(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Text 1 Luis Surez joins anti-racism calls after Dani Alves banana incident The Barcelona defender Dani Alves has sparked a social media campaign against racism in football as support flooded in from fellow professionals for his decision to eat a banana thrown at him by an opposition fan. Luis Surez, Neymar, Hulk, Mario Balotelli and Sergio Agero were among those who posted pictures of themselves taking bites out of bananas in tribute to Alves actions in his sides La Liga match at Villarreal on Sunday. The Fifa president Joseph Blatter has branded the abuse directed at Alves an outrage and promised zero tolerance towards discrimination at the World Cup, while Villarreal took swift action by identifying the culprit and handing him a lifetime stadium ban. Alves response to the banana being thrown on to the pitch in front of him as he prepared to take a corner was to nonchalantly pick it up, peel it and take a bite before continuing with the game. The 30-yearold, who has been the victim of racist abuse before during his time in La Liga, said: You need to take these situations with a dose of humour. Players across Europe paid homage on Twitter and Instagram, including Surez, who served an eight-match ban for racially abusing Patrice Evra. Alvess Bara and Brazil team-mate Neymar led the way after posting a picture on Instagram of himself holding a banana, while writing We are all monkeys. Balotelli, Milans former Manchester City striker, posted a picture of himself in a similar pose. Surez posted a picture on Twitter of himself and Liverpool team-mate Philippe Coutinho taking bites out of bananas, along with the words: #SayNoToRacism #WeAreAllMonkeys. (...) Bara gave their player their complete support and solidarity and thanked Villarreal for their immediate condemnation of the incident. Villarreal later revealed they had, with the help of fans, found out who the culprit was, had withdrawn his season ticket and banned him from the El Madrigal stadium for life. Disponvel em: http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/apr/29/luis-suarez-anti-racism-dani-alvesbanana. Acesso em 29 abr.2014 (texto adaptado) Text 2 Whats in a name? Henry Louis Gates Jr. (1989) The question of color takes up much space in these pages, but the question of color, especially in this country, operates to hide the graver questions of the self. - James Baldwin, 1961 blood, darky, Tar baby, Kaffir, shine moor, blackamoor, Jim Crow, spook quadroon, meriney, red bone, high yellow Mammy, porch monkey, home, homeboy, George spearchucker, Leroy, Smokeymouli, buck, Ethiopian, brother, sistah - Trey Ellis, 1989 I had forgotten the incident completely, until I read Trey Ellis essay, Remember My Name, in a recent issue of the Village Voice (June 13, 1989). But there, in the middle of an extended italicized list of the bynames of the race (the race or our people being the terms my parents used in polite or reverential discourse, jigaboo or nigger more commonly used in anger, jest, or pure disgust), it was: George. Now the events of that very brief exchange return to my mind so vividly that I wonder why I had forgotten it. My father and I were walking home at dusk from his second job. He moonlighted as a janitor in the evenings for the telephone company. Every day, but Saturday, he would come home at 3:30 from his regular job at the paper Mill, wash up, eat supper, then at 4:30 head downtown to his second job. He used to make jokes frequently about a union official who moonlighted. I never got the joke, but he and his friends thought it was hilarious. All I knew was that my family always ate well, that my brother and I had new clothes to wear, and that all of the white people in Piedmont, West Virginia, treated my parents with an odd mixture of resentment and respect that even we understood at the time had something directly to do with a small but certain measure of financial security. He had left a little early that evening because I was with him and I had to be in bed early. I could not have been more than five or six, and we had stopped off at the Cut-Rate Drug Store (where no black person in town but my father could sit down to eat, and eat off real plates with real silverware) so that I could buy some caramel ice cream, two scoops in a wafer cone, please, which I was busy licking when Mr. Wilson walked by. Mr. Wilson was a very quiet man, whose stony, brooding, silent manner seemed designed to scare off any overtures of friendship, even from white people. He was Irish as was one-third of our village (another third being Italian), the more affluent among whom sent their children to Catholic School across the bridge in Maryland. He had white straight hair, like my Uncle Joe, whom he uncannily resembled, and he carried a black worn metal lunch pail, the kind that Riley carried on the television show. My father always spoke to him, and for reasons that we never did understand, he always spoke to my father. Hello, Mr. Wilson, I heard my father say. Hello, George. I stopped licking my ice cream cone, and asked my Dad in a loud voice why Mr. Wilson had called him George. Doesnt he know your name, Daddy? Why dont you tell him your name? Your name isnt George. For a moment I tried to think of who Mr. Wilson was mixing Pop up with. But we didnt have any Georges among the colored people in Piedmont; nor were there colored Georges living in the neighboring towns and working at the Mill. Tell him your name, Daddy. He knows my name, boy, my father said after a long pause. He calls all colored people George. By comparing text 1 to text 2, we can affirm that
(IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] A figura acima mostra um conjunto massa-mola conectado a uma roldana por meio de um cabo. Na extremidade do cabo h um recipiente na forma de um tronco de cone de 10 cm x 20 cm x 30 cm de dimenses (dimetro da base superior x dimetro da base inferior x altura) e com peso desprezvel. O cabo inextensvel e tambm tem peso desprezvel. No h atrito entre o cabo e a roldana. No estado inicial, o carro encontra-se em uma posio tal que o alongamento na mola nulo e o cabo no se encontra tracionado. A partir de um instante, o recipiente comea a ser completado lentamente com um fluido com massa especfica de 3000 kg/. Sabendo que o coeficiente de rigidez da mola 3300 N/m e a acelerao da gravidade 10 m/, o alongamento da mola no instante em que o recipiente se encontrar totalmente cheio, em cm, igual a
[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] A figura acima mostra um sistema posicionado no vcuo formado por um recipiente contendo um gs ideal de massa molecular e calor especfico em duas situaes distintas. Esse recipiente fechado por um mbolo preso a uma mola de constante elstica , ambos de massa desprezvel. Inicialmente (Situao 1), o sistema encontra-se em uma temperatura , o mbolo est a uma altura em relao base do recipiente e a mola comprimida de em relao ao seu comprimento relaxado. Se uma quantidade de calor for fornecida ao gs (Situao 2), fazendo com que o mbolo se desloque para uma altura e a mola passe a estar comprimida de , a grandeza que varia linearmente com
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. During the Second World War, approximately 6 million european jews __________ mass murdered in concentration camps and forced labour.
