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(UFU - 2015 - 1 FASE)Drug-Resistant Super Bacteria

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UFU 2015UFU InglêsTurma ENEM Kuadro

(UFU - 2015 - 1ª FASE)

Drug-Resistant ‘Super Bacteria’ Reportedly Found in Rio’s Olympic Water

By Lucy Westcott

A man sits on a deck over the Rio Carioca, near Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec. 16, 2014.

Windsurfers and sailors beware: Drug-resistant ―super bacteria‖ have been found by researchers in the same waters off Rio de Janeiro where many water-sports events are scheduled to take place during the Summer Olympic Games in July 2016.

Researchers at Brazil‘s Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, a scientific research center, discovered the bacteria in samples collected from three locations, including Rio‘s Flamengo Beach, popular among swimmers, and the Rio Carioca, a river that runs into the Guanabara Bay, where sailing and windsurfing events will take place, Reuters reports

Rio‘s residents have been told to exercise caution when swimming off Flamengo Beach, another area studied by researchers that is ―frequently declared unfit for swimming,‖ the BBC reports, although most people ignore the warning. As part of their Olympic bid, Rio agreed to clean Guanabara Bay by up to 80 percent, although the city's Mayor Eduardo Paes has said that target would not be met.

Ana Paula D'Alincourt Carvalho Assef, coordinator of the study, said the bacteria has potential to cause infections that could result in hospitalization. So far, there have been no recorded infections from the contaminated waters. "Since the super-bacteria are resistant to the most modern medications, doctors need to rely on drugs that are rarely used because they are toxic to the organism," she told the Associated Press.

Disponível no site:http://www.newsweek.com/drug-resistant-super-bacteria-reportedly-lurking-rios-olympic-waters-292582 . Acesso em 25 jan. de 2015 (fragmento)


Em relação à bactéria mencionada no texto, é correto afirmar que ela representa

I. uma ameaça para os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.

II. um avanço nas pesquisas do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

III. um risco para surfistas e banhistas do Rio de Janeiro.

IV. um motivo de pânico para os moradores do Rio de Janeiro.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas.


II e IV.


I e III.


I e IV.