(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) A questo refere-se ao texto a seguir: FRAYING AT THE EDGES: A LIFE-CH ANGING DI AGNOSIS IT BEGAN WITHwhat she saw in the bathroom mirror. On a dull morning, Geri Taylor padded into the shiny bathroom of her Manhattan apartment. She casually1checked her reflection in the mirror, doing her daily inventory. Immediately, she stiffened with fright. Huh? What? She didnt recognize herself. She gazed saucer-eyed at her image, thinking: Oh, is this what I look like? No, thats not me. Whos that in my mirror? This was in late 2012. She was 69, in her early months getting familiar with retirement. For some time she had experienced the sensation of clouds coming over her, mantling thought. There had been a few hiccups at her job. She had been a nurse who climbed the rungs to health care executive. Once, she was leading a staff meeting6when she had no idea what she was talking about, her mind like a stalled engine that wouldnt turn over. Fortunately2I was the boss and I just said, Enough of that; Sally, tell me what youre up to,she would say of the episode. Certain mundane tasks stumped her. She told her husband, Jim Taylor, that the blind in the bedroom was broken. He showed her she was pulling the wrong cord. Kept happening. Finally3, nothing else working, he scribbled on the adjacent wall which cord was which. Then there was the day she got off the subway at 14th Street and Seventh Avenue unable to figure out why she was there. So, yes, she had had inklings7that something was going wrong with her mind. She held tight to thesethoughts. She even hid her suspicions from Mr. Taylor, who chalked up her thinning8memory to the infirmities of age. I thought she was getting like me,he said. Ihad been forgetful for 10 years. But to not recognize her own face! To Ms. Taylor, this was the drop-dead momentwhen she had to accept a terrible truth. She wasnt just seeing the twitches of aging but the early4fumes of the disease. She had no further issues with mirrors, but there was no ignoring9that something important had happened. She confided her fears to her husband and made an appointment with a neurologist. Before then I thought I could fake it,she would explain. This convinced me I had to come clean. In November 2012, she saw the neurologist who was treating her migraines. He listened to hersymptoms, took blood, gave her the Mini Mental State Examination, a standard cognitive test made up of aset of unremarkable questions and commands. (For instance, she was asked to count backward from 100 in intervals of seven; she had to say the phrase: No ifs, ands or buts; she was told to pick up a piece of paper, fold it in half and place it on the floor beside her.) He told her three common words, said he was going to ask her them in a little bit. He emphasized this by pointing10a finger at his head remember those words. That simple. Yet when he called for them, she knew only one: Beach. In her mind, she would go on to associate it with the doctor, thinking of him as Dr.Beach. He gave a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, a common precursor to Alzheimers disease. Thefirst label put on what she had. Even then, she understood it was the footfall of what would come. Alzheimers had struck her father, a paternal aunt and a cousin. She long suspected it would eventually5find her. Fonte: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/01/nyregion/living-with-alzheimers.html?action=clickcontentCollection=Americasmodule=Trendingversion=Fullregion= Marginaliapgtype=article. (acesso em 1/05/2016). Marque a opo que contm a principal causa da deciso de Geri Taylor em buscar diagnstico mdico.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Considere um automvel com trao dianteira movendo-se aceleradamente para a frente. As rodas dianteiras e traseiras sofrem foras de atrito respectivamente para:
(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) Dispondo de at 5 resistncias R, monte um circuito no interior da caixa da figura, tal que a) com uma bateria de tenso V entre os terminais AB, um voltmetro entre os terminais CD mede uma diferena de potencial V/2, e b) com essa bateria entre os terminais CD, um ampermetro entre os terminais AB mede uma corrente igual a V/3R.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Considere a reta r: y = 2x. Seja A = (3,3) o vrtice de um quadrado ABCD, cuja diagonal BD est contida em r. A rea deste quadrado
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Barreiras trmicas de base cermica so empregadas em projetos aeroespaciais. Considere os materiais a seguir: 1. BN 2.Fe2O3 3.NaN3 4. Na2SiO3 5.SiC Assinale a opo que apresenta o(s) material(is) geralmente empregado(s) como componente(s) principal(is) de barreiras trmicas em projetos aeroespaciais.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Considere o sistema de equaes Se(x,y,z) uma soluo real de S, ento |x|+|y|+|z| igual a
(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) Mediante um fio inextensvel e de peso desprezvel, a polia da figura suporta esquerda uma massa de 60 kg, e direita, uma massa de 55 kg tendo em cima outra de 5 kg, de formato anelar, estando este conjunto a 1 m acima da massa da esquerda. Num dado instante, por um dispositivo interno, a massa de 5 kg lanada para cima com velocidade v = 10 m/s, aps o que, cai e se choca inelasticamente com a de 55 kg. Determine a altura entre a posio do centro de massa de todo o sistema antes do lanamento e a deste centro logo aps o choque.