[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] A figura acima representa uma lmina de espessura e densidade constantes na forma de um semicrculo de raio . A lmina est suspensa por um fio no ponto e o seu centro de massa est a uma distncia deda reta que contm o segmento . Uma das metades da lmina retirada aps um corte feito ao longo do segmento . Para a metade que permanece suspensa pelo ponto nessa nova situao de equilbrio, a tangente do ngulo que a direo do segmento de reta passa a fazer com a vertical
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. _______________ the legislation promising them a fair share of opportunity, Dalits (lower caste) Hindus continue to form among the poorest sections of indian society.
[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] A Figura 1 apresenta um sistema composto por um trilho fixo em Ue uma barra mvel que se desloca na vertical com velocidade vsuspensa por um balo de massa desprezvel. O trilho e a barra so condutores eltricos e permanecem sempre em contato sem atrito. Este conjunto est em uma regio sujeita a uma densidade de fluxo magntico que forma com a horizontal um ngulo como ilustrado na Figura 2. Diante do exposto, o valor da corrente induzida no sistema, em ampres, no estado estacionrio : Dados: - massa da barra: 1 kg - acelerao da gravidade g: 10 m/s2 - ngulo entre a horizontal e o vetor B: 60 - massa especfica do ar: 1,2kg/m3 - volume constante do balo: 0,5m3 - comprimento da barra entre os trilhos: 0,2m; - densidade de fluxo magntico B: 4T Observao: - despreze a massa do balo com o hlio e o atrito entre a barra e os trilhos.
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. I have a dream that one day, on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners _________________ sit down together at the table of brotherhood. (Martin Luther King)
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. On average, women continue to earn considerably less than men. In 2012, female full-time workers made only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, a gender wage gap ____ 23 percent.
[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] A figura acima apresenta um circuito eltrico e um sistema de balana. O circuito composto por uma Fonte em U cinco resistores, um capacitor, um quadrado formado por um fio homogneo, duas chaves e um eletrom interligados por fios de resistncia desprezvel. O sistema de balana composto por um bloco e um balde de massa desprezvel que est sendo preenchido por gua atravs de um dispositivo. Sabe-se que, imediatamente aps o carregamento do capacitor, a chave Chase abrir e a chave Chbse fechar, fazendo com que o capacitor alimente o eletrom, de modo que este acione um dispositivo que interromper o fluxo de gua para o balde. O valor do capacitor para que o sistema balde e bloco fique em equilbrio e a energia dissipada no fio a partir do momento em que o capacitor esteja completamente carregado at o vigsimo segundo so, respectivamente Dados: - U = 100V - resistncia total do fio: 32 K - fluxo de gua: 200 ml/s - massa especfica da gua = 1g/cm3 - massa do bloco: 0,8 Kg Observaes: - despreze a massa do balde; - considere o capacitor carregado em um tempo correspondente a cinco vezes a constante de tempo.
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. There are many forms of prejudice and oppression, __________ based on race, but on gender, class, sexual orientation, etc.
[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] Um capacitor de placas paralelas carregado gera um campo eltrico constante em seu interior. Num instante inicial, uma partcula de massa e carga , localizada no interior do capacitor, liberada com velocidade nula. Neste mesmo instante, o capacitor comea a girar com velocidade angular constante em torno do eixo . Enquanto estiver no interior do capacitor e antes de colidir com uma das placas, a trajetria da carga ser uma Observao: desconsidere as aes dos campos magntico e gravitacional.
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. ___________ the Fifa president and vice president will be in Brazil for the World Soccer Cup.
[IME - 2014/2015 - 1a fase] A eritromicina uma substncia antibacteriana do grupo dos macroldeos muito utilizada no tratamento de diversas infeces. Dada a estrutura da eritromicina abaixo, assinale a alternativa que corresponde s funes orgnicas presentes.
(IME - 2014/2015 - 2FASE) Escolha a alternativa que complete a sentena CORRETAMENTE. The player was about to take corner when he _______________ at him.