(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Seja ABC um tringulo cujos lados AB, AC e BC medem 6 cm, 8 cm e 10 cm, respectivamente. Considere os pontos M e N sobre o lado BC tais que AM a altura relativa a BC e N o ponto mdio de BC. A rea do tringulo AMN, em cm2,
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) A tirinha a seguir mostra um dilogo entre duas pessoas, com a participao de um terceiro interlocutor. Analise-a e responda questo. Marque a opo em que os itens da tirinha possuem a mesma classificao gramatical.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Deseja-se depositar uma camada de 0,85 g de nquel metlico no catodo de uma clula eletroltica, mediante a passagem de uma corrente eltrica de 5 A atravs de uma soluo aquosa de nitrato de nquel. Assinale a opo que apresenta o tempo necessrio para esta deposio, em minutos.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Um emissor E1 de ondas sonoras situa-se na origem de um sistema de coordenadas e um emissor E2, num ponto do seu eixo y, emitindo ambos o mesmo sinal de udio senoidal de comprimento de onda , na frequncia de 34 kHz. Mediante um receptor R situado num ponto do eixo x a 40 cm de E1, observa-se a interferncia construtiva resultante da superposio das ondas produzidas por E1 e E2. igual a a diferena entre as respectivas distncias de E2 e E1 at R. Variando a posio de E2 ao longo de y, essa diferena chega a 10. As distncias (em centmetros) entre E1 e E2 nos dois casos so
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) STARSHOT PROJECT: STEPHEN HAWKING AND MARK ZUCKERBERG LAUNCH MOST AMBITIOUS ALIEN-FINDING PROJECT EVER Tiny rockets are going to be sent into space to study the far universe in the most ambitious space explorationproject in history. Scientists including Stephen Hawking and backers such as internet investor Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg will send nano craftdeep into space to explore the most remote regions that humans have ever seen, by far. The hugely ambitious project could reveal deep secrets of the universe and will allow people to photograph one of the most likely places to hold life on other worlds. Professor Hawking said at the event: What makes us unique is transcending our limits. Gravity pins us to theground, but I just flew to America. How do we transcend these limits? With our minds and our machines. The limit that confronts us now is the great void between us and the stars. But now we can transcend it, with light1 beams, light2 sails, and the lightest3 spacecraft ever built. Today we commit to this next great leap into thecosmos, because we are human and our nature is to fly. The Starshot Project hopes to get the tiny robots out to the Alpha Centauri star system, 25 trillion miles away. Getting there through normal means would take 30,000 years but the new project hopes that using the tiny rockets will allow them to get there in just 20. Scientists think that the Alpha Centauri system might well have an Earth-like planet that could be found in its habitable zones. The craft will be able to take pictures of those a potential way that they might find life on other worlds. The crafts will be gram-scale nano craft, according to Yuri Milner, which will make their way through spaceusing a sail pushed by a light beam. Their design will allow them to fly at 25 per cent of light speed. Those craft will be able to send back images of possible planets and other scientific data, according to thescientists behind it. The human story is one of great leaps,Dr Milner said. Today we are preparing for the next great leap to the stars. Can we literally reach the stars, and can we do it in our lifetime? The tiny rockets are made up of computers that can be mounted to a tiny wafer. Shrinking computercomponents mean that all of the necessary parts cameras, thrusters, power supply and navigationequipment can all be mounted on a tiny plate that will be a fully functional space probe. Before those are built, the project will have to create all of the important parts on the ground. That includes the construction of a light-beamer that can power the rockets and a mothershipthat will be able to carrythem all out into space and launch them. Because of economies of scale and the decreasing price of computer components, the team will eventuallybe able to send out the rockets for just a few hundred thousand dollars, they said. Fonte: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/starshot-project-stephen-hawking-and-mark-zuckerberg-to-send-tiny-rockets-to-alpha-centauriin-most-a6981101.html (acesso em 03/05/2016). De acordo com o texto, o principal objetivo do Projeto Starshot
