(ITA - 2004 - 1ª Fase)
Human Development 1997; 40:96-101
A New Generation: New Intellectual Opportunities
James Youniss
The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., USA
1These comments on the publication of the new handbook are written from the perspective of a member of the in-between generation. In-betweeners were born about 5the time Murchison edited the first and second handbooks in the 1930s. They spent childhood watching newreels [sic] of World War II at movie houses featuring ‘cowboy’ serials on Saturday afternoons. 10Their professional education straddled two psychological eras. It began just as the ‘experimental psychology’ paradigm was ending its domination and it was completed as new alternatives were 15coming into view. (...)
Had they been born just a few years earlier, they would have been part of that powerful and long-lasting generation that entered the military during World 20War II and filled the universities immediately after the war. This unusual cohort held leadership in the discipline of psychology in general and developmental psychology, in particular, 25for several decades. (...)
Índices no canto superior esquerdo de uma palavra indicam o número da linha do texto original.
Assinale a opção que contém uma expressão equivalente a: “Had they been born”, em “Had they been born just a few years earlier...” (linhas 16 e 17) e que, portanto, poderia vir a substituí-la no texto.
They had been born...
When they had been born...
As they had been born...
Whether they had been born...
If they had been born...