(UFRGS 2007) The opposite of SMALLER (ref. 9) and LIGHTER (ref. 10) is respectively .......... and .......... .
(UFRGS 2007) Considere a frase This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language program. A alternativa que apresenta o significado antônimo da expressão destacada é:
(UFRGS -2007) Most tourists in Rio spend most of their time downtown or in the citys Zona Sul, or southern zone, where the Rua dos Oitis is located. But in the 50 weeks of the year not devoted to Carnaval or New Years Eve, it can be easy to1miss the party. It takes some guidance to develop the sense of where the Cariocas will be exercising their native joie de vivre. A working knowledge of Portuguese is an easy in, but even lacking that, with a little advance work and a few English-speaking Brazilian contacts you can get involved .......... the action and have an idea of the real scene. I received my initial orientation at home in New York, from acquaintances and friends of friends. Many Brazilians, gregarious by nature, are happy enough to help steer a traveler, especially if they think they may be coming north sometime to collect .......... a return of the favor.3Local advice is also comforting, of course, given Rios reputation for crime.4While the danger does not seem to2dampen5anyones partying spirit, violence is much feared and the threat is much discussed .......... the locals. Frequent travelers to Rio may share6tips too. Before and after its peak travel season, the city attracts a number of regular visitors seduced by the charm of the Brazilians and the culture of their proudest city. These repeaters readily brave long flights, like the 12-hour trip from New York with not a single nonstop to be found. (Adapted from: KUGEL, Seth.The New York Times, 20 Feb. 2005.) The use of -ING is the same in LOCAL ADVICE IS ALSO COMFORTING (ref. 3) and in
(UFRGS - 2007) Mr. Eugene Foster lives with his wife in a large house in New York City, and they1have four servants. On this particular morning, there is a great deal of bustling about. One maid is distributing dust sheets to every room, while another2is draping them over the furniture. The butler is bringing down suitcases, and Mrs. Foster herself is flying from room to room and pretending to supervise these operations. Actually, she is thinking of nothing at all except that she is going to miss her plane if her husband doesnt come out of his study soon and get ready. Mr. Foster may possibly have a right to be irritated with his wifes foolishness, but he can have no excuse for increasing her misery by .......... her waiting4unnecessarily. It is by no means certain that this is what he3does, yet whenever they go somewhere, his timing is so accurate and his manner so bland that it is hard to believe he isnt purposely inflicting a nasty torture of his own on the5unhappy lady. And one thing he must know - that she would never dare to call out and tell him .......... . He disciplined her too well for that. He must also know that if he is prepared to wait even beyond the last moment of safety, he can6drive her nearly into hysterics. It seems almost as though he wanted to miss the plane simply to intensify the poor womans suffering. (Adapted from: DAHL, Roald. The way up to heaven.In: Tales of the unexpected.London: Penguin Book, 1979. p. 179-180.) Assinale a alternativa que completa correta e respectivamente as lacunas do texto.
(UFRGS- 2007) Leia o enunciado que segue. O meu leitor no o que me l. o que me rel. Um autor lido unicamente uma vez no tem leitores, ainda que seja retumbante o seu sucesso. Considere abaixo as trs propostas de reescrita desse enunciado. I - No leitor meu quem me l, mas quem me rel. Um autor lido uma nica vez no conta com leitores, sendo, no entanto, retumbante o seu sucesso. II - No meu leitor aquele que me l. aquele que me rel. Um autor lido apenas uma vez carece de leitores, para que o seu sucesso seja retumbante. III - No quem me l que o meu leitor. quem me rel. Um autor lido somente uma vez um autor sem leitores, mesmo que o seu sucesso seja retumbante. Quais propostas so reescritas corretas, e equivalentes em termos de significado, do enunciado acima?
