A matriz de transporte de um país é constituída pelo conjunto de meios de circulação utilizados para transportar mercadorias e pessoas, sendo que uma matriz de transporte eficiente permite a locomoção de cargas no menor tempo e com o menor preço. Sobre a matriz de transporte brasileira, pode-se afirmar:
TEXTO: O amor a Deus, pelo qual o poder assegura a submissão do homem medieval, é substituído, nas sociedades capitalistas, pelo amor à pátria, dever do cidadão. Embora se instalem essas diferenças no 5 desenvolvimento da história, tanto o poder religioso como o político se exercem pelo amor e pela crença. Esses são o suporte da autoridade. Contudo não é só pela violência física ou verbal que se encontram os meios de se obter a 10 submissão. Há uma violência mais insidiosa e eficaz: a do silêncio. E o poder, além de silenciar, também se exerce acompanhado desse silêncio. Esse, por sua vez, numa sociedade como a nossa, se legitima em função do amor à pátria e da crença na responsabilidade do 15 cidadão. Tais reflexões levam Cl. Haroche (1984) a dizer que, com esse silêncio, o Estado procura manter a distância, ignorar, e mesmo sufocar, a questão crucial do sujeito, isto é, dos modos com que o sujeito pensa, deseja, 20 critica, resiste. Nos trabalhos em que procurei refletir a respeito da questão indígena sobre educação indígena (1982), sobre discurso das lideranças indígenas (1984) e sobre a relação entre língua e cultura dos pataxós (1985) , 25 pude constatar que, no caso do contato cultural entre índios e brancos, o silenciamento produzido pelo Estado não incide apenas sobre o que o índio, enquanto sujeito, faz, mas sobre a própria existência do sujeito índio. E, quando digo Estado, digo o Estado brasileiro do branco, 30 que silencia a existência do índio enquanto sua parte e componente da cultura brasileira. Nesse Estado, o negro chega a ter uma participação. De segunda classe, é verdade, mas tem uma participação, à margem. O índio é totalmente 35 excluído. No que se refere à identidade cultural, o índio não entra nem como estrangeiro, nem sequer como antepassado. Esse processo de apagamento do índio da identidade cultural nacional tem sido escrupulosamente 40 mantido durante séculos. E se produz pelos mecanismos mais variados, dos quais a linguagem, com a violência simbólica que ela representa, é um dos mais eficazes. Os portugueses descobriram o Brasil. Daí se infere que nossos antepassados são os portugueses e 45 o Brasil era apenas uma extensão de terra. Haviaselvagens arredios que faziam parte da terra e que, descobertos, foram o objeto da catequese. São, desde o começo, o alvo de um apagamento, não constituem nada em si. Esse é o seu estatuto histórico transparente: 50 não constam. Há uma ruptura histórica pela qual se passa do índio para o brasileiro, através de um salto. ORLANDI, Eni Puccinelli: Pátria ou Terra: o índio e a identidade nacional. Terra à vista Discurso do confronto: Velho e Novo Mundo. 2. ed. São Paulo: Editora da UNICAMP, 2008. p. 65-66. Adaptado. Sobre o texto, é verdadeiro o que se afirma em
O campeonato de futebol sul-americano denominado Libertadores da América faz referência e homenageia figuras históricas, como Simon Bolívar, San Martin e Antônio José de Sucre, que, na luta pela libertação das colônias sul-americanas do domínio da Espanha,
A análise das pirâmides populacionais, que representam os quatro estágios de transição demográfica, aliada aos conhecimentos sobre a estrutura etária da população mundial, permite afirmar:
A mdica infectologista brasileira Mirian Tendler sempre viu o desafio de vencer a esquistossomose, doena que atinge 200 milhes de pessoas no mundo, como uma misso. Estava convencida de que, se a gente no fizesse essa vacina, dificilmente o mundo desenvolvido faria, afirma. [...] a eficcia de sua vacina em seres humanos foi comprovada. A misso estava cumprida. (Isabel Clemente, 2012, p. 31-32). A esquistossomose uma endemia parasitria tpica das Amricas, sia e frica. No Brasil, acredita-se que so cerca de seis milhes de infectados, encontrados, principalmente nos estados do Nordeste e em Minas Gerais. A respeito dessa parasitose, correto afirmar:
(UEFS 2012) PbCl2(s)⇌ Pb2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) Kps= 1,6 x 10-5 mol3L-3 A dissoluo de slidos em lquidos de grande interesse nos laboratrios e nas indstrias qumicas porque as reaes qumicas ocorrem mais facilmente quando os reagentes slidos esto em soluo. Embora existam substncias pouco solveis, essas caractersticas no impedem que reajam. O equilbrio qumico representado obedece lei da ao das massas aplicada fase aquosa, porque a concentrao de cloreto de chumbo, PbCl2(aq), pouco solvel nessa fase, pequena e constante, e a soluo saturada. Assim, a partir das aplicaes dessas informaes, possvel resolver a situao-problema apresentada por um rio do Recncavo Baiano que lana nas guas da Baa de Todos-os-Santos grande quantidade de resduos de compostos de chumbo, cuja amostra coletada na foz desse rio, a 25oC, apresentou 4,0.101molL1 de ons cloreto, Cl(aq). De acordo com essas informaes e considerando-se = 1,6, correto afirmar que a
De la lectura del texto, se puede concluir que la actividad de enseñanza
A análise do mapa permite afirmar que, na área em negrito,
Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of São Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). About the new fungi discovered in Brazil, its true to say: ( ) They only glow when there is no light. ( ) They produce a strong dark green glow. ( ) All of them were unknown to scientists. ( ) Their discovery has made the numbers of glowers go up by thirty percent. According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is
En el texto de la foto, el vocablo maestro podría sustituirse sin cambiar su sentido por
(UEFS - 2012) Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near So Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of So Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponvel em: . Acesso em: In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said (l. 36-38). This sentence can be exactly rephrased in Reported Speech as: Stevani said that, in a near future, we ______to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments. The alternative that completes the blank correctly is
Considering the little dogs in the cartoon, Snoopy, the big dog, is
A team of scientists has shown that the glaciers in one of Asias major mountain ranges are defying the general tendency towards shrinkage, and have in fact expanded slightly over the last few years. The range in 5 question is the Karakoram, which straddles Pakistan, India and China on the north-western end of the Himalayas. Glacial decline and the gradual loss of polar ice caps has been a worrying trend over recent decades, 10 but scientists have been aware of an apparently curious anomaly with the Karakoram, which contains some of the worlds biggest mountains including the second highest, K2. It has about 20,000 square kilometers of glaciers, accounting for three percent of the total area of 15 ice outside the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. Now a team of French scientists has carried out a detailed survey over a large area of the range using sophisticated remote-sensing measurements. Writing in the scientific journal, Nature, they say they found that in 20 the first years of this century the Karakorams glaciers had actually expanded by a small amount, while in the neighboring Himalayas theyd been shrinking. Its unclear why this is happening, but it seems that by a quirk in the weather pattern thats not fully understood, 25 less heat is being delivered to the Karakoram and the mountains are receiving heavier falls of snow. Thickening glaciers. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 jul. 2012. According to the team of scientists mentioned in the text, Karakorams glaciers
La escritura correcta de los números de la viñetas se indica en la alternativa
Like a black light poster come to life, a group of bioluminescent fungi collected from Ribeira Valley Tourist State Park near São Paulo, Brazil, emanates a soft green glow when the lights go out. The mushrooms are part of 5 the genus Mycena, a group that includes about 500 species worldwide. Of these only 33 are known to be bioluminescent capable of producing light through a chemical reaction. Since 2002, Cassius Stevani, professor of Chemistry 10 at the University of São Paulo, Dennis Desjardin, professor of mycology at San Francisco State University in California, and Marina Capelari of Brazils Institute of Botany have discovered 10 more bioluminescent fungi species four of which are new to science in Brazils 15 tropical forests. The work, Stevani says, has increased the number of glowers known since the 1970s by 30 percent. In addition to mushrooms, a variety of marine animals, select species of bacteria, insects, and annelids 20 (earthworms) are known to be bioluminescent. Bioluminescence creates cold light emissions with low thermal radiation. An enzyme called luciferase triggers a pigment called luciferin to oxidize, and the reaction emits light. But why the fungi evolved to glow 25 this way remains a mystery, Stevani says. To get the green glow of the new specimens of bioluminescent mushrooms, Dr Desjardin and Dr Stevani had to go out on new moon nights and stumble around in the forest, running into trees, while keeping an eye out for poisonous 30 snakes and prowling jaguars. Besides helping researchers decipher how and why mushrooms glow, Stevani is studying the bioluminescent fungis ability to signal the presence of toxins in the soil. In the lab, his team has developed a procedure that 35 shows that fungi emit less light when exposed to several metals and organic pollutants. In a near future we can use it to evaluate the toxicity of environmental samples of soil and sediments, Stevani said in an email to National Geographic News. The researcher also says 40 that the fungi could serve as a tool for bioremediation (cleanup using living organisms) of contaminated soil. New glowing mushrooms found in Brazil. Disponível em: . Acesso em: Fill in the parentheses with T (True) or F (False). The text has answers to the following questions: ( ) What does bioluminescence mean? ( ) How long ago did the researchers start looking for bioluminescent fungi in Brazil? ( ) Where did the researchers first publish their findings? ( ) When was the best time to look for the bioluminescent fungi in Brazil? ( ) What did the researchers call the new specimens of glowers found in Brazil? According to the text, the correct sequence, from top to bottom, is