Considere as reaes na sequncia abaixo: Sabendo que A, B, C e D representam os compostos orgnicos formados majoritariamente em cada uma das reaes, a alternativa que contm as nomenclaturas viveis para cada um desses compostos, respectivamente, :
Amianto o nome genrico de muitos minerais fibrosos de silicatos. O amianto mais importante, o cristilo, um silicato de magnsio hidratado. O on silicato do cristilo estruturado como linha dupla de tetraedros formados por tomos de Silcio (crculos pretos) e de Oxignio (crculos brancos) como representado na figura abaixo. Diante do exposto, a composio geral do on silicato do cristilo :
Identifique a orao ou perodo do texto 1 no qual predomina o valor dissertativo-argumentativo:
Um drone submarino estava navegando a 90 m de profundidade e a uma presso de 10 atm, quando o casco sofreu uma avaria. Para traz-lo superfcie, foi acionado um dispositivo de emergncia, que produz hidrognio por uma clula eletroqumica contendo 2 L de soluo aquosa de H2SO4 com concentrao 2 mol/L. A eletrlise foi encerrada quando o drone atingiu a superfcie. Nesse momento, o restante da soluo aquosa de H2SO4 foi analisado nas CNTP, tendo sido verificado que sua concentrao era de 8 mol/L. A nica alternativa correta :
O clcio metlico reage com hidrognio gasoso para produzir hidreto metlico. A presso de equilbrio do hidrognio gasoso em funo do inverso da temperatura absoluta dessa reao segue o grfico a seguir. O calor, em kJ, envolvido na produo de 1 mol desse hidreto, a presso constante de 1 atm, considerando comportamento de gs ideal, aproximadamente igual a:
Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good (21) animals, and good for (22) health. Its not all or (23) . While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it (24) not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the (25) for intensive farming methods, (26) animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow (27) and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally (28) year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where (29) like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe (30) free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions, (31) more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the (32) largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].
Text 1 Why we should eat less meat Eating less meat is good for the planet, good(21)animals, and good for(22)health. Its not all or(23). While adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet is commendable, it(24)not be possible for everyone. The current demand for animal protein (meat, dairy, and eggs) is unsustainable. It enforces the(25)for intensive farming methods,(26)animals are inhumanely caged in small spaces that restrict their natural behaviours, selectively bred to grow(27)and pumped full of antibiotics unnecessarily. Of the 70+ billion animals farmed globally(28)year, an estimated 50 billion of them will spend their entire lives on these factory farms where (29) like commodities. A substantial reduction in animal protein consumption across the globe(30)free up land and other resources, making room for higher welfare, more sustainable production systems, that would benefit both the animals and humans. Factory farming fuels climate change, pollutes landscapes and waterways, and wastefully uses precious resources. Animal agriculture is estimated to account for nearly 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions,(31)more than all the cars, planes, and other forms of transport put together. Decreasing the demand for animal products will help conserve water, save vital habitats, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help conserve our Earth. Industrial animal agriculture is the(32)largest driver of habitat loss and deforestation worldwide. Adapted from: World Animal Protection in: [Accessed on March 06th, 2023].
O intervalo que contm os valores de x tais que :
Sejam dois dados cbicos (com faces numeradas de 1 a 6) e um dado na forma de dodecaedro (com faces numeradas de 1 a 12). Em cada tipo de dado, todas as faces possuem mesma probabilidade de ocorrncia. Com um nico lanamento de cada dado, a probabilidade de se obter maior pontuao com o dodecaedro do que com os dois dados cbicos somados :
Eu sentia o mesmo, mas de uma outra maneira.(linha 5), os termos destacados do texto 1 estabelecem um par de:
Em relao ao fragmento Meu estado de paixo puxava um novo lustro quela terra em runas. (texto 1, linhas 29 e 30), a alternativa que melhor explicita a regra para o emprego do acento grave em aquela :