(ITA - 2017- 2 Fase) Descreva a sntese da ureia, desenvolvida por Whler em 1828, a partir do cianeto de prata, oxignio molecular e cloreto de amnio.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Na figura, um tubo fino e muito leve, de rea de seo reta S e comprimento a, encontra-se inicialmente cheio de gua de massa M e massa especfica . Graas a uma haste fina e de peso desprezvel, o conjunto forma um pndulo simples de comprimento L medido entre o ponto de suspenso da haste e o centro de massa inicial da gua. Posto a oscilar, no instante inicial comea a pingar gua pela base do tubo a uma taxa constante r = ∆M/∆t. Assinale a expresso da variao temporal do perodo do pndulo.
(ITA- 2017 - 1 FASE) A adio de certa massa de etanol em gua diminui a temperatura de congelamento do solvente em 18,6 C. Sabendo que a constante crioscpica da gua de 1,86 Ckgmol-1, assinale a porcentagem em massa do etanol nesta mistura.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) A questo refere-se ao texto a seguir: FRAYING AT THE EDGES: A LIFE-CH ANGING DI AGNOSIS IT BEGAN WITHwhat she saw in the bathroom mirror. On a dull morning, Geri Taylor padded into the shiny bathroom of her Manhattan apartment. She casually1checked her reflection in the mirror, doing her daily inventory. Immediately, she stiffened with fright. Huh? What? She didnt recognize herself. She gazed saucer-eyed at her image, thinking: Oh, is this what I look like? No, thats not me. Whos that in my mirror? This was in late 2012. She was 69, in her early months getting familiar with retirement. For some time she had experienced the sensation of clouds coming over her, mantling thought. There had been a few hiccups at her job. She had been a nurse who climbed the rungs to health care executive. Once, she was leading a staff meeting6when she had no idea what she was talking about, her mind like a stalled engine that wouldnt turn over. Fortunately2I was the boss and I just said, Enough of that; Sally, tell me what youre up to,she would say of the episode. Certain mundane tasks stumped her. She told her husband, Jim Taylor, that the blind in the bedroom was broken. He showed her she was pulling the wrong cord. Kept happening. Finally3, nothing else working, he scribbled on the adjacent wall which cord was which. Then there was the day she got off the subway at 14th Street and Seventh Avenue unable to figure out why she was there. So, yes, she had had inklings7that something was going wrong with her mind. She held tight to thesethoughts. She even hid her suspicions from Mr. Taylor, who chalked up her thinning8memory to the infirmities of age. I thought she was getting like me,he said. Ihad been forgetful for 10 years. But to not recognize her own face! To Ms. Taylor, this was the drop-dead momentwhen she had to accept a terrible truth. She wasnt just seeing the twitches of aging but the early4fumes of the disease. She had no further issues with mirrors, but there was no ignoring9that something important had happened. She confided her fears to her husband and made an appointment with a neurologist. Before then I thought I could fake it,she would explain. This convinced me I had to come clean. In November 2012, she saw the neurologist who was treating her migraines. He listened to hersymptoms, took blood, gave her the Mini Mental State Examination, a standard cognitive test made up of aset of unremarkable questions and commands. (For instance, she was asked to count backward from 100 in intervals of seven; she had to say the phrase: No ifs, ands or buts; she was told to pick up a piece of paper, fold it in half and place it on the floor beside her.) He told her three common words, said he was going to ask her them in a little bit. He emphasized this by pointing10a finger at his head remember those words. That simple. Yet when he called for them, she knew only one: Beach. In her mind, she would go on to associate it with the doctor, thinking of him as Dr.Beach. He gave a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, a common precursor to Alzheimers disease. Thefirst label put on what she had. Even then, she understood it was the footfall of what would come. Alzheimers had struck her father, a paternal aunt and a cousin. She long suspected it would eventually5find her. Fonte: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/05/01/nyregion/living-with-alzheimers.html?action=clickcontentCollection=Americasmodule=Trendingversion=Fullregion= Marginaliapgtype=article. (acesso em 1/05/2016). Marque a opo em que o item sublinhado NO classificado como um advrbio.
(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) Esboce o grfico da funo dada por
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) O nmero de solues inteiras da inequao 0 x2 | 3x2 + 8x | 2
(ITA - 2017 - 1FASE) Na figura acima so respectivamente apresentadas as curvas de titulao de 50 mL de solues aquosas 0,1molL-1dos cidos I, II e III, tituladas com uma soluo aquosa 0,1mol-1em NaOH. Baseado nas informaes contidas na figura, assinale opo ERRADA.
(ITA - 2017 - 2 FASE) Determine todos os valores reais de apara os quais o seguinte sistema linear impossvel: