(AFA - 2008) Um projtil de massa m e velocidade v atinge horizontalmente um bloco de massa M que se encontra acoplado a uma mola de constante elstica K, como mostra a figura abaixo. Apos o impacto, o projtil se aloja no bloco e o sistema massa-mola-projtil passa a oscilar em MHS com amplitude a. No hatrito entre o bloco e o plano horizontal nem resistncia do ar. Nessas condies, a posio em funo do tempo para o oscilador harmnico simples dada pela expressox = acos(t+ 0), onde a e valem, respectivamente,
(AFA - 2008) Read the following headlines and answer questions 22 and 23. 1. Many simple actions have wider impacts than we realize. 2. Minimizing paper waste is an easy way to start. 3. Use energy-efficient appliances, fewer harsh chemicals. 4. Keep water sources clean; make good use of local farms. www.nationalgeographic.com Mark the alternative that has the best title to the group of sentences above.
(AFA - 2008) Considere um sistema formado por duas cordas diferentes, com densidades 1 e 2 tal que 1 2, em que se propagam dois pulsos idnticos, conforme mostra a figura abaixo. A opo que melhor representa a configurao resultante no sistema aps os pulsos passarem pela juno das cordas
(AFA - 2008) Read the text bellow and answer questions 24 and 25 according to it. Child Labor An estimated 246 million children are engaged in child labor worldwide. Of those, approximately three-quarters (171 million) work in hazardous situations or conditions, such as working with pesticides in agriculture or working with dangerous machinery. They are everywhere but they are invisible, working in homes, shops and plantations. Millions of girls who work as unpaid domestic servants are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Millions of others work under horrific circumstances: they are trafficked (12 million), forced into several forms of slavery (57 million), into prostitution and pornography(18 million), into participating in armed conflict (0,3 million) or other illicit activities (0,6 million). However, the vast majority of child laborers 70 per cent or more work in agriculture. The Brazilian Household Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domiclios PNAD) which was published in October 2002 confirmed that 2.9 million children between the ages of 5 and 15 still worked in Brazil. In 1992 there were about 8 million laboring children and in 1995 that number dropped to about 4.5 million. Challenge, Richmond Publishing Child labor in agriculture is considered hazardous because (of)
(AFA - 2008) Um corpo B, de massa igual a 4 kg e carga eltrica +6 C, dista 30 mm do corpo A, fixo e com carga eltrica -1 C. O corpo B suspenso por um fio isolante, de massa desprezvel ligado a uma mola presa ao solo, como mostra a figura. O comprimento natural da mola L0 = 1,2 m e ao sustentar estaticamente o corpo B ela se distende, atingindo o comprimento L = 1,6 m. Considerando-se a constante eletrosttica do meio k = 9.109 N.m2/C2, que as cargas originais dos corpos pontuais A e B so mantidas e desprezando-se os possiveis atritos, o valor da constante elstica da mola, em N/m,
(AFA - 2008) Read the text bellow and answer questions 24 and 25 according to it. Child Labor An estimated 246 million children are engaged in child labor worldwide. Of those, approximately three-quarters (171 million) work in hazardous situations or conditions, such as working with pesticides in agriculture or working with dangerous machinery. They are everywhere but they are invisible, working in homes, shops and plantations. Millions of girls who work as unpaid domestic servants are vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Millions of others work under horrific circumstances: they are trafficked (12 million), forced into several forms of slavery (57 million), into prostitution and pornography(18 million), into participating in armed conflict (0,3 million) or other illicit activities (0,6 million). However, the vast majority of child laborers 70 per cent or more work in agriculture. The Brazilian Household Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domiclios PNAD) which was published in October 2002 confirmed that 2.9 million children between the ages of 5 and 15 still worked in Brazil. In 1992 there were about 8 million laboring children and in 1995 that number dropped to about 4.5 million. Challenge, Richmond Publishing The sentence, They are everywhere but are invisible, means that these children in fact
(AFA - 2008) Aqueceu-se certa quantidade de um lquido utilizando um gerador de f.e.m. = 50 V e resistncia interna r = 3 e um resistor de resistncia R. Se a quantidade de calor fornecida pelo resistor ao lquido foi de 2.105 J, pode-se afirmar que otempo de aquecimento foi
(AFA - 2008) Culture Shock Adjusting to a new culture and way of life is both exciting and challenging you will experience some highs and lows during your time abroad. During these times of difficulty, just remind yourself that these cultural differences are the reason we all love to travel to experience the unknown! Remember its just a phase! As you adjust to the routine of daily life, that initial sense of adventure will wear off. During this phase you may start to miss your friends and families. During this time, you may find it hard to keep a positive attitude. You may be tempted to withdraw from people around you or even become hostile. At this point it is helpful to know that for most people this phase doesnt last too long. Challenge, Richmond Publishing One of the statements from the text shows different moments lived by people who are abroad. Mark it, according to the text.
(AFA - 2008) No circuito representado abaixo, os geradores G1 e G2 so ideais e os resistores tem a mesma resistencia R. Se a potncia dissipada por R2nula, ento a razo entre as f.e.m. de G1 e G2
(AFA - 2008) Culture Shock Adjusting to a new culture and way of life is both exciting and challenging you will experience some highs and lows during your time abroad. During these times of difficulty, just remind yourself that these cultural differences are the reason we all love to travel to experience the unknown! Remember its just a phase! As you adjust to the routine of daily life, that initial sense of adventure will wear off. During this phase you may start to miss your friends and families. During this time, you may find it hard to keep a positive attitude. You may be tempted to withdraw from people around you or even become hostile. At this point it is helpful to know that for most people this phase doesnt last too long. Challenge, Richmond Publishing De acordo com o texto, correto afirmar que
(AFA - 2008) No circuito esquematizado abaixo, C um capacitor, G um gerador de f.e.m. e resistncia interna r e AB um reostato. O grfico que melhor representa a carga acumulada Q no capacitor em funo da resistncia R do reostato :
(AFA - 2008) Culture Shock Adjusting to a new culture and way of life is both exciting and challenging you will experience some highs and lows during your time abroad. During these times of difficulty, just remind yourself that these cultural differences are the reason we all love to travel to experience the unknown! Remember its just a phase! As you adjust to the routine of daily life, that initial sense of adventure will wear off. During this phase you may start to miss your friends and families. During this time, you may find it hard to keep a positive attitude. You may be tempted to withdraw from people around you or even become hostile. At this point it is helpful to know that for most people this phase doesnt last too long. Challenge, Richmond Publishing The fragment from the text, As you adjust to the routine of daily life, that initial sense of adventure will wear off. means that
(AFA - 2008) Read the text and answer questions 29 to 30. Before I came to America I had dreams of life here. I thought about tall Anglos, big buildings, and houses with lawns. I was surprised when I arrived to see so many kinds of people Black people, Asians. I found people from Korea and Cambodia and Mexico. In California I found not just America, I found the world. Olsen Voices from the Language Classroom by M. Bailey and Nunan, 1996. The author affirms in the text that he
QUESTO ANULADA!! (AFA - 2008) A figura mostra uma regio na qual atua um campo magntico uniforme de modulo B. Uma partcula de massa m, carregada positivamente com carga q, e lanada no ponto A com uma velocidade de mdulo v e direo perpendicular s linhas do campo. O tempo que a partcula levar para atingir o ponto B a) b) c) d) QUESTO ANULADA!!
(AFA - 2008) Read the text and answer questions 29 to 30. Before I came to America I had dreams of life here. I thought about tall Anglos, big buildings, and houses with lawns. I was surprised when I arrived to see so many kinds of people Black people, Asians. I found people from Korea and Cambodia and Mexico. In California I found not just America, I found the world. Olsen Voices from the Language Classroom by M. Bailey and Nunan, 1996. The boldfaced words in the text mean that it is a(an)