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Conquiste sua aprovação na metade do tempo!

No Kuadro, você aprende a estudar com eficiência e conquista sua aprovação muito mais rápido. Aqui você aprende pelo menos 2x mais rápido e conquista sua aprovação na metade do tempo que você demoraria estudando de forma convencional.

Questões - ITA 2002 | Gabarito e resoluções

Questão 4

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Considere as seguintes afirmaes relativas aos sistemas descritos a seguir,sob presso de 1atm: I. A presso de vapor de uma soluo aquosa de glicose 0,1 mol/L menor do que a pressode vapor de uma soluo de cloreto de sdio 0,1 mol/L a 25C. II. A presso de vapor do n-pentano maior do que a presso de vapor do n-hexano a 25C. III. A presso de vapor de substncias puras como: acetona, ter etlico, etanol e gua, todasem ebulio, tem o mesmo valor. IV. Quanto maior for a temperatura, maior ser a presso de vapor de uma substncia. V. Quanto maior for o volume de um lquido, maior ser a sua presso de vapor. Destas afirmaes, esto CORRETAS

Questão 5

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Tell me if youve heard this one and hate it by Mike Kennedy For presidents and celebrities as well as ordinary people, cracking jokes can be risky business today, provoking anger and resentment instead of laughter. The problem is that humor, like beauty, often is in the eye of the beholder. Consider a jest by President Clinton. At a trade fair on the White House lawn, Clinton and his cabinet came upon a three-foot-high replica of the White House. With the 4-foot-10 inch secretary of labor, Robert Reich, at his side, Clinton quipped, Secretary Reich could almost live in there. Lighthearted ribbing between longtime pals? Or a remark offensive to those sensitive about their height? Experts who train people to use humor in business and social relationships say it can be an invaluable tool but it must be used with sensitivity. Of course, the line between laughing with someone and laughing at someone isnt always so clear. So in todays litigious and sensitive society should we all take the safest course and avoid any attempts at humor? That would make for a dull world, experts said. The wrong kind of humor, though, can be destructive. Jokes that attack often cause people to withdraw, or worse, seek revenge. Supervisors need to be especially careful. Because of the power they hold, their attempts at humor demean an employee. Of course, some people just cant take a joke. So what can you do? On the politically correct front, there are certain people whose mission is to be offended, Langley said. Theres not really much you can do about them. Fragiadakis, H. Maurer, M. Sound Ideas, 1995 (p.81). A expresso que melhor substitui a ltima frase do texto :

Questão 5

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Sejam A um conjunto com 8 elementos e B um conjunto tal que AB contenha 12 elementos. Ento, o nmero de elementos de P(B\A)P() igual a: Dados: A\B = {xA; xB} P(A): Conjunto das partes de A

Questão 5

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um pequeno camundongo de massa M corre num plano vertical no interior deum cilindro de massa m e eixo horizontal. Suponha-se que o ratinho alcance a posio indicadana figura imediatamente no incio de sua corrida, nela permanecendo devido ao movimentogiratrio de reao do cilindro, suposto ocorrer sem resistncia de qualquer natureza. A energia despendida pelo ratinho durante um intervalo de tempo T para se manter na mesma posio enquanto corre :

Questão 5

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) A figura a seguir mostra como a capacidade calorfica, Cp, de uma substncia varia com a temperatura, sob presso constante. Considerando as informaes mostradas na figura anterior, ERRADO afirmar que

Questão 6

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) It is not every day you can walk down a Transylvanian village street under a barrage of stones, especially when the stones are being hurled by the woman who will be your wife. Anyone likely to run this risk should know that it helps to walk fast and wear a protective backpack, and console oneself with the thought it is possibly these little moments of shared tenderness and understanding (recalled, perhaps, by glowing firelight in later years), which make affection grow. A walk from Poland to Istanbul is a pretty odd ritual of courtship. We didnt wash our hair for six months, we talked all day, we shared some heroically disgusting meals, and ten years down the road, Kate and I have swapped our backpacks for livelier baggage - two boys, and a bump - and hung up our boots for the present. Metaphorically speaking, of course: in reality Kates boots got lost in the post and mine broke, so I threw them away. (...) Goodwin, J. On Foot to the Golden Horn (p.1). De acordo com o texto, Kate e o narrador tm em comum:

Questão 6

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Sejam f e g duas funes definidas por e, A soma do valor mnimo de f com o valor mnimo de g igual a

Questão 6

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) A respeito de compostos contendo silcio, qual das opes abaixo apresenta a afirmao CORRETA?