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Seis circunferncias de raio 5 cm so tangentes entre si duas a duas e seus centros so vrtices de um hexgono regular, conforme a figura abaixo. O comprimento de uma correia tensionada que envolve externamente as seis circunferncias mede, em cm,
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Considere as seguintes proposies para espcies qumicas no estado gasoso: A energia de ionizao do on Be3+ maior do que a do on He+. O momento dipolar eltrico total da molcula de XeF4 maior do que o da molcula de XeF2. A energia necessria para quebrar a molcula de F2 maior do que a energia necessria para quebrar a molcula de O2. A energia do orbital 2s do tomo de berlio igual energia do orbital 2s do tomo de boro. Das proposies acima, est(o) CORRETA(S)
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Considere as proposies a seguir: 1. A reao do cido butanico com a metilamina forma N-metil-butanamida. 2. A reao do cido propanico com 1-propanol forma propanoato de propila. 3. 3-etil-2,2-dimetil-pentano um ismero estrutural do 2,2,3,4-tetrametil-pentano. 4. O 2-propanol um composto quiral. Das proposies acima esto CORRETAS
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) O lugar geomtrico dos pontos tais que a equao, em, z2+ z + 2 (a + bi) = 0 possua uma raiz puramente imaginria
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) STARSHOT PROJECT: STEPHEN HAWKING AND MARK ZUCKERBERG LAUNCH MOST AMBITIOUS ALIEN-FINDING PROJECT EVER Tiny rockets are going to be sent into space to study the far universe in the most ambitious space explorationproject in history. Scientists including Stephen Hawking and backers such as internet investor Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg will send nano craftdeep into space to explore the most remote regions that humans have ever seen, by far. The hugely ambitious project could reveal deep secrets of the universe and will allow people to photograph one of the most likely places to hold life on other worlds. Professor Hawking said at the event: What makes us unique is transcending our limits. Gravity pins us to theground, but I just flew to America. How do we transcend these limits? With our minds and our machines. The limit that confronts us now is the great void between us and the stars. But now we can transcend it, with light1beams, light2sails, and the lightest3spacecraft ever built. Today we commit to this next great leap into thecosmos, because we are human and our nature is to fly. The Starshot Project hopes to get the tiny robots out to the Alpha Centauri star system, 25 trillion miles away. Getting there through normal means would take 30,000 years but the new project hopes that using the tiny rockets will allow them to get there in just 20. Scientists think that the Alpha Centauri system might well have an Earth-like planet that could be found in its habitable zones. The craft will be able to take pictures of those a potential way that they might find life on other worlds. The crafts will be gram-scale nano craft, according to Yuri Milner, which will make their way through spaceusing a sail pushed by a light beam. Their design will allow them to fly at 25 per cent of light speed. Those craft will be able to send back images of possible planets and other scientific data, according to thescientists behind it. The human story is one of great leaps,Dr Milner said. Today we are preparing for the next great leap to the stars. Can we literally reach the stars, and can we do it in our lifetime? The tiny rockets are made up of computers that can be mounted to a tiny wafer. Shrinking computercomponents mean that all of the necessary parts cameras, thrusters, power supply and navigationequipment can all be mounted on a tiny plate that will be a fully functional space probe. Before those are built, the project will have to create all of the important parts on the ground. That includes the construction of a light-beamer that can power the rockets and a mothershipthat will be able to carrythem all out into space and launch them. Because of economies of scale and the decreasing price of computer components, the team will eventuallybe able to send out the rockets for just a few hundred thousand dollars, they said. Fonte: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/starshot-project-stephen-hawking-and-mark-zuckerberg-to-send-tiny-rockets-to-alpha-centauriin-most-a6981101.html (acesso em 03/05/2016). De acordo com o texto, correto afirmar que
