(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) TEXTO I A text familiar to many, George Orwells classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, Animal Farm spends too little time on the details of time and place. Instead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...) Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwells biting satire on Soviet history before viewing Animal Farm, just to know whats been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwells allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, were left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright. TEXTO II Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely - and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwells short novel. Animal Farm is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: It is the history of a revolution that went wrong. The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...) In Animal Farm, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple comrades to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hair- raising warning to all humankind: The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which. TEXTO III When the farms prize-winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells them that he has had a dream in which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and harmony. (...) . When Old Major dies, (...) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full-fledged philosophy. One night, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr. Jones, his wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed Animal Farm as the animals work towards a future utopia. The Seven Commandments of the new philosophy of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn for all to read, the seventh and most important of which is that all animals are equal (...). Many years pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon on having the most hard working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans against the labouring classes of both worlds. The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleons conversations and finally realize that a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Assinale a opo que indica, respectivamente, o gnero dos Textos I, II e III.
(ITA - 2007- 1a Fase) Sobre um corpo de 2,5kg de massa atuam, em sentidos opostos de uma mesmadireo, duas foras de intensidades 150,40 N e 50,40 N, respectivamente. A opo queoferece o mdulo da acelerao resultante com o nmero correto de algarismos significativos
(ITA - 2007) Se A, B e C forem conjuntos tais que , , , e , ento , , , nesta ordem
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) TEXTO I A text familiar to many, George Orwells classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, Animal Farm spends too little time on the details of time and place. Instead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...) Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwells biting satire on Soviet history before viewing Animal Farm, just to know whats been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwells allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, were left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright. TEXTO II Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely - and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwells short novel. Animal Farm is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: It is the history of a revolution that went wrong. The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...) In Animal Farm, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple comrades to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hair- raising warning to all humankind: The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which. TEXTO III When the farms prize-winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells them that he has had a dream in which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and harmony. (...) . When Old Major dies, (...) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full-fledged philosophy. One night, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr. Jones, his wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed Animal Farm as the animals work towards a future utopia. The Seven Commandments of the new philosophy of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn for all to read, the seventh and most important of which is that all animals are equal (...). Many years pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon on having the most hard working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans against the labouring classes of both worlds. The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleons conversations and finally realize that a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Da leitura dos Textos I, II e III, possvel depreender que: I. o trabalho de Orwell pode ser entendido como um conto de fadas ou como uma crtica a regimes polticos totalitrios. II. o filme Animal Farm retrata todos os aspectos apresentados no livro de mesmo nome e, por isso, recebeu elogios da crtica. III. o enredo de Animal Farm aborda, entre outros temas, a influncia do poder no comportamento humano. Ento, est(o) correta(s)
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) A partir do nvel P, com velocidade inicial de 5 m/s, um corpo sobe a superfcie deum plano inclinado PQ de 0,8 m de comprimento. Sabe-se que o coeficiente de atrito cinticoentre o plano e o corpo igual a Considere a acelerao da gravidade g = 10 m/s2, sen = 0,8, cos = 0,6 e que o ar nooferece resistncia. O tempo mnimo de percurso do corpo para que se torne nulo ocomponente vertical de sua velocidade
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Um recipiente aberto contendo inicialmente 30 g de um lquido puro a 278 K, mantido presso constante de 1 atm, colocado sobre uma balana. A seguir, imersa no lquido uma resistncia eltrica de 3 conectada, por meio de uma chave S, a uma fonte que fornece uma corrente eltrica constante de 2 A. No instante em que a chave S fechada, dispara-se um cronmetro. Aps 100 s, a temperatura do lquido mantm-se constante a 330 K e verifica-se que a massa do lquido comea a diminuir a uma velocidade constante de 0,015 g/s. Considere a massa molar do lquido igual a M. Assinale a opo que apresenta a variao de entalpia de vaporizao (em J/mol) do lquido.
(ITA - 2007) Seja A um conjunto com 14 elementos e B um subconjunto de A com 6 elementos. O nmero de subconjuntos de A com um nmero de elementos menor ou igual a 6 e disjuntos de B
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) TEXTO I A text familiar to many, George Orwells classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, Animal Farm spends too little time on the details of time and place. Instead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...) Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwells biting satire on Soviet history before viewing Animal Farm, just to know whats been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwells allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, were left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright. TEXTO II Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely - and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwells short novel. Animal Farm is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: It is the history of a revolution that went wrong. The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...) In Animal Farm, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple comrades to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hair- raising warning to all humankind: The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which. TEXTO III When the farms prize-winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells them that he has had a dream in which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and harmony. (...) . When Old Major dies, (...) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full-fledged philosophy. One night, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr. Jones, his wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed Animal Farm as the animals work towards a future utopia. The Seven Commandments of the new philosophy of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn for all to read, the seventh and most important of which is that all animals are equal (...). Many years pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon on having the most hard working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans against the labouring classes of both worlds. The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleons conversations and finally realize that a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an argument breaks out between Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animals realize how they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Assinale a opo que indica possibilidade de substituio de termo ou expresso em negrito noTexto I sem que o sentido do texto seja comprometido.
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) A figura mostra uma pista de corrida A B C D E F, com seus trechos retilneos e circulares percorridos por um atleta desde o ponto A, de onde parte do repouso, at a chegada em F, onde para. Os trechos BC, CD e DE so percorridos com a mesma velocidade de mdulo constante. Considere as seguintes afirmaes: I. O movimento do atleta acelerado nos trechos AB, BC, DE e EF. II. O sentido da acelerao vetorial mdia do movimento do atleta o mesmo nos trechos AB e EF. III. O sentido da acelerao vetorial mdia do movimento do atleta para sudeste no trecho BC, e, para sudoeste, no DE. Ento, est(o) correta(s):
(ITA - 2007) Um recipiente aberto contendo inicialmente 30 g de um lquido puro a 278 K, mantido presso constante de 1 atm, colocado sobre uma balana. A seguir, imersa no lquido uma resistncia eltrica de 3 conectada, por meio de uma chave S, a uma fonte que fornece uma corrente eltrica constante de 2 A. No instante em que a chave S fechada, dispara-se um cronmetro. Aps 100 s, a temperatura do lquido mantm-se constante a 330 K e verifica-se que a massa do lquido comea a diminuir a uma velocidade constante de 0,015 g/s. Considere a massa molar do lquido igual a M. Assinale a opo que apresenta o valor do trabalho em mdulo (em kJ) realizado no processo de vaporizao aps 180 s de aquecimento na temperatura de 330 K.
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Considere a equao: Sendo x um nmero real, a soma dos quadrados das solues dessa equao
(ITA - 2007) Dois bqueres, X e Y, contm, respectivamente, volumes iguais de solues aquosas: concentrada e diluda de cloreto de sdio na mesma temperatura. Dois recipientes hermeticamente fechados, mantidos mesma temperatura constante, so interconectados por uma vlvula, inicialmente fechada, cada qual contendo um dos bqueres. Aberta a vlvula, aps o restabelecimento do equilbrio qumico, verifica-se que a presso de vapor nos dois recipientes Pf. Assinale a opo que indica, respectivamente, as comparaes CORRETAS entre os volumes inicial (VXi) e final (VXf), da soluo no bquer X e entre as presses de vapor inicial (PYi) e final (Pf) no recipiente que contm o bquer Y.
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) TEXTO I A text familiar to many, George Orwells classic satirehas cropped upon school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers canfail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, Animal Farm spends too little time on the details of time and place.Instead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...) Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwells biting satire on Soviet history before viewing Animal Farm, just to know whats been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwells allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, were left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright. TEXTO II Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely - and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwells short novel. Animal Farm is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: It is the history of a revolution that went wrong. The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversitypreventpeoplefrombeing equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...) In Animal Farm, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple comrades to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hair- raising warning to all humankind: The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which. TEXTO III When the farms prize-winning pig, Old Major, calls a meeting of all the animals of Manor Farm, he tells them that he has had a dream in which mankind is gone, and animals are free to live in peace and harmony. (...) . When Old Major dies, (...) Snowball and Napoleon assume command, and turn his dream into a full-fledged philosophy. One night, the starved animals suddenly revolt and drive the farmer Mr. Jones, his wife, and his pet raven off the farm and take control. The farm is renamed Animal Farm as the animals work towards a future utopia. The Seven Commandments of the new philosophy of Animalism are written on the wall of a barn for all to read, the seventh and most important ofwhichis that all animals are equal (...). Many years pass, and the pigs learn to walk upright, carry whips, and wear clothes. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single phrase: All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Napoleon holds a dinner party for the pigs, and the humans of the area (in the adjacent Foxwood Farm run by Mr. Pilkington), who congratulate Napoleon on having the most hard working animals in the country on the least feed. Napoleon announces his alliance with the humans against the labouring classes of both worlds. The animals discover this when they overhear Napoleons conversations and finallyrealizethat a change has come over the ruling pigs. During a poker match, an argumentbreaks outbetween Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington when they both play an Ace of Spades, and the animalsrealizehow they cannot tell the difference between the pigs and the humans. Os termos prevent from (Texto II) e realize (Texto III) significam, respectivamente,
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Assinale a opo que indica o mdulo do nmero complexo 1/(1 + i cotg x), x k, k .
(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Considere que num tiro de revlver, a bala percorre trajetria retilnea com velocidade V constante,desde o ponto inicial P at o alvo Q. Mostrados na figura, o aparelho M1 registra simultaneamente o sinalsonoro do disparo e o do impacto da bala no alvo, o mesmo ocorrendo com o aparelho M2. Sendo Vs avelocidade do som no ar, ento a razo entre as respectivas distncias dos aparelhos M1 e M2 em relao aoalvo Q