(UNICAMP - 2017 - 1ª fase)
Ranking Universities by ‘Greenness’
Universities these days are working hard to improve their sustainability credentials, with efforts that include wind power, organic food and competitions to save
energy. They are also adding courses related to sustainability and energy. But which university is the greenest?
Several ranking systems have emerged to offer their take. The Princeton Review recently came out with its second annual green ratings. Fifteen colleges earned
the highest possible score — including Harvard, Yale and the University of California, Berkeley.
Another group, the Sustainable Endowment Institute’s GreenReportCard.org, rates colleges on several different areas of green compliance, such as recycling, student
involvement and green building. Its top grade for overall excellence, an A-, was earned by 15 schools.
(Adaptado de http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/20/ranking-universities-bygreenness/?_r=0. Acessado em 31/08/2016.)
Conforme o texto, universidades norte-americanas estão se empenhando para
oferecer mais cursos sobre ecologia.
melhorar sua posição em um ranking que define as instituições mais “verdes”.
oferecer os melhores cursos sobre preservação ambiental.
participar de uma competição que define os campi com maior área verde.