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Questões - FUVEST 2016 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 83

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) Examine o grfico. O grfico fornece elementos para afirmar:

Questão 84

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) Na Belle poque brasileira, que difusamente coincidiu com a transio para o regime republicano, surgiram aquelas perguntas cruciais, envoltas no oxignio mental da poca, muitas das quais, contudo, nos incomodam at hoje: como construir uma nao se no tnhamos uma populao definida ou um tipo definido? Frente quele amlgama de passado efuturo, alimentado e realimentado pela Repblica, quem era o brasileiro? (...) Inmeras tentativas de respostas a todas estas questes mobilizaram os intelectuais brasileiros durante vrias dcadas. Elias Thom Saliba. Razes do riso. So Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2002. Entre as tentativas de responder, durante a Belle poque brasileira, s dvidas mencionadas no texto, correto incluir

Questão 85

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) Paralelamente abertura da Transamaznica processa-se o trabalho da colonizao, realizado pelo INCRA (Instituto Nacional de Colonizao e Reforma Agrria). As pequenas agrovilas se sucedem de vinte em vinte quilmetros margem da estrada, e nos cem hectares que cada colono recebeu so plantados milho, feijo e arroz. J no prximo ms comear a plantao de cana-de-acar, cujas primeiras mudas, vindas dos canaviais de Sertozinho, em So Paulo, acabaram de ser distribudas. Jovens agrnomos, recm-sados da universidade, orientam os colonos... No meio da selva comeam a surgir as agrovilas. Vindos de diferentes regies do pas, os colonos povoam as margens da Transamaznica e espalham pelo cho virgem o verde disciplinado das culturas pioneiras. Os pastos da regio so excelentes. Revista Manchete, 15 de abril de 1972. Segundo o texto, correto afirmar que a Transamaznica, cuja construo se iniciou no regime militar (1964-1985), representou, inclusive,

Questão 86

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) About half of the worlds population is at risk of contracting dengue, according to the World Health Organization. The mosquito is found in tropical and subtropical climates around the world; however, dengue does not naturally occur in these creatures: the mosquitoes get dengue from us. The mechanism of dengue infection is simple. Female mosquitoes bite humans because they need the protein found in our blood to produce eggs. (Male mosquitoes do not bite.) If the mosquito bites someone with dengue and then, after the viruss roughly eight to 12day replication period, bites someone else it passes dengue into its next victims bloodstream. There is no vaccine against dengue, but infecting mosquitoes with a natural bacterium called Wolbachia blocks the insects ability to pass the disease to humans. The microbe spreads among both male and female mosquitoes: infected females lay eggs that harbor the bacterium, and when Wolbachiafree females mate with infected males, their eggs simply do not hatch. Researchers are now releasing Wolbachiainfected females into the wild in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil. Scientific American, June 2015. Adaptado De acordo com o texto, a infeco por dengue

Questão 87

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) About half of the worlds population is at risk of contracting dengue, according to the World Health Organization. The mosquito is found in tropical and subtropical climates around the world; however, dengue does not naturally occur in these creatures: the mosquitoes get dengue from us. The mechanism of dengue infection is simple. Female mosquitoes bite humans because they need the protein found in our blood to produce eggs. (Male mosquitoes do not bite.) If the mosquito bites someone with dengue and then, after the viruss roughly eight to 12day replication period, bites someone else it passes dengue into its next victims bloodstream. There is no vaccine against dengue, but infecting mosquitoes with a natural bacterium called Wolbachia blocks the insects ability to pass the disease to humans. The microbe spreads among both male and female mosquitoes: infected females lay eggs that harbor the bacterium, and when Wolbachiafree females mate with infected males, their eggs simply do not hatch. Researchers are now releasing Wolbachiainfected females into the wild in Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil. Scientific American, June 2015. Adaptado Segundo o texto, a bactria Wolbachia, se inoculada nos mosquitos, bloqueia a transmisso da dengue porque

Questão 88

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) Working for ondemand startups like Uber and TaskRabbit is supposed to offer flexible hours and higher wages, but many workers have found the pay lower and the hours less flexible than they expected. Even more surprising: 8 percent of those chauffeuring passengers and 16 percent of those making deliveries said they lack personal auto insurance. Those are among the findings from a survey about the work life of independent contractors for ondemand startups, a booming sector of the tech industry, being released Wednesday. We want to shed light on the industry as a whole, said Isaac Madan, a Stanford masters candidate in bioinformatics who worked with two other Stanford students and a recent alumnus on the survey of 1,330 workers. People need to understand how this space will change and evolve and help the economy. On-demand, often called the sharing economy, refers to companies that let users summon workers via smartphone apps to handle all manner of services: rides, cleaning, chores, deliveries, car parking, waiting in lines. Almost uniformly, those workers are independent contractors rather than salaried employees. That status is the main point of contention in a recent rash of lawsuits in which workers are filing for employee status. While the survey did not directly ask contractors if they would prefer to be employees, it found that their top workplace desires were to have paid health insurance, retirement benefits and paid time off for holidays, vacation and sick days all perks of fulltime workers. Respondents also expressed interest in having more chances for advancement, education sponsorship, disability insurance and humanrelations support. Because respondents were recruited rather than randomly selected, the survey does not claim to be representational but a conclusion one may come to is that flexibility of new jobs comes with a cost. Not all workers are prepared for that! SFChronicle.com and SFGate.com, May 20, 2015. Adaptado. Segundo o texto, empresas do tipo on-demand

Questão 89

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) Working for ondemand startups like Uber and TaskRabbit is supposed to offer flexible hours and higher wages, but many workers have found the pay lower and the hours less flexible than they expected. Even more surprising: 8 percent of those chauffeuring passengers and 16 percent of those making deliveries said they lack personal auto insurance. Those are among the findings from a survey about the work life of independent contractors for ondemand startups, a booming sector of the tech industry, being released Wednesday. We want to shed light on the industry as a whole, said Isaac Madan, a Stanford masters candidate in bioinformatics who worked with two other Stanford students and a recent alumnus on the survey of 1,330 workers. People need to understand how this space will change and evolve and help the economy. On-demand, often called the sharing economy, refers to companies that let users summon workers via smartphone apps to handle all manner of services: rides, cleaning, chores, deliveries, car parking, waiting in lines. Almost uniformly, those workers are independent contractors rather than salaried employees. That status is the main point of contention in a recent rash of lawsuits in which workers are filing for employee status. While the survey did not directly ask contractors if they would prefer to be employees, it found that their top workplace desires were to have paid health insurance, retirement benefits and paid time off for holidays, vacation and sick days all perks of fulltime workers. Respondents also expressed interest in having more chances for advancement, education sponsorship, disability insurance and humanrelations support. Because respondents were recruited rather than randomly selected, the survey does not claim to be representational but a conclusion one may come to is that flexibility of new jobs comes with a cost. Not all workers are prepared for that! SFChronicle.com and SFGate.com, May 20, 2015. Adaptado. Um dos resultados da pesquisa realizada com prestadores de servios de empresas do tipo on-demand mostra que esses trabalhadores

Questão 90

(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) Working for ondemand startups like Uber and TaskRabbit is supposed to offer flexible hours and higher wages, but many workers have found the pay lower and the hours less flexible than they expected. Even more surprising: 8 percent of those chauffeuring passengers and 16 percent of those making deliveries said they lack personal auto insurance. Those are among the findings from a survey about the work life of independent contractors for ondemand startups, a booming sector of the tech industry, being released Wednesday. We want to shed light on the industry as a whole, said Isaac Madan, a Stanford masters candidate in bioinformatics who worked with two other Stanford students and a recent alumnus on the survey of 1,330 workers. People need to understand how this space will change and evolve and help the economy. On-demand, often called the sharing economy, refers to companies that let users summon workers via smartphone apps to handle all manner of services: rides, cleaning, chores, deliveries, car parking, waiting in lines. Almost uniformly, those workers are independent contractors rather than salaried employees. That status is the main point of contention in a recent rash of lawsuits in which workers are filing for employee status. While the survey did not directly ask contractors if they would prefer to be employees, it found that their top workplace desires were to have paid health insurance, retirement benefits and paid time off for holidays, vacation and sick days all perks of fulltime workers. Respondents also expressed interest in having more chances for advancement, education sponsorship, disability insurance and humanrelations support. Because respondents were recruited rather than randomly selected, the survey does not claim to be representational but a conclusion one may come to is that flexibility of new jobs comes with a cost. Not all workers are prepared for that! SFChronicle.com and SFGate.com, May 20, 2015. Adaptado. Outro resultado da mesma pesquisa indica que


(FUVEST - 2016) Observe o mapa a seguir. Considere o trabalho anlogo escravido no meio rural brasileiro. a) Indique dois elementos que caracterizam essa condio de trabalho. Explique. b) Identifique as trs Regies Administrativas do pas em que h maior rea de concentrao desse fenmeno e indique duas atividades significativas nas quais os trabalhadores, submetidos a essa condio, esto inseridos. c) Descreva uma das formas de arregimentao de pessoas para essa condio de trabalho.


(FUVEST - 2016 - 1 FASE) No esquema abaixo, est representada uma via metablica; o produto de cada reao qumica, catalisada por uma enzima especfica, o substrato para a reao seguinte. Num indivduo que possua alelos mutantes que levem perda de funo do gene


(FUVEST - 2016) Sabe-se que os metais ferro (Fe0), magnsio (Mg0) e estanho (Sn0)reagem com solues de cidos minerais, liberando gs hidrognio e formando ons divalentesem soluo. Foram feitos trs experimentos em que trs amostras metlicas de mesma massa reagiram,separada e completamente, com uma soluo aquosa de cido clordrico (HCℓ(aq)) deconcentrao 0,1 mol/L. Os resultados obtidos foram: Colocando-se os valores de V1, V2 e V3 em ordem decrescente, obtm-se Note e adote: Massa molar (g/ mol) : Mg ....... 24 Fe ....... 56 Sn ...... 119


(FUVEST 2016 - 2 FASE)O grande mrito do sbio toscano estava exatamente na apresentao de suas concluses na forma de leis matemticas do mundo natural. Ele no apenas defendia que o mundo era governado por essas leis, como tambm apresentava as que havia descoberto em suas investigaes. Carlos Z. Camenietzki, Galileu em sua rbita. 01/02/2014. www.revistadehistoria.com.br Considerando que o texto se refere a Galileu Galilei (1564-1642), a) identifique uma das leis do mundo natural proposta por ele; b) indique dois dos principais motivos pelos quais ele foi julgado pelo Tribunal da Inquisio.


(FUVEST 2016 - 1 FASE) A escolha do local para instalao de parques elicos depende, dentre outros fatores, da velocidade mdia dos ventos que sopram na regio. Examine este mapa das diferentes velocidades mdias de ventos no Brasil e, em seguida, o grfico da potncia fornecida por um aerogerador em funo da velocidade do vento. BRASIL - VELOCIDADE MDIA DOS VENTOS De acordo com as informaes fornecidas, esse aerogerador poderia produzir, em um ano, 8,8 GWh de energia, se fosse instalado no -------------------------


(FUVEST - 2016 - 2 fase) Leia a ltima estrofe do poema Madrigal Lgubre, da obra Sentimento do mundo, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. ... Enquanto fugimos para outros mundos, que esse est velho, velha princesa, palcio em runas, ervas crescendo, lagarta mole que escreves a histria, escreve sem pressa mais esta histria: o cho est verde de lagartas mortas... Adeus, princesa, at outra vida. A imagem das lagartas mortas representa no s a morte de um ser, como tambm a morte de novas formas de vida que poderiam vir a ser, ou seja, aquelas em que as lagartas poderiam se transformar. a) Com exceo de insetos, cite um animal que, durante seu desenvolvimento, apresente uma forma que possa substituir lagartas em sua funo simblica no poema. b) Qual o modo de ver a histria representado pela imagem das lagartas mortas, no poema?


(FUVEST 2016 - 1 FASE)A Estao Espacial Internacional orbita a Terra em uma altitude h. A acelerao da gravidade terrestre dentro dessa espaonave ----------------------