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Questões - FUVEST 2006 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 73

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Os desenhos so representaes de molculas em que se procura manter propores corretas entre raios atmicos e distncias internucleares. Os desenhos podem representar, respectivamente, molculas de

Questão 74

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Preparam-se duas solues saturadas, uma de oxalato de prata (Ag2C2O4) e outra de tiocianato de prata (AgSCN). Esses dois sais tm, aproximadamente, o mesmo produto de solubilidade (da ordem de 12.1012). Na primeira, a concentrao de ons prata [Ag+]1e, na segunda,[Ag+]2; as concentraes de oxalato e tiocianato so, respectivamente, [C2O4-2]e [SCN-] . Nesse caso, correto afirmar que:

Questão 75

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE) Com a chegada dos carros com motor Flex, que funcionam tanto com lcool quanto com gasolina, importante comparar o preo do litro de cada um desses combustveis. Supondo-se que a gasolina seja octano puro e o lcool, etanol anidro, as transformaes que produzem energia podem ser representadas por C8H18() + 25/2O2(g)8CO2(g) + 9H2O(g) + 5100 kJ C2H5OH() + 3O2(g)2CO2(g) + 3H2O(g) + 1200 kJ Considere que, para o mesmo percurso, idntica quantidade de energia seja gerada no motor Flex, quer se use gasolina, quer se use lcool. Dados: Composto Massa molar (g/mol) Densidade (g/mL) Octano 114 0,70 Etanol 46 0,80 Nesse contexto, ser indiferente, em termos econmicos, usar lcool ou gasolina se o quociente entre o preo do litro de lcool e do litro de gasolina for igual a

Questão 76

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Embalagens de fertilizantes do tipo NPK trazem trs nmeros, compostos de dois algarismos, que se referem, respectivamente, ao contedo de nitrognio, fsforo e potssio, presentes no fertilizante. O segundo desses nmeros d o contedo de fsforo, porm expresso como porcentagem, em massa, de pentxido de fsforo. Para preparar 1 kg de um desses fertilizantes, foram utilizados 558 g de mono-hidrogenofosfato de amnio e 442 g de areia isenta de fosfatos. Na embalagem desse fertilizante, o segundo nmero, relativo ao fsforo, deve ser, aproximadamente, Massa molar (g/mol) mono-hidrogenofosfato de amnio................ 132 pentxido de fsforo...................................... 142

Questão 77

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Quimicamente falando, no se deve tomar gua ..................., mas apenas gua ................... . A gua .................. inmeros sais, por exemplo, o cloreto de .................., o mais abundante na gua do mar. Em regies litorneas, ameniza variaes bruscas de temperatura, graas sua capacidade de armazenar grande quantidade de energia trmica, o que se deve ao seu alto ..................... . Na forma de suor, sua evaporao abaixa a temperatura do corpo humano, para o que contribui seu elevado .................... . Completa-se corretamente o texto, obedecendo-se a ordem em que as lacunas aparecem, por:

Questão 78

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Em determinado processo industrial, ocorre uma transformao qumica, que pode ser representada pela equao genrica x A(g)+ y B(g)⇌ z C(g) em que x, y e z so, respectivamente, os coeficientes estequiomtricos das substncias A, B e C. O grfico representa a porcentagem, em mols, de C na mistura, sob vrias condies de presso e temperatura. Com base nesses dados, pode-se afirmar que essa reao

Questão 79

(FUVEST - 2006) O Ministrio da Agricultura estabeleceu um novo padro de qualidade e identidade da cachaa brasileira, definindo limites para determinadas substncias formadas na sua fabricao. Algumas dessas substncias so steres, aldedos e cidos carboxlicos volteis, conforme o caderno Agrcola de 08 de junho de 2005, do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. Nesse processo de fabricao, pode ter ocorrido a formao de I. cido carboxlico pela oxidao de aldedo. II. ster pela reao de lcool com cido carboxlico. III. aldedo pela oxidao de lcool. correto o que se afirma em

Questão 80

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) O tanque externo do nibus espacial Discovery carrega, separados, 1,20x106 L de hidrognio lquido a 253 C e 0,55x106 L de oxignio lquido a 183 C. Nessas temperaturas, a densidade do hidrognio 34 mol/L (equivalente a 0,068 g/mL) e a do oxignio 37 mol/L (equivalente a 1,18 g/mL). Massa molares (g/mol) H --- 1g O ---- 16g Considerando o uso que ser feito desses dois lquidos, suas quantidades (em mols), no tanque, so tais que h

Questão 81

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE) CHINA has begun to enter the age of mass car consumption. This is a great and historic advance. So proclaimed the state-run news agency, Xinhua, last year. Environmentalists may feel a twinge of fear at this burgeoning romance with motoring. But a rapid social and economic transformation is under way in urban China, and the car is steering it. In 2002 demand for cars in China soared by 56%, far more than even the rosiest projections. The next year growth quickened to 75%, before slowing in 2004 (when the government tightened rules on credit for car purchases) to around 15%. But in a sluggish global market, Chinas demand remains mesmerising. Few expect this years growth to dip below 10%. As long as the economy goes on galloping at its current high-singledigit clip, many expect car sales to increase by 10-20% annually for several years to come. The Economist, June 4th 2005. According to the passage, Xinhua

Questão 82

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE) CHINA has begun to enter the age of mass car consumption. This is a great and historic advance. So proclaimed the state-run news agency, Xinhua, last year. Environmentalists may feel a twinge of fear at this burgeoning romance with motoring. But a rapid social and economic transformation is under way in urban China, and the car is steering it. In 2002 demand for cars in China soared by 56%, far more than even the rosiest projections. The next year growth quickened to 75%, before slowing in 2004 (when the government tightened rules on credit for car purchases) to around 15%. But in a sluggish global market, Chinas demand remains mesmerising. Few expect this years growth to dip below 10%. As long as the economy goes on galloping at its current high-singledigit clip, many expect car sales to increase by 10-20% annually for several years to come. The Economist, June 4th 2005. The passage suggests that Chinas embrace of the car is likely to make environmentalists

Questão 83

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) CHINA has begun to enter the age of mass car consumption. This is a great and historic advance. So proclaimed the state-run news agency, Xinhua, last year. Environmentalists may feel a twinge of fear at this burgeoning romance with motoring. But a rapid social and economic transformation is under way in urban China, and the car is steering it. In 2002 demand for cars in China soared by 56%, far more than even the rosiest projections. The next year growth quickened to 75%, before slowing in 2004 (when the government tightened rules on credit for car purchases) to around 15%. But in a sluggish global market, Chinas demand remains mesmerising. Few expect this years growth to dip below 10%. As long as the economy goes on galloping at its current high-singledigit clip, many expect car sales to increase by 10-20% annually for several years to come. The Economist, June 4th 2005. The passage says that the demand for cars in China

Questão 84

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) CHINA has begun to enter the age of mass car consumption. This is a great and historic advance. So proclaimed the state-run news agency, Xinhua, last year. Environmentalists may feel a twinge of fear at this burgeoning romance with motoring. But a rapid social and economic transformation is under way in urban China, and the car is steering it. In 2002 demand for cars in China soared by 56%, far more than even the rosiest projections. The next year growth quickened to 75%, before slowing in 2004 (when the government tightened rules on credit for car purchases) to around 15%. But in a sluggish global market, Chinas demand remains mesmerising. Few expect this years growth to dip below 10%. As long as the economy goes on galloping at its current high-singledigit clip, many expect car sales to increase by 10-20% annually for several years to come. The Economist, June 4th 2005. Which of these statements is true according to the passage?

Questão 85

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Australians are not known for their love of boat people. They famously turned away a small group of Afghan refugees at the height of the war and rather amusingly, ran a scare campaign featuring crocodiles and sharks to deter would-be immigrants. But if global warming continues at its current rate, neighbouring Pacific islands could be lost to floods and Australia will be facing a new kind of intruder: climate refugees. Although the Red Cross produced a report four years ago estimating that 58 per cent of refugees are caused by environmental factors, no one has made any attempt to tackle the issue. Oxford Universitys Norman Myers recently claimed that there could be an estimated 150 million environmental refugees within the next 50 years, and half of these could land on Australias doorstep. But the UN refuses to grant them refugee status, and aid groups and environmentalists squabble over whose responsibility they are. DAZED CONFUSED July 2005 According to the passage, Australians

Questão 86

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Australians are ot known for their love of boat people. They famously turned away a small group of Afghan refugees at the height of the war and rather amusingly, ran a scare campaign featuring crocodiles and sharks to deter would-be immigrants. But if global warming continues at its current rate, neighbouring Pacific islands could be lost to floods and Australia will be facing a new kind of intruder: climate refugees. Although the Red Cross produced a report four years ago estimating that 58 per cent of refugees are caused by environmental factors, no one has made any attempt to tackle the issue. Oxford Universitys Norman Myers recently claimed that there could be an estimated 150 million environmental refugees within the next 50 years, and half of these could land on Australias doorstep. But the UN refuses to grant them refugee status, and aid groups and environmentalists squabble over whose responsibility they are. DAZED CONFUSED July 2005 The passage says that Afghan refugees

Questão 87

(FUVEST - 2006 - 1 FASE ) Australians are not known for their love of boat people. They famously turned away a small group of Afghan refugees at the height of the war and rather amusingly, ran a scare campaign featuring crocodiles and sharks to deter would-be immigrants. But if global warming continues at its current rate, neighbouring Pacific islands could be lost to floods and Australia will be facing a new kind of intruder: climate refugees. Although the Red Cross produced a report four years ago estimating that 58 per cent of refugees are caused by environmental factors, no one has made any attempt to tackle the issue. Oxford Universitys Norman Myers recently claimed that there could be an estimated 150 million environmental refugees within the next 50 years, and half of these could land on Australias doorstep. But the UN refuses to grant them refugee status, and aid groups and environmentalists squabble over whose responsibility they are. DAZED CONFUSED July 2005 Which of these statements is true according to the passage?