(UFU - 2021 - MEDICINA) An astonishing 40% of bees die every year as a result of disease, pesticides and climate change — in part because busy commercial beekeepers miss warning signs. That’s where Beewise, an artificial-intelligence-powered hive, comes in. Using precision robotics, computer vision and AI, a Beehome — which costs $15 a month and might host 2 million bees — monitors the insects 24/7. When a hive is exposed to, say, parasites or experiences irregular temperatures, its internal systems respond immediately by applying pesticides, for example. Use of the smart technology can double pollination capacity and honey production, while decreasing colonies’ mortality rate. “Not only do bees not die,” says Saar Safra, Beewise’s CEO. “They thrive.”
Disponível em: <https://time.com/>. Acesso em: 30 maio 2021.
Com base no texto acima, é INCORRETO afirmar que
a ciência desconhece as causas da mortandade de abelhas.
as abelhas podem morrer por ausência de ações preventivas.
a inteligência artificial pode ser usada para proteger apiários.
Beewise pode ajudar no aumento da produção de mel.