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Uma transformao cclica XYZX de um gs ideal indicada no grfico P V opera entre dois extremos de temperatura, em que YZ um processo de expanso adiabtica reversvel. Considere R = 2,0 cal/mol.K = 0,082 atm.ℓ/mol.K , PY = 20 atm, VZ = 4,0 ℓ, VY = 2,0 ℓ e a razo entre as capacidades trmicas molar, a presso e a volume constante, dada por CP/CV = 2,0. Assinale a razo entre o rendimento deste ciclo e o de uma mquina trmica ideal operando entre os mesmos extremos de temperatura.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) STARSHOT PROJECT: STEPHEN HAWKING AND MARK ZUCKERBERG LAUNCH MOST AMBITIOUS ALIEN-FINDING PROJECT EVER Tiny rockets are going to be sent into space to study the far universe in the most ambitious space exploration project in history. Scientists including Stephen Hawking and backers such as internet investor Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg will send nano craft deep into space to explore the most remote regions that humans have ever seen, by far. The hugely ambitious project could reveal deep secrets of the universe and will allow people to photograph one of the most likely places to hold life on other worlds. Professor Hawking said at the event: What makes us unique is transcending our limits. Gravity pins us to the ground, but I just flew to America. How do we transcend these limits? With our minds and our machines. The limit that confronts us now is the great void between us and the stars. But now we can transcend it, with light1 beams, light2 sails, and the lightest3 spacecraft ever built. Today we commit to this next great leap into the cosmos, because we are human and our nature is to fly. The Starshot Project hopes to get the tiny robots out to the Alpha Centauri star system, 25 trillion miles away. Getting there through normal means would take 30,000 years but the new project hopes that using the tiny rockets will allow them to get there in just 20. Scientists think that the Alpha Centauri system might well have an Earth-like planet that could be found in its habitable zones. The craft will be able to take pictures of those a potential way that they might find life on other worlds. The crafts will be gram-scale nano craft, according to Yuri Milner, which will make their way through space using a sail pushed by a light beam. Their design will allow them to fly at 25 per cent of light speed. Those craft will be able to send back images of possible planets and other scientific data, according to the scientists behind it. The human story is one of great leaps, Dr Milner said. Today we are preparing for the next great leap to the stars. Can we literally reach the stars, and can we do it in our lifetime? The tiny rockets are made up of computers that can be mounted to a tiny wafer. Shrinking computer components mean that all of the necessary parts cameras, thrusters, power supply and navigation equipment can all be mounted on a tiny plate that will be a fully functional space probe. Before those are built, the project will have to create all of the important parts on the ground. That includes the construction of a light-beamer that can power the rockets and a mothership that will be able to carry them all out into space and launch them. Because of economies of scale and the decreasing price of computer components, the team will eventually be able to send out the rockets for just a few hundred thousand dollars, they said. Fonte: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/starshot-project-stephen-hawking-and-mark-zuckerberg-to-send-tiny-rockets-to-alpha-centauriin-most-a6981101.html (acesso em 03/05/2016). Quanto execuo do Projeto Starshot, o texto afirma que
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Assinale a opo que indica a tcnica de qumica analtica empregada em etilmetros (bafmetros) que utilizam dicromato de potssio.
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Um atirador dispe de trs alvos para acertar. O primeiro deste encontra-se a 30m de distncia; o segundo, a 40m; o terceiro alvo, a 60m. Sabendo que a probabilidade de o atirador acertar o alvo inversamente proporcional ao quadrado da distncia e que a probabilidade de ele acertar o primeiro alvo de 2/3, ento a probabilidade de acertar ao menos um dos alvos
(ITA - 2017 - 1 FASE) Uma onda harmnica propaga-se para a direita com velocidade constante em uma corda de densidade linear = 0,4 g/cm. A figura mostra duas fotos da corda, uma num instante t = 0s e a outra no instante t = 0,5s. Considere as seguintes afirmativas: A velocidade mnima do ponto P da corda de 3 m/s. O ponto P realiza um movimento oscilatrio com perodo de 0,4 s. A corda est submetida a uma tenso de 0,36 N. Assinale a(s) afirmativa(s) possvel(possveis) para o movimento da onda na corda