(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) A parbola y= x2 + bx+ cintercepta o eixo xnos pontos (p, 0) e (q, 0). Sabe-se que ela intercepta uma nica vez cada uma das retas dadas pelas equaes y= 2x+ 1 e y= 1 . O valor de p+ q:
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R)O polinmio p(x)= 2x3 + ax2 + bx+ c divisvel por 2x2 x+ 4. O valor de c+ 2b a:
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R)No dia 23 de maro de 2021, um navio encalhou no canal de Suez, no Egito. A embarcao tinha 400 metros de comprimento e 60 metros de largura. No ponto onde aconteceu o acidente, o canal de Suez no tem mais do que 200 metros de largura. Abaixo apresentamos uma foto de satlite e uma figura representando a situao. O ngulo indicado na figura abaixo mede 67,5. A largura do canal, medida em metros e indicada por Lna figura anterior, : Dados: cos(2𝜃) = 2 cos2(𝜃) 1 sen(2𝜃) = 2sen(𝜃) cos(𝜃).
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) A palavra cringe viralizou nas redes sociais no Brasil em 2021. Observe sua definio, em portugus, apontada pelo Dicionrio Informal on-line: Veja, agora, a definio da mesma palavra pelo Cambridge Dictionary, tambm em verso on-line: (Disponvel em: https://www.dicionarioinformal.com.br/diferenca-entre/crin ge/ingls/; https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/cringe. Acessado em 05/07/2021.) Com base nessas duas definies, pode-se dizer que, em portugus, a palavra cringe
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) Em artigo publicado em 14 de junho de 2020, o jornal The Straits Times, de Singapura, apresentou os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a percepo dos respondentes a respeito das profisses mais essenciais durante a pandemia. A imagem a seguir revela algumas estatsticas obtidas com base nessas respostas. Em um post em sua rede social, o comediante Rishi Budhrani comentou esses resultados: (Disponvel em https://creativefolk.co.uk/artists-topping-poll-as-non-essenti al-sparks-outrage/. Acessado em 09/06/2021.) Pode-se dizer que Budhrani
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) Em 2020, Joaquin Phoenix ganhou o Oscar de melhor ator por sua interpretao no filme Coringa, de 2019. Apresenta-se, a seguir, um trecho de seu discurso na ocasio. I think whether were talking about gender inequality or racism or queer rights or indigenous rights or animal rights, were talking about the fight against injustice. Were talking about the fight against the belief that one nation, one people, one race, one gender, or one species has the right to dominate, control, and use and exploit another with impunity. I think that weve become very disconnected from the natural world, and many of us, what were guilty of, is an egocentric worldview: the belief that were the center of the universe. We go into the natural world, and we plunder it for its resources. We feel entitled to artificially inseminate a cow, and when she gives birth, we steal her baby even though her cries of anguish are unmistakable. Then we take her milk thats intended for her calf, and we put it in our coffee and our cereal. (Adaptado de https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/joaquin-phoenix-oscaracceptance-speech-transcript-phoenix-wins-for-joker. Acessado em 02/07/ 2021.) Em seu discurso, o ator
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) On a summer night in 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a bar in New York City that served as a haven for the citys gay, lesbian, and transgender community. Back then, homosexual acts were illegal in every state in the USA except Illinois, and bars and restaurants could get shut down for having gay employees or serving gay patrons. Most gay bars in New York at the time (including the Stonewall) were operated by the Mafia, who paid corruptible police officers to look the other way and blackmailed wealthy gay patrons by threatening to out them. Police raids on gay bars were common, but on that particular night, members of the citys LGBTQIA+ community decided to fight back, sparking an uprising that would launch a new era of resistance and revolution. Though the gay rights movement didnt begin at Stonewall, the uprising did mark a turning point, as earlier homophile organizations like the Mattachine Society gave way to more radical groups like the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance. (Adaptado de https://www.history.com/news/stonewall-riots-timeline. Acessado em 04/06/2021.) De acordo com o texto, os protestos de Stonewall representaram
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) There is no evidence that hydroxychloroquine helps Covid-19 patients. So why is Congress still discussing it? By Ashish Jha Dean of the Brown University School of Public Health Nov 24, 2020. Last week, in the United States Senate, the conversation was all about the drug hydroxychloroquine. There has been no evidence that hydroxychloroquine improves outcomes for Covid-19 patients; some studies have found that it causes more harm than good. The hearing and the theater around it reflect the disinformation campaigns that have undermined belief in science. Neither Ron Johnson, the Wisconsin senator who is the chairman of the committee, nor his chosen witnesses showed more than a passing interest in evidence. Intuition and the personal experiences of individual doctors were the guiding principles. Early in the pandemic, President Trump referred to hydroxychloroquine as a game changer; I feel good about it, he said. Thats not how we practice medicine. We have to protect lives through public health measures while we await widespread vaccinations. By endorsing unfounded therapies, we risk jeopardizing a centurys work of medical progress. Do we really want to go back to not using the best evidence to decide which treatments work? Do we want to let politicians prescribe our medications? Science and evidence are the tools we use to know what is true. They are the foundation of modern medicine and public health. (Adaptado de https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/24/opinion/hydroxychloro quine-covid.html. Acessado em 06/06/2021.) Com base no texto, assinale a alternativa que responde pergunta apresentada no ttulo do artigo.