(UFRGS - 2007) LA LEYENDA DE MARTN PESCADOR Todos los miembros de su familia haban sido pescadores. Y el ltimo descendiente, Martn, quera seguir la tradicin, .......... su padre no admita 1que se expusiera a los peligros de la profesin. Pero Martn 6no le hizo caso y una madrugada se embarc dispuesto a realizar su primera pesca. 2Cuando el padre se enter, no 9pudo disimular 7su enojo, 10sali colrico de la casa y con los ojos vueltos al cielo, murmur desde el interior de su alma: 3Antes de que mi hijo sea pescador, prefiero perderle. Pasaron las horas y Martn no apareca. Nadie tena noticia de la barca que se extravi con la luz del alba. El amanecer sorprendi al veterano pescador 11en vela, preocupado, arrepentido. Entonces implor el regreso del hijo amado. .......... la barca ya no volvi. 12En cambio, 4los lugareos celebraron la aparicin de un hermoso pjaro nunca visto antes. Posea un pico largo y plumaje de deslumbrantes tonos turquesas. Pasaba el tiempo posado sobre una rama en la orilla del ro, observando con atencin el paso de los peces, a la espera del bocado perfecto. .......... , 8le vean lanzarse a gran velocidad y con la precisin de un dardo. Para los lugareos, semejante pescador no poda ser otro que Martn, cuya alma, escuchando el ruego de su padre, volvi adoptando la forma de un hermoso pjaro 5que le permitiera vivir su vocacin de pescador en libertad. (Adaptado de: Planeta Humano, Madrid, ano 1, n.3, p. 77, 2004.) Considere el enunciado abajo y las tres propuestas para completarlo. Si el texto estuviera en presente, sera necesario sustituir 1. la forma HIZO (ref. 6) por HACE. 2. la forma PUDO (ref. 9) por PUDIERA. 3. la forma SALI (ref. 10) por SALE. Cules estn correctas?
(UFGRS - 2007) No nion tetraborato, B4O72-, onmero de oxidaodo boro igual a
(Ufrgs 2007) Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmações a seguir, referentes à Revolução de 30. ( ) A Revolução de 30 resultou no alijamento da tradicional oligarquia paulista do centro do poder. ( ) A Aliança Liberal, representada por Getúlio Vargas, contou com apoio dos tenentes, de setores médios e populares urbanos e de oligarquias dissidentes. ( ) A Revolução de 30 insere-se na onda de acontecimentos políticos resultantes da crise estrutural do capitalismo nos anos 20. ( ) A irrupção do Partido Comunista e a influência crescente da Revolução Soviética estão na origem da superação da política do café-com-leite. A sequência correta de preenchimento dos parênteses, de cima para baixo, é
(UFRGS) Durante a Baixa Idade Mdia, ocorreu em Portugal a denominada Revoluode Avis (1383-1385), que resultou em uma mudana dinstica, cuja principal consequncia foi
(UFRGS - 2007) THE FASTEST WAY TO LEARN A LANGUAGE Finally, a different approach that has millions of people talking. Using the award-winning Dynamic Immersion method, our interactive software teaches without translation, memorization, or grammar drills. Combining thousands of real-life images and voices of native speakers in step-by-step immersion process, our programs successfully replicate the experience of learning your first language. Guaranteed to teach faster and easier than only other language product or your money back. 1No question asked. Award-winning software successfully used by U.S. State department diplomats, Fortune 500 executives and millions of people worldwide. Step-by-step immersion instruction in all key language skills: LISTENING: the Rosetta Stone uses native speakers and everyday language to develop your understanding naturally and easily; READING - text exercises develop your reading skills by licking written languages to real-life objects, actions and ideas; SPEAKING - 2speech - recognition feature records and compares your voice to the native speakers, grading your pronunciation; WRITING - dictation exercises evaluate your spelling, syntax and punctuation. Each fully interactive course includes: CD-ROM curriculum with 92 lessons; previews, exercises and testing for each lesson; 3automated tutorials that learn where you need help; Curriculum Text and users Guide. Call today or buy online for an exclusive 10% discount. Rosetta Stone - Language Learning Success. Adapted from: Popular Science, Aug. 2004. Considere a frase This program teaches FASTER THAN any other language program. A alternativa que apresenta o significado antnimo da expresso destacada :
(UFRGS - 2007) ROBOT WORKER HITS THE TOWN Office workers, meet the colleague of the future. Asimo, the worlds most human robot, will start work in May as an office receptionist in Japan. 2Visitors to 4Hondas Wako building will be greeted by Asimo, which can show 1them to meeting rooms and .......... them tea and coffee on a tray. With optical and ultrasonic sensors, 3its makers say, it can recognise people and its surrounding environment, and there are already plans to lease the model out to other users. Six years in development, Asimo is able to walk in a smooth fashion which 7closely ........... that of a human being, says Honda. It has deliberately been designed to be similar in size to a 10-year-old child, so that it is less likely to intimidate people. 8It is also the fastest robot yet. Its ability to run tirelessly would put many people to shame. Asimo is an acronym for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. The robot is 9smaller and 10lighter than earlier prototypes, but tall enough, its makers say, to reach door knobs, operate switches and perform tasks at tables and benches. Honda, which is now .......... its efforts on artificial intelligence, says it is aiming to develop a future version of Asimo that will be able to think for itself. Whether humans will want to work alongside a 6robot 5that might show them up is another matter. (Adapted from: OWEN, Jonathan, The Independent on Sunday, 30 Apr. 2006.) Select the correct alternative to complete the sentence below. The opposite of SMALLER (ref. 9) and LIGHTER (ref. 10) is respectively .......... and .......... .
