(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Weve modified our behavior so we can text and walk Texting or checking social media or reading/responding to mail or reading the news or checking the weather or watching a video while walking is a pretty common phenomenon. Its so common that most people who own a mobile device have become texting walkers. Research suggests that these texters adopt protective measures to minimize the risk of accidents when walking. Theyre less likely to trip because they shorten their step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the time during which both feet are in contact with the ground, and increase obstacle clearance height. Taken together this creates an exaggerated image of walking, but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he registers some of what ishappening around him and can compensate for it. Adaptado de http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anthropology-inpractice/we-ve-modified-our-behavior-so-we-can-text-and-walk/. Segundo o texto, Texting walkers so pessoas que
(UNICAMP - 2016 - 1 FASE) Weve modified our behavior so we can text and walk Texting or checking social media or reading/responding to mail or reading the news or checking the weather or watching a video while walking is a pretty common phenomenon. Its so common that most people who own a mobile device have become texting walkers. Research suggests that these texters adopt protective measures to minimize the risk of accidents when walking. Theyre less likely to trip because they shorten their step length, reduce step frequency, lengthen the time during which both feet are in contact with the ground, and increase obstacle clearance height. Taken together this creates an exaggerated image of walking, but it apparently slows the walker enough so that he registers some of what is happening around him and can compensate for it. Adaptado de http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/anthropology-inpractice/we-ve-modified-our-behavior-so-we-can-text-and-walk/. Que mudanas no comportamento dessas pessoas so decorrentes da adaptao tecnologia apresentada no texto?
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE) O grfico abaixo exibe o lucro lquido (em milhares dereais) de trs pequenas empresas A, B e C, nos anos de2013 e 2014. Com relao ao lucro lquido, podemos afirmar que:
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Uma moeda balanceada lanada quatro vezes, obtendo-se cara exatamente trs vezes. A probabilidade de que ascaras tenham sado consecutivamente igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Em uma matriz, chamam-se elementos internos aquelesque no pertencem primeira nem ltima linha oucoluna. O nmero de elementos internos em uma matrizcom 5 linhas e 6 colunas igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere o grfico da funo y = f(x) exibido na figura aseguir. O grfico da funo inversa dado por
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere a funo afim definida para todonmero real , onde e so nmeros reais. Sabendoque , podemos afirmar que igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)A soluo da equao na varivel real , um nmero
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Seja (a,b,c) uma progresso geomtrica de nmerosreais com a 0 . Definindo s = a+b+c , o menor valorpossvel para s/ a igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere o sistema linear nas variveis reais x , y , z e w , Logo, a soma x+y+z+w igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere a matriz quadrada de ordem 3 A onde x um nmero real. Podemos afirmar que:
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere o crculo de equao cartesiana , onde a e b so nmeros reais nonulos. O nmero de pontos em que esse crculo interceptaos eixos coordenados igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)A figura abaixo exibe um quadriltero ABCD, ondeAB = AD e BC = CD = 2 cm. A rea do quadriltero ABCD igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Um cilindro circular reto, cuja altura igual ao dimetro da base, est inscrito numa esfera. A razo entre os volumes da esfera e do cilindro igual a
(UNICAMP - 2016- 1 FASE)Considere o polinmio cbico ,onde a um nmero real. Sabendo que r e r so razesreais de p(x), podemos afirmar que p(1) igual a