(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) Segundo o texto, Ai Weiwei
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) A opo que corresponde expresso the puppeteer has gotten caught in the strings (linha 14)
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) Segundo o texto,
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) A sentena I cannot go on defending myself forever, even when I am not doing what I am blamed for (linhas 6 e 7), sugere que aquele que a pronunciou
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) Assinale a opo que indica a relao das palavras cabbage e carrots com o restante do anncio.
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) Segundo o texto, possvel afirmar que
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) Segundo o texto,
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) From that point on (linha 13), refere-se a
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) A opo que descreve a palavra empathy
(ITA - 2012- 1 FASE) Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal By Lev Grossman (...), Kurzweil believes that were approaching a moment when computers will become intelligent, and not just intelligent but more intelligent than humans. When that happens, humanity our bodies, our minds, our civilization will be completely and irreversibly transformed. He believes that this moment is not only inevitable but imminent. According to his calculations, the end of human civilization as we know it is about 35 years away. Computers are getting faster. Everybody knows that. Also, computers are getting faster faster that is, the rate at which theyre getting faster is increasing. True? True. So if computers are getting so much faster, so incredibly fast, there might conceivably come a moment when they are capable of something comparable to human intelligence. Artificial intelligence. All that horsepower could be put in the service of emulating whatever it is our brains are doing when they create consciousness not just doing arithmetic very quickly or composing piano music but also driving cars, writing books, making ethical decisions, appreciating fancy paintings, making witty observations at cocktail parties. If you can swallow that idea, and Kurzweil and a lot of other very smart people can, then all bets are off. From that point on, theres no reason to think computers would stop getting more powerful. 1They would keep on developing until they were far more intelligent than we are. Their rate of development would also continue to increase, because they would take over their own development from their slowerthinking human creators. Imagine a computer scientist that was itself a super-intelligent computer. It would work incredibility quickly. It could draw on huge amounts of data effortlessly. It wouldnt even take breaks to play Farmville. http://www.time.com/printout/0,8816,2048138,00.html. Acesso em 07/04/2011. Adaptado. Na sentena They would keep on developing until they were far more intelligent than we are (ref. 1), o vocbulo grifado poderia ser substitudo por
(ITA - 2011- 1 FASE) QUESTO ANULADA De acordo com o texto, o argumento que melhor justifica o ttulo TV Will Save the World : a)a TV se tornar um meio ainda mais importante para enfraquecer governos e maridos tirnicos. b)a TV possibilitar melhoras na educao dos adultos, principalmente no desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura. c)a TV continuar exercendo um impacto positivo nos pases em desenvolvimento. d)a TV propiciar a diminuio da obesidade, da violncia e do isolamento social. e)a TV trar melhoras para a vida de mulheres afegs.
(ITA - 2011- 1 FASE) Sobre a presena da TV no mundo, o texto informa que,
(ITA - 2011- 1 FASE) Segundo o texto, um dos impactos que a TV a cabo trouxe para a vida das mulheres indianas foi que elas
(ITA - 2011- 1 FASE) Assinale a opo que preenche corretamente a lacuna (I) e que indica o tipo de servio ofertado pelo anunciante.
(ITA - 2011- 1 FASE) Assinale uma caracterstica, associada Frmula 1, que NO foi considerada como essencial pelo anunciante.