(Ufrgs 2007) Most tourists in Rio spend most of their time downtown or in the citys Zona Sul, or southern zone, where the Rua dos Oitis is located. But in the 50 weeks of the year not devoted to Carnaval or New Years Eve, it can be easy to 1miss the party. It takes some guidance to develop the sense of where the Cariocas will be exercising their native joie de vivre. A working knowledge of Portuguese is an easy in, but even lacking that, with a little advance work and a few English-speaking Brazilian contacts you can get involved .......... the action and have an idea of the real scene. I received my initial orientation at home in New York, from acquaintances and friends of friends. Many Brazilians, gregarious by nature, are happy enough to help steer a traveler, especially if they think they may be coming north sometime to collect .......... a return of the favor. 3Local advice is also comforting, of course, given Rios reputation for crime. 4While the danger does not seem to 2dampen 5anyones partying spirit, violence is much feared and the threat is much discussed .......... the locals. Frequent travelers to Rio may share 6tips too. Before and after its peak travel season, the city attracts a number of regular visitors seduced by the charm of the Brazilians and the culture of their proudest city. These repeaters readily brave long flights, like the 12-hour trip from New York with not a single nonstop to be found. (Adapted from: KUGEL, Seth. The New York Times, 20 Feb. 2005.) The use of S is the same in ANYONES PARTYING SPIRIT (ref. 5) and in
(UFRGS - 2007) Leia o seguinte soneto de Gregrio de Matos. Largo em sentir, em respirar sucinto, Peno, e calo, to fino, e to lento, Que fazendo disfarce do tormento, Mostro que o no padeo, e sei que o sinto. O mal, que fora encubro, ou me desminto, Dentro no corao que o sustento: Com que, para penar sentimento, Para no se entender, labirinto. Ningum sufoca a voz nos seus retiros; Da tempestade o estrondo efeito: L tem ecos a terra, o mar suspiros. Mas oh do meu segredo alto conceito! Pois no chegam a vir boca os tiros Dos combates que vo dentro no peito. Considere as seguintes afirmaes. I - O poema um exemplo da poesia satrica de Gregrio de Matos, a qual lhe valeu a alcunha de Boca do Inferno, por escarnecer de pessoas, situaes e costumes de seu tempo. II - Na segunda estrofe, o poema expressa a oposio entre essncia e aparncia, sustentando que o sofrimento ocultado aos olhos do mundo. III - Segundo as duas ltimas estrofes do poema, a opo pelo silncio com relao dor e s angstias internas contrape-se aos rudos da natureza. Quais esto corretas?
(UFRGS - 2007) Assinale com V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) as afirmaes a seguir sobre a Literatura de Informao no Brasil. ( ) A carta de Pero Vaz de Caminha, enviada ao rei D. Manuel I, circulou amplamente entre a nobreza e o povo portugus da poca. ( ) Os textos informativos apresentavam, em geral, uma estrutura narrativa, pois esta se adaptava melhor aos objetivos dos autores de falar das coisas que viam. ( ) Os textos que informavam sobre o Novo Mundo despertavam grande curiosidade entre o pblico europeu, estando os de Amrico Vespcio entre os mais divulgados no incio do sculo XVI. ( ) Pero de Magalhes Gandavo o autor dos textos Tratado da Terra do Brasil e Histria da Provncia Santa Cruz a que Vulgarmente chamamos de Brasil. A sequncia correta de preenchimento dos parnteses, de cima para baixo,
(UFRGS - 2007)Assinale a alternativa que contm somente razes utilizadas na alimentao.