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Questões - AFA 2007 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 1

(AFA - 2007) Texto para as questes 1 e 2. Lets not spend the night together He used to love her, but its all over now. A couple for more than two decades, Mick Jagger,andJerry Hall,said they would have their marriage annulled. Hall filed for divorce after a Brazilian model claimed Jagger had made her pregnant. But Jagger challenged the action, saying his marriage to Hall in Bali was not legally valid. Undoubtedly the hangup was money. London papers claimed that the Rolling Stones lead singer will pay $11 million to $15 million. That shouldnt be a problem. The Stones, even after rolling for a third of a century, are still the worlds top musical attraction, taking in nearly $88 million so far from this years touring. (Adapted from Time, July 1999) The Statement from the text, But Jagger challenged the action saying his marriage to Hall in Bali was not legally valid means that Jagger

Questão 1

(AFA - 2007) Uma pessoa est observando uma corrida a 170m do ponto de largada. Em dado instante, dispara-se a pistola que d incio competio. Sabe-se que o tempo de reao de um determinado corredor 0,2s, sua velocidade 7,2km/h e a velocidade do som no ar 340m/s. A distncia desse atleta em relao linha de largada, quando o som do disparo chegar ao ouvido do espectador, :

Questão 2

(AFA - 2007) Texto para as questes 1 e 2. Lets not spend the night together He used to love her, but its all over now. A couple for more than two decades, Mick Jagger,andJerry Hall,said they would have their marriage annulled. Hall filed for divorce after a Brazilian model claimed Jagger had made her pregnant. But Jagger challenged the action, saying his marriage to Hall in Bali was not legally valid. Undoubtedly the hangup was money. London papers claimed that the Rolling Stones lead singer will pay $11 million to $15 million. That shouldnt be a problem. The Stones, even after rolling for a third of a century, are still the worlds top musical attraction, taking in nearly $88 million so far from this years touring. (Adapted from Time, July 1999) The worldhangup in the text means

Questão 2

(AFA - 2007) Um paraquedista, ao saltar na vertical de um avio que se desloca na horizontal em relao ao solo, sofre uma reduo crescente da acelerao at atingir a velocidade limite. O grfico que MELHOR representa o mdulo da componente vertical da velocidade do paraquedista em funo do tempo, a partir do instante em que comea a cair, :

Questão 3

(AFA - 2007) O grfico abaixo representa o movimento de subida de um prottipo de foguete em dois estgios lanado a partir do solo. Aps ter atingido a altura mxima, pode-se afirmar que o tempo de queda livre desse prottipo ser de

Questão 3

(AFA - 2007) Texto para questes 3 a 5. Where Astronauts Are Gods In a country which learned not to believe in God, it reigns the belief in science. Like saints, the cosmonauts (the way Russians call astronauts occupy a place of eminence in the pantheon of the national Russian heroes. They have multiple talents, being the greatest one, the capacity of going to space. Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts. There are a lot of statues and museums all over the country. Theres also a date to celebrate them, April 12. Up to now, ninety nine Russians have already gone into space since 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into orbit. Not by chance, hes adored among the conquerors of Cosmo. His premature death when he was 34 years old (seven years after his first and unique space flight in a tragic plane accident whose causes are still mysterious) contributed to create the myth. (Adapted from O Globo, April, 02-2006.) According to the text, its understood that

Questão 4

(AFA - 2007) Um avio voa na direo leste a 120 Km/h para ir da cidade A cidade B. Havendo vento para o Sul com velocidade de 50 Km/h, para que o tempo de viagem seja o mesmo, a velocidade do avio dever ser

Questão 4

(AFA - 2007) Texto para questes 3 a 5. Where Astronauts Are Gods In a country which learned not to believe in God, it reigns the belief science. Like saints, the cosmonauts (the way Russians call astronauts occupy a place of eminence in the pantheon of the national Russian heroes. They have multiple talents, being the greatest one, the capacity of going to space. Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts. There are a lot of statues and museums all over the country. Theres also a date to celebrate them, April 12. Up to now, ninety nine Russians have already gone into space since 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into orbit. Not by chance, hes adored among the conquerors of Cosmo. His premature death when he was 34 years old (seven years after his first and unique space flight in a tragic plane accident whose causes are still mysterious) contributed to create the myth. (Adapted from O Globo, April, 02-2006.) Another way to say the statement, Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts, would be:

Questão 5

(AFA - 2007) Uma partcula descreve movimento circular passando pelos pontos A e B com velocidadese, conforme a figura abaixo. A opo que representa o vetor acelerao mdia entre A e B :

Questão 5

(AFA - 2007) Texto para questes 3 a 5. Where Astronauts Are Gods In a country which learned not to believe in God, it reigns the belief science. Like saints, the cosmonauts (the way Russians call astronauts occupy a place of eminence in the pantheon of the national Russian heroes. They have multiple talents, being the greatest one, the capacity of going to space. Streets, avenues and schools are named after astronauts. There are a lot of statues and museums all over the country. Theres also a date to celebrate them, April 12. Up to now, ninety nine Russians have already gone into space since 1961, when Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into orbit. Not by chance, hes adored among the conquerors of Cosmo. His premature death when he was 34 years old (seven years after his first and unique space flight in a tragic plane accident whose causes are still mysterious) contributed to create the myth. (Adapted from O Globo, April, 02-2006.) Taking the sentence, There are a lot of atatues and museums all over the country. Theres also a date to celebrate them., the word in boldface refers to

Questão 6

(AFA - 2007) Texto para as questes 6 e 7. June 12th, 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales, addresses a seminar on landmines. Here are some excerpts of her speech: I. I welcome this conference on landmines (...) because the world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which antipersonnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth. Indeed, until my journey to Angola early this year, (...) I was largely unaware of it too. (...) According to the excerpt above the undefined statement means that

Questão 6

(AFA - 2007) A figura abaixo representa as trajetrias de dois projteis A e B lanados no mesmo instante num local onde o campo gravitacional constante e a resistncia do ar desprezvel. Ao passar pelo ponto P, ponto comum de suas trajetrias, os projteis possuam a mesma

Questão 7

(AFA - 2007) Duas esteiras matm movimentos uniformes e sincronizados de forma que bolinhas sucessivamente abandonadas em umas delas atingem ordenadamente recipientes conduzidos pela outra. Cada bolinha atinge o recipiente no instante em que a seguinte abandonada. Sabe-se que a velocidade da esteira superior v e que o espaamento das bolinhas a metade da distncia d, entre os recipientes. Sendo g a acelerao da gravidade local, a altura h, entre as esteiras, pode ser calculada por:

Questão 7

(AFA - 2007) Texto para as questes 6 e 7. June 12th, 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales, addresses a seminar on landmines. Here are some excerpts of her speech: I. I welcome this conference on landmines (...) because the world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which antipersonnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth. Indeed, until my journey to Angola early this year, (...) I was largely unaware of it too. (...) According to Dianas speech we way observe that her first concern is related to the

Questão 8

(AFA - 2007) Durante um show de patinao, o patinador, representado na figura, descreve uma evoluo circular, com velocidade escalar constante, de raio igual a 10,8 m. Considerando desprezveis quaisquer resistncias, a velocidade do patinador, ao fazer a referida evoluo, igual a Dados: sen 53 = 0,80, cos 53 = 0,60.