaccine are few and far between. Although VaxGen hopes to have results of clinical trials for its vaccine by early next year, most believe it will fail like all those before it. Even if does work, it would fight only the B-strain HIV virus, which is common in Europe and North America, not the A-strain dominant in Africa. But there was some actual good news. Brazil, by producing its own generic ARVs and distributing them free since 1996, has managed to halve its rate of AIDS-related deaths. The countrys representatives announced last week that Brazil would try to help other Third World nations to improve their capability to develop their own generic drugs. Oxfam also announced that countries that have successfully developed their own generic drugs have in turn created more competitive markets, forcing large pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of their own patented AIDS drugs. And Mdecins Sans Frontires presented the results of a study proving the feasibility of treatment in diverse health-care settings like poor townships and rural clinics. None of these moves - nor Sesame Streets announcement that it will introduce an HIV-positive Muppet on its South African version in order to educate children will be the cure. But they are all small steps. And at this stage of AIDS war, the world needs to take any kind of step it can. MALCOLM BEITH Newsweek, julho de 2002 O texto revela um quadro desalentador no que concerne AIDS em solo africano, apontando duas evidncias nesse sentido. Explicite-as.


(UNICAMP - 2003 - 2 fase - Questo 6) Leia atentamente o folheto (distribudo nos pontos de nibus e feiras de Campinas), e as definies de simpatia extradas do Dicionrio Houaiss da Lngua Portuguesa. ? 1. afinidade moral, similitude no sentir e no pensar que aproxima duas ou mais pessoas. [ ... ] ? 3. impresso agradvel, disposio favorvel que se experimenta em relao a algum que pouco se conhece. [ ... ] ? 6. atrao por uma coisa ou uma idia. [ ... ] ? 9. Brasileirismo: usada como interlocutrio pessoal (- qual o seu nome, simpatia?). ? 10. Brasileirismo : ao (observao de algum ritual, uso de um determinado objeto etc.) praticada supersticiosamente com finalidade de conseguir algo que se deseja. a) Dentre as definies do dicionrio Houaiss mencionadas, qual a mais prxima do sentido da palavra simpatia no texto? b) H no texto duas ocorrncias de desvendar, sendo que uma delas no coincide com o uso padro desse termo. Qual , e por qu? c) Independentemente do ttulo, algumas caractersticas da segunda parte do texto so de uma orao ou prece ou reza. Quais so essas caractersticas?


(UNICAMP - 2003 - 2 fase - Questo 2) Uma caixa dgua cbica, de volume mximo, deve ser colocada entre o telhado e a laje de uma casa, conforme mostra a figura ao lado. Dados: AB = 6m AC = 1,5m CD = 4m . a) Qual deve ser o comprimento de uma aresta da caixa? b) Supondo que a altura mxima da gua na caixa de 85% da altura da caixa, quantos litros de gua podem ser armazenados na caixa?


(UNICAMP - 2003 - 2 fase - Questo 4) Sejam a e b dois nmeros inteiros positivos tais que mdc(a, b) = 5 e o mmc(a, b) =105 . a) Qual o valor de b se a = 35? b) Encontre todos os valores possveis para (a,b).

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