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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - AFA 2008 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 15

(AFA - 2008) A throw-away world A lot of people feel that pollution has become one of the biggest problems in the world today. But when we talk about pollution, what do we really mean? Well, when you pollute something, you make it dirty or dangerous for other people or animals. If you put engine oil in water, you will pollute it; nobody will be able to drink it or wash in it. All over the world, there are people polluting the land, the sea and the air. The main reason for pollution is waste something which is no longer needed. Waste can be many things. It can be yesterdays newspaper, an old car, your dirty bath water, or smoke from a factory chimney. Some waste is dangerous because it contains poisons. This kind of waste is called toxic waste, and it is the problem of toxic waste which is worrying many people and governments today. All living things, especially people, make waste. There are more than six billion people in the world. They all need to eat, dress and travel about. Most of them need to heat their homes as well. They buy things, they use them and they throw their old things away. Nowadays, we live in a throw away world. (Adapted from Recycling Factfiles, Oxford.) Mark the alternative that represents the same idea as the first sentence of the text.

Questão 16

(AFA - 2008) Finally due to our disastrous sales figures Ive decided to award myself a stress related bonus. Taken from www.cartoonstock.com According to the cartoon the businessman

Questão 16

(AFA - 2008) Duas esferas A e B de mesmo volume, de materiais diferentes e presas por fios ideais, encontram-se em equilbrio no interior de um vaso com gua conforme a figura. Considerando-se as foras peso ( PA e PB), empuxo (EA e EB) e tenso no fio (TA e TB) relacionadas acada esfera, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 17

(AFA - 2008) O diagrama de fases apresentado a seguir pertence a uma substncia hipottica. Com relao a essa substncia, pode-se afirmar que:

Questão 17

(AFA - 2008) Read the text and answer the following questions 17 to 19 according to it. Get Ready You will go directly to the labor market after high school, or you will prepare yourself to the university. No matter what you do, there is one very important thing to remember: you have to get ready for what is coming. And you have to do it right, otherwise people will not hire you. They will only pay you a salary when they recognize that your work has value. If you want a higher salary, you have to provide more value. Consider your experience and your knowledge today. What can you do today at work? What are your skills? What are the things that you can do that meet the needs of other people? Taken from Challenge, Richmond After graduating from high school it is highly important to

Questão 18

(AFA - 2008) Read the text and answer the following questions 17 to 19 according to it. Get Ready You will go directly to the labor market after high school, or you will prepare yourself to the university. No matter what you do, there is one very important thing to remember: you have to get ready for what is coming. And you have to do it right, otherwise people will not hire you. They will only pay you a salary when they recognize that your work has value. If you want a higher salary, you have to provide more value. Consider your experience and your knowledge today. What can you do today at work? What are your skills? What are the things that you can do that meet the needs of other people? Taken from Challenge, Richmond Considering the ideas expressed by the text, mark the INCORRECT statement.

Questão 18

(AFA - 2008) A figura a seguir representa o Ciclo de Carnot realizado por um gs ideal que sofre transformaes numa mquina trmica. Considerando-se que o trabalho til fornecido pela mquina, em cada ciclo, igual a 1500 J e, ainda que, T1 = 600 K e T2 = 300 K, INCORRETO afirmar que

Questão 19

(AFA - 2008) Read the text and answer the following questions 17 to 19 according to it. Get Ready You will go directly to the labor market after high school, or you will prepare yourself to the university. No matter what you do, there is one very important thing to remember: you have to get ready for what is coming. And you have to do it right, otherwise people will not hire you. They will only pay you a salary when they recognize that your work has value. If you want a higher salary, you have to provide more value. Consider your experience and your knowledge today. What can you do today at work? What are your skills? What are the things that you can do that meet the needs of other people? Taken from Challenge, Richmond The fragment meet the needs of other people taken from the text means

Questão 19

(AFA - 2008) Um cilindro de volume constante contm determinado gs ideal a temperatura T0 e presso p0. Mantm-se constante a temperatura do cilindro e introduz-se, lentamente, a partir doinstante t = 0, certa massa do mesmo gs.O grfico abaixo representa a massa m de gs existente no interior do cilindro em funo do tempo t. Nessas condies, a presso do gs existente no recipiente, para o instante t = a, igual a

Questão 20

(AFA - 2008) Lucy Van Pelt works hard at being bossy, crabby andselfish. She is loud and yells a lot. Her smiles and motives are rarely pure. Shes a know-it-all who dispenses advice whether you want it or not and for Charlie Brown, theres a charge. (...) The absence of logic in her arguments holds a kind of shining lunacy. When it comes to compliments, Lucy only likes receiving them. If shes paying one or even smiling shes probably up to something devious. According to the paragraph above, mark the correct option about Lucy Van Pelt.

Questão 20

(AFA - 2008) A figura mostra um objeto A, colocado a 8 m de um espelho plano, e um observador O, colocado a 4 m desse mesmo espelho. Um raio de luz que parte de A e atinge o observador Opor reflexo no espelho percorrer, nesse trajeto de A para O

Questão 21

(AFA - 2008) Lucy Van Pelt works hard at being bossy, crabby andselfish. She is loud and yells a lot. Her smiles and motives are rarely pure. Shes a know-it-all who dispenses advice whether you want it or not and for Charlie Brown, theres a charge. (...) The absence of logic in her arguments holds a kind of shining lunacy. When it comes to compliments, Lucy only likes receiving them. If shes paying one or even smiling shes probably up to something devious. Choose the alternative that has the best sequence of antonyms to the boldfaced words from the text respectively.

Questão 21

(AFA - 2008) Um espelho esfrico E de distncia focal f e uma lente convergente L esto dispostos coaxialmente, com seus eixos pticos coincidentes. Uma fonte pontual de grande potncia, capaz de emitir luz exclusivamente para direita, e colocada em P. Os raios luminosos do ponto acendem um palito de fsforo com a cabea em Q, conforme mostra a figura. Considerando-se as medidas do esquema, pode-se afirmar que a distncia focal da lente vale

Questão 22

(AFA - 2008) Read the following headlines and answer questions 22 and 23. 1. Many simple actions have wider impacts than we realize. 2. Minimizing paper waste is an easy way to start. 3. Use energy-efficient appliances, fewer harsh chemicals. 4. Keep water sources clean; make good use of local farms. www.nationalgeographic.com Mark the alternative which has a sentence with a DIFFERENT meaning from the headlines 1 to 4, respectively.

Questão 22

(AFA - 2008) Considere uma pelcula transparente de faces paralelas com ndice de refrao n iluminada por luz monocromtica de comprimento de onda no ar igual a , como mostra a figura abaixo. Sendo a incidncia de luz pouco inclinada, a mnima espessura de pelcula para que um observador a veja brilhante por luz refletida