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Questões - FUVEST 2009 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 25

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE)Dos termos sublinhados nas frases abaixo, o nico que est inadequado ao contexto ocorre em:

Questão 26

(FUVEST -2009 -1 FASE)Alexandre desembarca l onde foi fundada a atual cidade de Alexandria. Pareceu-lhe que o lugar era muito bonito para fundar uma cidade e que ela iria prosperar. A vontade de colocar mos obra fez com que ele prprio traasse o plano da cidade, o local da gora, dos santurios da deusa egpcia sis, dos deuses gregos e do muro externo. Flvio Arriano. Anabasis Alexandri (sc. I d.C.). Desse trecho de Arriano, sobre a fundao de Alexandria, possvel depreender:

Questão 27

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) A Idade Mdia europia inseparvel da civilizao islmica j que consiste precisamente na convivncia, ao mesmo tempo positiva e negativa, do cristianismo e do islamismo, sobre uma rea comum impregnada pela cultura greco-romana. Jos Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955). O texto acima permite afirmar que, na Europa ocidental medieval

Questão 28

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) Da armada dependem as colnias, das colnias depende o comrcio, do comrcio, a capacidade de um Estado manter exrcitos numerosos, aumentar a sua populao e tornar possveis as mais gloriosas e teis empresas. Essa afirmao do duque de Choiseul (1719-1785) expressa bem a natureza e o carter do

Questão 29

(FUVEST -2009 -1 FASE)A criao, em territrio brasileiro, de gado e de muares (mulas e burros), na poca da colonizaoportuguesa, caracterizou-se por:

Questão 30

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) Nossas instituies vacilam, o cidado vive receoso, assustado; o governo consome o tempo em vs recomendaes... O vulco da anarquia ameaa devorar o Imprio: aplicai a tempo o remdio. Padre Antonio Feij, em 1836. Essa reflexo pode ser explicada como uma reao

Questão 31

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) Uma casa dividida contra si mesma no subsistir. Acredito que esse governo, meio escravista e meio livre, no poder durar para sempre. No espero que a Unio se dissolva; no espero que a casa caia. Mas espero que deixe de ser dividida. Ela se transformar s numa coisa ou s na outra. Abraham Lincoln, em 1858. Esse texto expressa a

Questão 32

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) A imigrao de italianos (desde o final do sculo XIX) e a de japoneses (desde o incio do sculo XX), no Brasil, esto associadas a

Questão 33

(FUVEST -2009 -1 FASE) Em um balano sobre a Primeira Repblica no Brasil, Jlio de Mesquita Filho escreveu: ... a poltica se orienta no mais pela vontade popular livremente manifesta, mas pelos caprichos de um nmero limitado de indivduos sob cuja proteo se acolhem todos quantos pretendem um lugar nas assembleias estaduais e federais. A crise nacional, 1925. De acordo com o texto, o autor:

Questão 34

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE)Em trs momentos importantes da histria europia Revolues de 1830-1848, Primeira Guerra Mundial de 1914-1918, e movimentos fascista e nazista das dcadas de 1920-1930 nota-se a presena de uma fora ideolgica comum a todos esses acontecimentos. Trata-se do

Questão 35

(FUVEST -2009 -1 FASE) Existem semelhanas entre as ditaduras militares brasileira (1964-1985), argentina (1976 1983), uruguaia (1973-1985) e chilena (1973-1990). Todas elas:

Questão 36

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) Two in every three people on the planetsome 4 billion in totalare excluded from the rule of law. In many cases, this begins with the lack of official recognition of their birth: around 40% of the developing worlds five-yearold children are not registered as even existing. Later, people will find that the home they live in, the land they farm, or the business that they start, is not protected by legally enforceable property rights. Even in the rare cases when they can afford to go to court, the service is poor. India, for example, has only 11 judges for every 1million people. These alarming statistics are contained in a report from a commission on the legal empowerment of the poor, released on June 3rd at the United Nations. It argues that not only are such statistics evidence of grave injustice, they also reflect one of the main reasons why so much of humanity remains mired in poverty. Because they are outside the rule of law, the vast majority of poor people are obliged to work (if they work at all) in the informal economy, which is less productive than the formal, legal part of the economy. The Economist, June 7th 2008. De acordo com o texto,

Questão 37

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) Two in every three people on the planetsome 4 billion in totalare excluded from the rule of law. In many cases, this begins with the lack of official recognition of their birth: around 40% of the developing worlds five-yearold children are not registered as even existing. Later, people will find that the home they live in, the land they farm, or the business that they start, is not protected by legally enforceable property rights. Even in the rare cases when they can afford to go to court, the service is poor. India, for example, has only 11 judges for every 1million people. These alarming statistics are contained in a report from a commission on the legal empowerment of the poor, released on June 3rd at the United Nations. It argues that not only are such statistics evidence of grave injustice, they also reflect one of the main reasons why so much of humanity remains mired in poverty. Because they are outside the rule of law, the vast majority of poor people are obliged to work (if they work at all) in the informal economy, which is less productive than the formal, legal part of the economy. The Economist, June 7th 2008. O relatrio citado no texto observa que

Questão 38

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) In 1993, the dawn of the Internet age, the liberating anonymity of the online world was captured in a wellknown New Yorker cartoon. One dog, sitting at a computer, tells another: On the Internet, nobody knows youre a dog. Fifteen years later, that anonymity is gone. Technology companies have long used cookies, little bits of tracking software slipped onto your computer, and other means, to record the Web sites you visit, the ads you click on, even the words you enter in search engines information that some hold onto forever. Theyre not telling you theyre doing it, and theyre not asking permission. Internet service providers (I.S.P.s) are now getting into the act. Because they control your connection, they can keep track of everything you do online, and there have been reports that I.S.P.s may have started to sell the information they collect. The driving force behind this prying is commerce. The big growth area in online advertising right now is behavioral targeting. Web sites can charge a premium if they are able to tell the maker of an expensive sports car that its ads will appear on Web pages clicked on by upperincome, middle-aged men. The New York Times, April 5th 2008. ISP = Provedores de servio de internet. As personagens dos quadrinhos, mencionadas no texto, se vangloriam de

Questão 39

(FUVEST - 2009 - 1 FASE) In 1993, the dawn of the Internet age, the liberating anonymity of the online world was captured in a wellknown New Yorker cartoon. One dog, sitting at a computer, tells another: On the Internet, nobody knows youre a dog. Fifteen years later, that anonymity is gone. Technology companies have long used cookies, little bits of tracking software slipped onto your computer, and other means, to record the Web sites you visit, the ads you click on, even the words you enter in search engines information that some hold onto forever. Theyre not telling you theyre doing it, and theyre not asking permission. Internet service providers (I.S.P.s) are now getting into the act. Because they control your connection, they can keep track of everything you do online, and there have been reports that I.S.P.s may have started to sell the information they collect. The driving force behind this prying is commerce. The big growth area in online advertising right now is behavioral targeting. Web sites can charge a premium if they are able to tell the maker of an expensive sports car that its ads will appear on Web pages clicked on by upperincome, middle-aged men. The New York Times, April 5th 2008. ISP = Provedores de servio de internet. Segundo o texto, os provedores de internet