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) O trecho a seguir pertence ao romance The Bell Jar (A Redoma de Vidro), da escritora estadunidense Sylvia Plath. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, () and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldnt quite make out. () I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet. (Disponvel em https://www.ted.com/talks/iseult_gillespie_why_should_you _ read_sylvia _plath. Acessado em 20/07/2021.) Qual das imagens representa melhor a reflexo principal do excerto?
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves. The term gaslighting derives from the 1938 play and 1944 film Gaslight, in which a husband manipulates his wife into thinking she has a mental illness by dimming their gas-fueled lights and telling her she is hallucinating. While anyone can experience gaslighting, it is especially common in intimate relationships and in social interactions where there is an imbalance of power. A person who is on the receiving end of this behavior is experiencing abuse. (Disponvel em https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/signs-of-gaslig hting. Acessado em 02/06/2021.) Assinale o depoimento feminino que ilustra a prtica discutida no texto. (Alternativas adaptadas de https://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2017/09/15/internacio nal/1505472042_655999.html; https://revistamarieclaire.globo.com/Comportame nto/noticia/2019/03; https://emais.estadao.com.br/noticias/comportamento,vocabulario-feminista-conheca-dez-termos-importantes-para-o-movimento,70002805322; https://www.justificando.com/2017/11/16/meu-cerebro-minhas-ideias/.)
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) A poeta e ativista palestina Rafeef Ziadah estava participando da cobertura jornalstica do massacre em Gaza quando um jornalista no-palestino perguntou-lhe se as coisas no seriam melhores se os palestinos parassem de ensinar o dio s suas crianas. Em resposta a essa pergunta, Ziadah comps o poema We teach life, sir, transcrito a seguir: Today, my body was a TVd massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits. And I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions. But still, he asked me, Ms. Ziadah, dont you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children? Pause. I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza. Today, my body was a TVd massacre made to fit into sound-bites and word limits and move those that are desensitized to terrorist blood. And these are not two equal sides: occupier and occupied. And a hundred dead, two hundred dead, and a thousand dead. And between that, war crime, and massacre, I vent out words and smile not exotic, not terrorist. No sound-bite will fix this. We teach life, sir. (Adaptado de https://blissonature.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/rafeef-ziadahwe-teach-life-sir-text-transcription-lyrics-words-of-poem/. Acessado em 01/ 07/2021.) A partir da leitura do texto, depreende-se que
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) O Purificador de gua PGTM (anteriormente conhecido como PUR) um pacote nico de p que usa as mesmas tcnicas, princpios e produtos qumicos usados no tratamento de gua numa estao convencional. Um sach do produto trata, em 30 minutos de ao, 10 litros de gua, sendo que a gua tratada contm cloro livre de resduos, o qual serve para proteger contra recontaminao. A tecnologia PGTM de purificao de gua em ao mostrada na figura a seguir. O pacote contm: Ca(OCl)2, KMnO4, Fe2(SO4)3, poliacrilamida aninica de alto peso molecular e argila bentontica. Levando em conta as informaes dadas, pode-se concluir que o produto capaz de tratar a gua, pois contm agentes
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) Na natureza, o metano pode se originar de processos termoqumicos ou biolgicos. A atividade microbiana o principal responsvel pela biodegradao anaerbia subterrnea de substratos orgnicos, sendo, assim, de importncia fundamental no ciclo do carbono. Por outro lado, no se pode desconsiderar a importncia desubstratos inorgnicos na gerao desse mesmo metano na natureza. A figura a seguir, incompleta, uma forma sinttica de classificar essas possveis formas de origem natural de gs metano. Levando em conta as informaes anteriores, para que a figura fique completa e correta, os nmeros 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 devem ser substitudos, respectivamente, pelos termos:
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) Usando um modelo tpico da termodinmica, os autores de um trabalho cientfico fazem previses sobre a exposio de pessoas a vapores de substncias adsorvidas em material slido particulado (MP) ou a vapores de MP semivoltil. O estudo se refere a exposies aos vapores (gases) no interior climatizado (20-25C) de residncias e escritrios em pases industrializados, j que essas pessoas passam 90% de seu tempo nesses ambientes. O estudo considerou tambm as condies climticas do ambiente interno e externo. Levando-se em conta as informaes dadas, pode-se concluir que os lados A e B da figura a seguir, correspondem, respectivamente, a
(UNICAMP - 2022 - 1 fase - Caderno R) Resduos de papel contribuem para que o clima mude mais do que a maioria das pessoas pensam. A Blue Planet Ink anunciou que sua tinta de impressora autoapagvel Paper Saver agora est disponvel em cartuchos remanufaturados para uso em impressoras de uma determinada marca. A tinta autoapagvel (economizadora de papel) uma tinta roxa de base aquosa, que pode ser impressa em papel sulfite normal. Um cartucho rende a impresso de at 4000 folhas. Com a exposio ao ar, ao absorver dixido de carbono e vapor de gua, o componente ativo (corante) da tinta perde sua cor, a impresso torna-se no visvel e o papel fica branco, tornando possvel sua reutilizao. Sabe-se que o componente ativo da tinta Paper Saver o indicador o-cresolftalena. As formas estruturais A e B, a seguir, representam o componente ativo quando se mostra incolor e quando se mostra roxo, no necessariamente nessa sequncia. Dessa forma, pode-se afirmar que na mudana da cor roxa para incolor ocorreu um