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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - AFA 2008 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 1

(AFA - 2008) Uma partcula move-se com velocidade de 50 m/s. Sob a ao de uma acelerao de mdulo 0,2 m/s2, ela chega a atingir a mesma velocidade em sentido contrrio. O tempo gasto, em segundos, para ocorrer essa mudanga no sentido da velocidade

Questão 1

(AFA - 2008) Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 04. The Moon The Moon is the Earths only natural satellite. It is relatively large for a moon, with a diameter of about 5,470 kilometers just over a quarter of the Earth. The Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it takes to orbit the Earth (27.3), and so the same side (the near side) always faces us. However, the amount of the surface we can see the phase of the Moon depends on how much of the near side is in sunlight. The Moon is dry and barren, with no atmosphere or water. It consists mainly of solid rock, although its core may contain molten rock or iron. The surface is dusty, with highlands covered in craters caused by meteorite impacts, and lowlands in which large craters have been filled by solidified lava to form dark areas called maria or seas. Maria occur mainly on the near side, which has a thinner crust than the far side. Many of the craters are rimmed by mountain ranges that form the crater walls and can be thousands of meters high. Visual Encyclopedia Mark the option that is contextually and grammatically correct according to the use of adverbs.

Questão 2

(AFA - 2008) Leia atentamente o Texto I para responder s questes de 31 a 36. Texto I Hino nacional Precisamos descobrir o Brasil! Escondido atrs das florestas, com a gua dos rios no meio, o Brasil est dormindo, coitado. [5] Precisamos colonizar o Brasil. O que faremos importando francesas muito louras, de pele macia, alems gordas, russas nostlgicas para garonettes dos restaurantes noturnos. [10] E viro srias fidelssimas. No convm desprezar as japonesas... Precisamos educar o Brasil. Compraremos professores e livros, assimilaremos finas culturas, [15] abriremos dancings e subvencionaremos as elites. Cada brasileiro ter sua casa com fogo e aquecedor eltricos, piscina, salo para conferncias cientficas. E cuidaremos do Estado Tcnico. [20] Precisamos louvar o Brasil. No s um pas sem igual. Nossas revolues so bem maiores do que quaisquer outras; nossos erros tambm. E nossas virtudes? A terra das sublimes paixes... [25] os Amazonas inenarrveis... os incrveis Joo-Pessoas... Precisamos adorar o Brasil! Se bem que seja difcil caber tanto oceano e tanta [solido no pobre corao j cheio de compromissos... Se bem que seja difcil compreender o que querem [30] [esses homens, por que motivo eles se ajuntaram e qual a razo de seus [sofrimentos. Precisamos, precisamos esquecer o Brasil! To majestoso, to sem limites, to despropositado, ele quer repousar de nossos terrveis carinhos. [35] O Brasil no nos quer! Est farto de ns! Nosso Brasil no outro mundo. Este no o Brasil. Nenhum Brasil existe. E acaso existiro os brasileiros? (Andrade, Carlos Drummond de. Sentimento do Mundo 12a ed. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2001.) De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

Questão 2

(AFA - 2008) Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 04. The Moon The Moon is the Earths only natural satellite. It is relatively large for a moon, with a diameter of about 5,470 kilometers just over a quarter of the Earth. The Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it takes to orbit the Earth (27.3), and so the same side (the near side) always faces us. However, the amount of the surface we can see the phase of the Moon depends on how much of the near side is in sunlight. The Moon is [9] dry and barren, with no atmosphere or water. It consists mainly of solid rock, although its core may contain molten rock or iron. The surface is dusty, with highlands covered in craters caused by meteorite impacts, and lowlands in which large craters have been filled by solidified lava to form dark areas called maria or seas. Maria occur mainly on the near side, which has a thinner crust than the far side. Many of the craters are rimmed by mountain ranges that form the crater walls and can be thousands of meters high. Visual Encyclopedia The pronoun it in line 9 refers to the

Questão 2

(AFA - 2008) Um corpo abandonado do repouso de uma altura h acima do solo. No mesmo instante, um outro lanado para cima, a partir do solo, segundo a mesma vertical, com velocidade v.Sabendo que os corpos se encontram na metade da altura da descida do primeiro, pode-se afirmar que h vale

Questão 3

(AFA - 2008) Considere um pequeno avio voando em trajetria retilnea com velocidade constante nas situaes a seguir. (1) A favor do vento. (2) Perpendicularmente ao vento. Sabe-se que a velocidade do vento 75% da velocidade do avio. Para uma mesma distncia percorrida, a razo, entre os intervalos de tempo nas situaes (1) e (2), vale

Questão 3

(AFA - 2008) Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 04. The Moon The Moon is the Earths only natural satellite. It is relatively large for a moon, with a diameter of about 5,470 kilometers just over a quarter of the Earth. The Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it takes to orbit the Earth (27.3), and so the same side (the near side) always faces us. However, the amount of the surface we can see the phase of the Moon depends on how much of the near side is in sunlight. The Moon is dry and barren, with no atmosphere or water. It consists mainly of solid rock, although its core may contain molten rock or iron. The surface is dusty, with highlands covered in craters caused by meteorite impacts, and lowlands in which large craters have been filled by solidified lava to form dark areas called maria or seas. Maria occur mainly on the near side, which has a thinner crust than the far side. Many of the craters are rimmed by mountain ranges that form the crater walls and can be thousands of meters high. Visual Encyclopedia Choose the alternative in which the sentence is an example of If Clause according to the context of The Moon.

Questão 4

(AFA - 2008) Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 04. The Moon [1] The Moon is the Earths only natural satellite. It is [2] relatively large for a moon, with a diameter of about [3] 5,470 kilometers just over a quarter of the Earth. The Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it takes to orbit the Earth (27.3), and so the same side (the near [6] side) always faces us. However, the amount of the [7] surface we can see the phase of the Moon depends [8] on how much of the near side is in sunlight. The Moon is dry and barren, with no atmosphere or water. It consists mainly of solid rock, although its core may contain molten rock or iron. The surface is dusty, with highlands covered in craters caused by meteorite impacts, and lowlands in which large craters have been filled by solidified lava to [14] form dark areas called maria or seas. Maria occur [15] mainly on the near side, which has a thinner crust than [16] the far side. Many of the craters are rimmed by mountain ranges that form the crater walls and can be thousands of meters high. Visual Encyclopedia Mark the statement from the text which is rewritten as a correct example of Relative or Non-Relative Clause.

Questão 4

(AFA - 2009) Um corpo de massa m, preso extremidade de um fio, constituindo um pndulo cnico, gira num circulo horizontal de raio R, como mostra a figura. Sendo g a acelerao da gravidade local e o ngulo do fio com a vertical, a velocidade do corpo pode ser calculada por

Questão 5

(AFA - 2008) A figura mostra uma bola de isopor caindo, a partir do repouso, sob efeito da resistncia do ar, e outra bola idntica, abandonada no vcuo no instante t1 em que a primeira atinge a velocidade limite. A opo que pode representar os grficos da altura h em funo do tempo t para as situaes descritas :

Questão 5

(AFA - 2008) Lovers Moon The fabled Lovers Moon illuminates the night. Shining upon a couple with its magic light. They treasure just one thought two hearts so crystal clear. To hold in their arms one that is so dear. One that makes life worth living just by ________ near. They promise that forever together they ________ as they bathe in the magic that others do not see. So if you feel that you ________ lonely and hope to find love soon. Look toward the heavens and make a wish on the Lovers Moon. From Internet, Quacmoto 1/4/00 Complete the brackets with the right tense of the verb to be and mark the correct alternative.

Questão 6

(AFA - 2008) Lovers Moon The fabled Lovers Moon illuminates the night. Shining upon a couple with its magic light. They treasure just one thought two hearts so crystal clear. To hold in their arms one that is so dear. One that makes life worth living just by ________ near. They promise that forever together they ________ as they bathe in the magic that others do not see. So if you feel that you ________ lonely and hope to find love soon. Look toward the heavens and make a wish on the Lovers Moon. From Internet, Quacmoto 1/4/00 In the 1st verse of the poem the author

Questão 6

(AFA - 2008) The Moon The Moon is the Earths only natural satellite. It is relatively large for a moon, with a diameter of about 5,470 kilometers just over a quarter of the Earth. The Moon takes the same time to rotate on its axis as it takes to orbit the Earth (27.3), and so the same side (the near side) always faces us. However, the amount of the surface we can see the phase of the Moon depends on how much of the near side is in sunlight. The Moon is dry and barren, with no atmosphere or water. It consists mainly of solid rock, although its core may contain molten rock or iron. The surface is dusty, with highlands covered in craters caused by meteorite impacts, and lowlands in which large craters have been filled by solidified lava to form dark areas called maria or seas. Maria occur mainly on the near side, which has a thinner crust than the far side. Many of the craters are rimmed by mountain ranges that form the crater walls and can be thousands of meters high. Visual Encyclopedia Lovers Moon The fabled Lovers Moon illuminates the night. Shining upon a couple with its magic light. They treasure just one thought two hearts so crystal clear. To hold in their arms one that is so dear. One that makes life worth living just by ________ near. They promise that forever together they ________ as they bathe in the magic that others do not see. So if you feel that you ________ lonely and hope to find love soon. Look toward the heavens and make a wish on the Lovers Moon. From Internet, Quacmoto 1/4/00 Mark the right option considering the two texts about Moon.

Questão 6

(AFA - 2008) Na questo anterior, considere que a bola da situao 2 atinge o solo com uma velocidade duas vezes maior que a velocidade limite alcanada pela bola na situao 1. Nestas condies, pode-se afirmar que o percentual de energia dissipada na situao 1 foi de

Questão 7

(AFA - 2008) Lovers Moon The fabled Lovers Moon illuminates the night. Shining upon a couple with its magic light. They treasure just one thought two hearts so crystal clear. To hold in their arms one that is so dear. One that makes life worth living just by ________ near. They promise that forever together they ________ as they bathe in the magic that others do not see. So if you feel that you ________ lonely and hope to find love soon. Look toward the heavens and make a wish on the Lovers Moon. From Internet, Quacmoto 1/4/00 The author also