(UNICAMP - 2023 - 1ª fase)
O texto a seguir focaliza o termo “audism”, que pode ser traduzido para o português como “ouvintismo”.
Audism is an attitude based on thinking that results in a negative stigma toward anyone who does not hear. Like racism or sexism, audism judges, labels, and limits individuals based on whether a person hears and speaks. Audism reflects the medical view of deafness as a disability that must be fixed. It is rooted in the historical belief that deaf people were savages without language. Because many deaf people grew up in hearing families who did not learn to sign, audism may be ingrained.
Audism occurs when one:
— Asks a deaf person to read your lips or write when s/he has indicated this isn’t preferred.
— Asks a deaf person to “tone down” their facial expressions because they make others uncomfortable.
— Devotes a significant amount of instructional time for a deaf child to lipreading and speech therapy, rather than educational subjects.
(Adaptado de: https://vawnet.org/sc/audism-oppression-lives-deaf-individuals. Acesso em 21/06/2022.)
É correto afirmar que o texto
argumenta que o ouvintismo é um conceito médico e lista modos de ser menos ouvintista.
apresenta o conceito de ouvintismo e traz exemplos de atitudes consideradas ouvintistas.
compara o ouvintismo a outros preconceitos e lista ações a serem tomadas ao lidar com pessoas surdas.
explica o que é ouvintismo e exalta a capacidade das crianças surdas de ler os lábios.