(UNICAMP - 2006 - 2 FASE ) Leia o texto abaixo e responda às questão.
The predominant paradigms of analysis of the spread of English around the world have by and large failed to problematize the causes and implications of this spread. The spread of English is taken to be natural, neutral, and benefi cial. More critical analysis, however, show that English threatens other languages, acts as a gatekeeper to positions of wealth and prestige both within nations and between nations and is the language through which much of the unequal distribution of resources and knowledge operates. Furthermore, its spread has not been the coincidental by-product of changing global relations but rather the deliberate policy of English-speaking countries protecting and promoting their economic and political interests |
A. Pennycook, “English in the world / The world in English”, in J.W. Tollefson (org.) Power and Inequality in Language Education. Cambridge: CUP, 1995:54
Além de afi rmar que o inglês ameaça outras línguas e é, em grande parte, responsável pela distribuição desigual de recursos e conhecimento, que outro argumento é utilizado pelo autor do texto para se contrapor àqueles que consideram benéfi ca a expansão da língua inglesa?