Questão 6

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um dos fenmenos da dinmica de galxias, considerado como evidncia da existncia de matria escura, que estrelas giram em torno do centro de uma galxia com a mesma velocidade angular, independentemente de sua distncia ao centro. Sejam M1 e M2 as pores de massa (uniformemente distribuda) da galxia no interior de esferas de raios R e 2R, respectivamente. Nestas condies, a relao entre essas massas dada por:

Questão 7

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Um corpo de massa M, mostrado na figura, preso a um fio leve, inextensvel,que passa atravs de um orifcio central de uma mesa lisa. Considere que inicialmente o corpo se move ao longo de uma circunferncia, sem atrito. O fio, ento, puxado para baixo, aplicando-se uma fora F, constante, a sua extremidade livre.Podemos afirmar que:

Questão 7

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) It is not every day you can walk down a Transylvanian village street under a barrage of stones, especially when the stones are being hurled by the woman who will be your wife. Anyone likely to run this risk should know that it helps to walk fast and wear a protective backpack, and console oneself with the thought it is possibly these little moments of shared tenderness and understanding (recalled, perhaps, by glowing firelight in later years), which make affection grow. A walk from Poland to Istanbul is a pretty odd ritual of courtship. We didnt wash our hair for six months, we talked all day, we shared some heroically disgusting meals, and ten years down the road, Kate and I have swapped our backpacks for livelier baggage - two boys, and a bump - and hung up our boots for the present. Metaphorically speaking, of course: in reality Kates boots got lost in the post and mine broke, so I threw them away. (...) Goodwin, J. On Foot to the Golden Horn (p.1). Considere as expresses abaixo, extradas do 2 pargrafo: I. pretty odd ritual of courtship remete ao tempo de namoro entre Kate e o narrador. II. ten years down the road refere-se caminhada entre a Polnia e Istambul. III. hang up our boots significa pendurar as chuteiras. est(o) condizente(s) com o texto:

Questão 7

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Considere uma reao qumica representada pela equao: Reagentes Produtos. A figura a seguir mostra esquematicamente como varia a energia potencial (Ep) deste sistema reagente em funo do avano da reao qumica. As letras a, b, c, d e e representam diferenas de energia. Com base nas informaes apresentadas na figura CORRETO afirmar que

Questão 7

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) Seja :dado por. Se A tal que,ento:

Questão 8

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) It is not every day you can walk down a Transylvanian village street under a barrage of stones, especially when the stones are being hurled by the woman who will be your wife. Anyone likely to run this risk should know that it helps to walk fast and wear a protective backpack, and console oneself with the thought it is possibly these little moments of shared tenderness and understanding (recalled, perhaps, by glowing firelight in later years), which make affection grow. A walk from Poland to Istanbul is a pretty odd ritual of courtship. We didnt wash our hair for six months, we talked all day, we shared some heroically disgusting meals, and ten years down the road, Kate and I have swapped our backpacks for livelier baggage - two boys, and a bump - and hung up our boots for the present. Metaphorically speaking, of course: in reality Kates boots got lost in the post and mine broke, so I threw them away. (...) Goodwin, J. On Foot to the Golden Horn (p.1). As funes gramaticais dos termos likely (linha 5); understanding (linha 10) e pretty (linha 14) so, respectivamente:

Questão 8

(ITA - 2002 - 1a Fase) A diviso de um polinmio f(x) portem resto . Se os restos das divises de f(x) por e so, respectivamente, os nmeros a e b, ento vale: