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No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - ITA 2003 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 43

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) Das consideraes abaixo: I. Wally fazia uso indevido do computador. II. Wally era inocente da acusao dos auditores. III. Os argumentos de defesa de Wally foram, provavelmente, acatados pela justia. IV. A atitude de Wally pode ser expressa pelo provrbio a justia tarda mas no falha. esto corretas:

Questão 43

(ITA - 2003 - 2 FASE) O texto abaixo, de divulgao cientfica, apresenta termos coloquiais que, apesar de muito expressivos, no so comuns em textos cientficos. Reescreva o primeiro perodo, utilizando a linguagem no nvel formal. A cincia vive atrs de truques para dar uma rasteira gentica no cncer, mas desta vez parece que pesquisadores americanos deram de cara com um ovo de Colombo. Desligando um s gene, eles pararam o crescimento do tumor. Melhor ainda: quando a substncia que suprimia o gene parava de agir, ele se ativava, outra vez mas a favor do organismo, ordenando a morte do cncer. (JOS REINALDO LOPES. Gene vira-casaca derruba tumor. Folha de S.Paulo, 5/07/2002, A-16)

Questão 44

(ITA - 2003 - 2 FASE) Leia o texto abaixo. BoIeiros sob medida Cincia e futebol uma tabelinha raramente esboada no Brasil. A academia no costuma eleger os gramados como objeto de estudo e o mundo dos boleiros tampouco tem o hbito de, digamos, dar bola para o que os pesquisadores dizem sobre o esporte mais popular do planeta. Numa situao privilegiada nos dois campos, tanto na cincia quanto no futebol, Turbio Leite de Barros, diretor do centro de Medicina da Atividade Fsica e do Esporte da Universidade Federal de So Paulo (Cemafe/Unifesp) e fisiologista da equipe do So Paulo Futebol Clube h 15 anos, produziu um estudo que traa o perfil do futebol praticado hoje no Brasil do ponto de vista das exigncias fsicas a que os jogadores de cada posio do time so submetidos numa partida. (MARCOS PIVETTA. Pesquisa. FAPESP, maio de 2002, p. 42) a) O texto contm termos do universo do futebol, como, por exemplo, tabelinha, uma jogada rpida e entrosada normalmente entre dois jogadores. Retire do texto outras duas expresses que, embora caracterizem esse universo, tambm assumem outro sentido. Explique esse sentido. b) O ttulo pode ser considerado ambguo devido expresso sob medida. Aponte dois sentidos possveis para a expresso, relacionando-os ao contedo do texto.

Questão 44

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) Assinale a opo cujo adjetivo melhor descreve a atitude de Wally no referido contexto:

Questão 45

(ITA - 2003 - 2FASE) Leia o texto seguinte. No dia 13 de agosto de 1979, dia cinzento e triste, que me causou arrepios, fui para o meu laboratrio, onde, por sinal, pendurei uma tela de Bruegel, um dos meus favoritos. L, trabalhando com tripanossomas, e vencendo uma terrvel dor de dentes... No. De sada tal artigo seria rejeitado, ainda que os resultados fossem soberbos. O estilo... O cientista no deve falar. o objeto que deve falar por meio dele. Da o estilo impessoal, vazio de emoes e valores: Observa-se Constata-se Obtm-se Conclui-se. Quem? No faz diferena... (RUBEM ALVES. Filosofia da cincia. So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1991, p. 149) a) Do primeiro pargrafo, que simula um artigo cientfico, extraia os aspectos da forma e do contedo que vo contra a idia de que o cientista no deve falar. b) O autor exemplifica com uma seqncia de verbos a idia de que o estilo deve ser impessoal. Que estratgia de construo usada para transmitir o ideal de impessoalizao?

Questão 45

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I (I) guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation - 2for the credit card companies (II) me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are 1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just 1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the 3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations. 11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each 9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but 10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending 4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to 5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name. 8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a 6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly 7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate Assinale a opo que poderia preencher respectiva e corretamente as lacunas I e II do texto:

Questão 46

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate O significado da palavra hot, nas linha 2, semelhante, em portugus, a:

Questão 47

(ITA - 2003 - 1fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(1)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate A palavra FOR (ref. 2),poderia ser substituda por:

Questão 48

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate Cada uma das opes abaixo iniciada com uma palavra extrada do texto, devendo ser seguida de outras duas palavras que lhe sejam sinnimas. Assinale a opo em que isso no ocorre:

Questão 49

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate O pronome it, (ref 8 )notexto, refere-se a:

