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Questões - ITA 2007 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 16

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Um recipiente fechado contendo a espcie qumica A mantido a volume (V) e temperatura (T) constantes. Considere que essa espcie se decomponha de acordo com a equao: A(g) B(g) + C(g). A tabela a seguir mostra a variao da presso total (Pt) do sistema em funo do tempo (t): t (s) 0 55 200 380 495 640 820 Pt (mmHg) 55 60 70 80 85 90 95 Considere sejam feitas as seguintes afirmaes: I. A reao qumica obedece lei de velocidade de ordem zero. II. O tempo de meia-vida da espcie A independe da sua presso parcial. III. Em um instante qualquer, a presso parcial de A, PA, pode ser calculada pela equao: PA = 2P0 - Pt, em que P0 a presso do sistema no instante inicial. IV. No tempo de 640 s, a presso Pi igual a 45 mmHg, em que Pi a soma das presses parciais de B e C. Ento, das afirmaes anteriores, est(o) CORRETA(S):

Questão 16

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) O aspecto que permitir maior liberdade aos projetistas que

Questão 16

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Considere no plano cartesiano xy o tringulo delimitado pelas retas, e. A rea desse tringulo mede

Questão 17

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) (...) 1For about 25 years, I have had the opportunity to observe the efforts of many individuals applying digital image-processing techniques to problems offered by the real world. A few of these individuals have established an enduring track record of solid success on almost every attempt. They have consistently contributed innovative and effective solutions that creatively employ the tools of the discipline. 5These highly productive individuals demonstrably hold several characteristics in common. One can venture to assume that these characteristics constitute a formula for success, to whatever extent such a thing can exist in this field. Uniformly, these successful persons have (1) a genuine interest in even a fascination with the technology involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary 10technology, (3) a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract theory), and (4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint. In line with this last point, they often find themselves hard pressed to explain their ideas without the aid of a graph or drawing. This book is designed to help the reader develop the last three of these traits and perhaps enhance 15the first as well. The selection of materials for inclusion (and, equally important, for omission), the examples used, the references cited, and the exercises and suggestions for projects are all directed toward this goal. In the field of digital image processing, mathematical analysis forms the stable basis upon which one can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging system. In this treatment, however, mathematics is employed more as a faithful servant than as a ruthless master. The emphasis is 20on developing a conceptual understanding, and the analysis is used to support this goal. Castleman, K. R. Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 1996 Assinale a assero que NO indica possveis objetivos do livro.

Questão 17

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Sejam A : (a, 0), B : (0, a) e C : (a, a), pontos do plano cartesiano, em que a um nmero real no nulo. Nas alternativas a seguir, assinale a equao do lugar geomtrico dos pontos P : (x, y) cuja distncia reta que passa por A e B, igual distncia de P ao ponto C.

Questão 17

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) No circuito da figura, tm-se as resistncias R, R1, R2 e as fontes V1 e V2 aterradas, A corrente

Questão 17

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Assinale a opo que indica a substncia que, entre as cinco, apresenta a maior temperatura de ebulio presso de 1 atm.

Questão 18

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) (...) 1For about 25 years, I have had the opportunity to observe the efforts of many individuals applying digital image-processing techniques to problems offered by the real world. A few of these individuals have established an enduring track record of solid success on almost every attempt. They have consistently contributed innovative and effective solutions that creatively employ the tools of the discipline. 5These highly productive individuals demonstrably hold several characteristics in common. One can venture to assume that these characteristics constitute a formula for success, to whatever extent such a thing can exist in this field. Uniformly, these successful persons have (1) a genuine interest in even a fascination with the technology involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary 10technology, (3) a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract theory), and (4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint. In line with this last point, they often find themselves hard pressed to explain their ideas without the aid of a graph or drawing. This book is designed to help the reader develop the last three of these traits and perhaps enhance 15the first as well. The selection of materials for inclusion (and, equally important, for omission), the examples used, the references cited, and the exercises and suggestions for projects are all directed toward this goal. In the field of digital image processing, mathematical analysis forms the stable basis upon which one can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging system. In this treatment, however, mathematics is employed more as a faithful servant than as a ruthless master. The emphasis is 20on developing a conceptual understanding, and the analysis is used to support this goal. Castleman, K. R. Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 1996 Considere as seguintes asseres: I. para elaborar o livro, o autor estudou, por um perodo de vinte e cinco anos, o trabalho de pessoas que utilizam tcnicas de processamento de imagens. II.no processamento de imagens digitais, a anlise matemtica utilizada como apoio ao desenvolvimento da compreenso conceitual. III.a anlise matemtica oferece os fundamentos sobre os quais se pode fazer previses precisas em relao ao desempenho de um sistema de imageamento digital. Das afirmaes acima, est(o) condizente(s) com o texto

Questão 18

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Um indicador cido-base monoprtico tem cor vermelha em meio cido e cor laranja em meio bsico. Considere que a constante de dissociao desse indicador seja igual a 8,0 10-5. Assinale a opo que indica a quantidade, em mols, do indicador que, quando adicionada a 1 L de gua pura, seja suficiente para que 80% de suas molculas apresentem a cor vermelha aps alcanar o equilbrio qumico.

Questão 18

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Sejaum polgono regular delados, com. Denote poro aptema e poro comprimento de um lado de. O valor depara o qual valem as desigualdades e. pertence ao intervalo

Questão 18

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) A figura mostra uma partcula de massa m e carga q 0, numa regio com campomagntico B constante e uniforme, orientado positivamente no eixo x. A partcula entolanada com velocidade inicial v no plano xy, formando o ngulo indicado, e passa peloponto P, no eixo x, a uma distncia d do ponto de lanamento. Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 19

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Considere uma sala noite iluminada apenas por uma lmpada fluorescente. Assinale a alternativa correta.

Questão 19

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) (...) 1For about 25 years, I have had the opportunity to observe the efforts of many individuals applying digital image-processing techniques to problems offered by the real world. A few of these individuals have established an enduring track record of solid success on almost every attempt. They have consistently contributed innovative and effective solutions that creatively employ the tools of the discipline. 5These highly productive individuals demonstrably hold several characteristics in common. One can venture to assume that these characteristics constitute a formula for success, to whatever extent such a thing can exist in this field. Uniformly, these successful persons have (1) a genuine interest in even a fascination with the technology involved, (2) a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of this highly multidisciplinary 10technology, (3) a conceptual type of understanding (as opposed to rote memorization of totally abstract theory), and (4) a knack for seeing problems visually, graphically, and from more than one viewpoint. In line with this last point, they often find themselves hard pressed to explain their ideas without the aid of a graph or drawing. This book is designed to help the reader develop the last three of these traits and perhaps enhance 15the first as well. The selection of materials for inclusion (and, equally important, for omission), the examples used, the references cited, and the exercises and suggestions for projects are all directed toward this goal. In the field of digital image processing, mathematical analysis forms the stable basis upon which one can make definite predictions regarding the performance of a digital imaging system. In this treatment, however, mathematics is employed more as a faithful servant than as a ruthless master. The emphasis is 20on developing a conceptual understanding, and the analysis is used to support this goal. Castleman, K. R. Digital Image Processing. Prentice Hall, 1996 Assinale a opo que melhor traduz, respectivamente, os termos venture (linha 6), knack (linha 11) e hard-pressed (linha 12).

Questão 19

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Nas condies ambientes, a 1 L de gua pura, adiciona-se 0,01 mol de cada uma das substncias A e B descritas nas opes abaixo. Dentre elas, qual soluo apresenta a maior condutividade eltrica?

Questão 19

(ITA - 2007 - 1a Fase) Sejam e octgonos regulares. O primeiro est inscrito e o segundo circunscrito a uma circunferncia de raio R. Sendo a rea de e a rea de , ento a razo igual