Questão 50

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate Das afirmaes abaixo: I. The puny sum being sought, (ref 3) , equivale, na voz ativa, a the puny sum they seek. II. Yet, (ref 11), tem funo de conjuno. III. Os comparativos newer e lower, (ref 9), referem-se s administradoras de carto de crdito que entram no mercado a cada ano. IV. Em he has already been preapproved, (ref 10), o autor faz uso do Present Perfect Tense porque se refere a uma ao que comeou no passado e continua no presente. Esto corretas:

Questão 51

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate Das afirmaes abaixo: I. Determinadas prticas das administradoras de carto de crdito mencionadas pelo autor parecem faz-Io sentir-se reduzido a uma cifra. II. Erick Lundegaard vislumbrou a possibilidade de calote em administradoras de carto de crdito. III. O autor do texto usurio contumaz de carto de crdito. est(o) correta(s):

Questão 52

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate De acordo com o texto: I. S a morte do destinatrio pode interromper o envio frentico de correspondncia feito pelas administradoras de cartes de crdito. II. A correspondncia gerada pelas administradoras de carto de crdito atenua a sensao de abandono de um nmero considervel de pessoas. III. Erick acredita que a avalanche de correspondncia enviada pelas administradoras de carto de crdito tem o mrito de manter os usurios de seus servios informados sobre as taxas por elas praticadas. est(o) correta(s):

Questão 53

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) About Men Card Sharks By Erick Lundegaard If all my relatives suddenly died and all my friendships dried up and all of my subscriptions were cancelled and all of my bills were paid, I(I)guaranteed mail - two pieces a week, by my estimation -2for the credit card companies(II)me. They are the one constant in my ever-changing life. They are1hot for what they think lies in my wallet. They are not just1hot for me, either. I realize this. They want everyone, send mail to everyone. Everyone, that is, except those who need them most. The absurdity in my case is the3puny sum being sought. I work in a bookstore warehouse, lugging boxes and books around, at $8 per hour for 25 hours per week. Thats roughly $10,000 per year. One would think that such a number could not possibly interest massive, internetted corporations and conglomerations.11Yet they all vie for my attention. Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card - it doesnt matter - American Express, Peoples Bank, Citibank, Household Bank F.S.B., Choice, the GM Card, Norwest, Chevy Chase F.S.B. Not only am I preapproved, they tell me III have no annual fee. Their A.P.R. keeps dipping, like an auction in reverse, as each strives to undercut the other: from 14.98 to 9.98 to, now, 6.98 percent. I am titillated with each9newer, lower number, as if it were an inverse indication of my self-worth. (...) At some point, in passing from computer to computer, my name even got smudged, so now many of the offers are coming not to Erik A. Lundegaard but to Erik A. Lundefreen. He may not exist, but10he has already been preapproved for a $4,200 credit line on one of Americas best credit card values. After several of these letters, I began to wonder: What if Erik A. Lundefreen did sign up for their cards? What if he went on a major spending4spree, maxing them out and never paying them off? What would happen when the authorities finally arrived at his door? (...) In the old days, it was necessary to hide behind trees or inside farmhouses to5outwit the authorities. Now it seems theres no better hiding place than an improperly spelled, computer-generated name.8It is the ultimate camouflage for our bureaucratic age. Meanwhile, the offers keep coming. A $2,000 credit line, a $3,000 credit line, a $5,000 credit line. If a6paltry income cant keep them away, what will? Death? Probably not even death. Ill be six feet under and still receiving mail. Dear Mr. Lundefreen. Membership criteria are becoming increasingly7stringent. You, however, have demonstrated exceptional financial responsibility. Sign up now for this once in a lifetime offer. A.P.R. = Annual Percentage Rate Assinale, entre as consideraes abaixo, a que no pode ser depreendida da leitura do texto:

Questão 54

(ITA - 2003 - 1a fase) I want to be six again A man asked his wife what shed like for her birthday. Id love to be six again, she replied. On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a local theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear everything there was! Wow! Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park, her head reeling and her stomach upside down. Right to a McDonalds they went, where her husband ordered a Big Mac for her along with extra fries and a refreshing chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie the latest Star Wars epic, and hot dogs, popcorn, Pepsi Cola and MMs. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed. He leaned over and lovingly asked, Well, dear, what was it like being six again? One eye opened. You idiot, I meant my dress size. The moral of this story is: if a woman speaks and a man is there to hear her, he will get it wrong anyway. Segundo o texto: